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Everything posted by LoriBecky

  1. If you are struggling with foods (besides the normal problems with fibrous veggies, steak or bread) like if you can't eat chicken or fish your band is probably too tight. If you are doing all the right things - chewing your food to goo, not drinking while you are eating, avoiding high calorie liquid/soft foods but are still having PBing problems, then something isn't right. I know this isn't a cake walk and we all have our struggles, but we are all here for each other. I have my own struggles and you guys are all so great. I try to keep my own personal issues off the forum because I'm walking a fine line of personal/professional, but I'm here for you, to answer questions, be a shoulder or a moving target when you are upset. Let me know if there is anything I can do!
  2. My port site was sore for about 3 weeks after surgery - it takes the longest to heal. I watched a surgery when i was there in August and it all made sense to me then. They try to make the port incision as small as possible so your scar isn't too big. The port barely fits through it so they have to retract the skin while they are putting it in place and then stitching it down. By week 4 I expect you'll be a lot better. I ended up covering mine with a bandage because even my shirt brushing across my skin hurt sometimes. Give your body some time to heal... even though you feel better quickly, its still surgery and your body needs time to recuperate.
  3. James, it sounds like you are doing great! A model bandster Call or email with any questions and keep us updated on your progress. And what exactly is that on your progress chart
  4. Cole, I did have to start taking an acid reducer, not all the time, but some days I just seem to have more of a problem. You can ask your doctor to prescribe something, or try something over the counter, Pepcid, Zantac, or Prilosec and see if that helps. The pills are small enough so you shouldn't have a problem swallowing them. You can also call Dr. Martinez, his cell # was on the list of #'s we give to all OCC patients when they are discharged from the clinic. He may have some other suggestions for you.
  5. Hi Mimi, (and all other OCC bandsters) You're right, I didn't check the new booking leter. it hasn't been our practice in the past to schedule those, and nobody made us aware of that change - just said they updated the letter to correct a few things and I haven't slowed down long enough to read it. what i'm working on with Carolyn is a checklist to send out with the packet... day 3 after booking do this.... 10 days prior to surgery date do this... Now the part about the transportation is much harder for me as I don't control or schedule that, but I will do my best to make sure patients get that information from Rene. I will really work harder at following up with patients, sometimes there isn't enough time in the day to get to everything, which is why I'm here, working at 9:00pm! I really do try to get to everything, but sometimes, and I truly am sorry, things slip through the cracks. Please know I do care about you and your welfare, I wouldn't do this job if I didn't Always feel free to call or email me with questions, concerns, suggestions or just some support
  6. That's right, the cost of the transportation is part of the surgery "package" but isn't included in the fills. For fills for Dr. Ortiz patients the cost is $100 for doing the fill under fluroscopy ($350 for fills for non-patients). The clinic charges $130 for round trip to the clinic from the airport. He can take 5 passengers and the charge is for the trip - so you can split it between other fill patients. I don't schedule the fills, so if you have any specific questions about transportation or to schedule a fill you can speak with Rene at the clinic, he's at ext. 83 at the toll free #.
  7. Hi CBishop, contact me directly at the email address below and I'll send you information Here's a link to the September surgery patients topic - you can find, support & chat with other September surgery patients September Surgery Patients
  8. Hellooooo Chicken lady Yes.. you are famous - but I'm glad it all turned out OK This is a great post for new and future bandsters!! We aren't just trying to make you suffer through when we put you on the liquid diet, it really does have a purpose! Keep us posted on your progress
  9. Miriam, I'm sorry if you feel like you aren't getting the answers you need. Please let me know what I haven't answered for you, or if you'd like a phone call. I return every email that I get and try to answer all the questions, if I've missed something I'd like to make it right. Please get in touch with me personally. Right now I'm at an Obesity Help convention, but I'll be back in the office on Monday. I'll also send you a personal email in case you don't glance at the boards today. I also don't have a voicemail from you Miriam, I am really good about returning calls because I hate that, too! We generally don't schedule conference calls between Patients and Dr. Miranda. Usually patients call her directly from the information provided in the packet we send you. If you'd like me to schedule a conference call, I'd be more than happy to schedule that with you. What morning next week would work for you?
  10. Hi all, Rene and I will be at the Obesity Help Convention on Saturday, September 9th at the Hilton in Universal City, California. If any of you are in the area, we'd love to see you! You can get information at the Obesity Help website under events.
  11. Hi Okie, Just wanted to check and see how you are feeling??
  12. Hi Shal, Different doctors have different opinions for the pre-op diet, and how long you are on it will depend on your BMI. The purpose of the pre-op diet is two-fold, to help you lose weight (especially around your abdomen) but also to help shrink your liver, which makes the surgery safer for you and easier for the doctor. Our patients receive general information about the liquid diet for one week prior to surgery, but if they have a higher BMI (or a low BMI) then we have them speak directly with our nutritionist for specific pre-op diet instructions.
  13. Thanks for sharing Roo I thought I'd put this link from our website here, there are several pictures of the clinic. Just click on each picture to make it larger. Clinic Pictures
  14. I financed about half of my surgery through eloans. The interest rate wasn't so bad, but the "funding fee" is high, but I wanted the surgery now instead of later, so it was worth it to me. I think you need to weigh (hahaha) all your options and go with what works best for you. I think one of the reasons the rate and fee are higher is because it is surgery outside the U.S. and there are several medical loan companies that won't work with you at all on procedures out of the U.S.
  15. I don't have problems with scrambled eggs at all, in fact its one of the things I can eat in the morning. I either do a scrambled egg or a protein shake because I feel a lot of restriction in the morning. I usually end up doing a protein shake because I'm running around like a crazy woman most mornings, but on the weekend I do a scrambled egg.
  16. I can't imagine that a flavor packet, fully dissolved is a problem, it would be like making chicken broth from a boullion cube. I really found that boiling my own chicken, with onions, garlic and seasoning then straining it and drinking the broth tasted better than any canned broth or stock. By the way... who made ME the band nazi... that's kepola's husband!!! Just no chunks, and nothing thick or creamy until after day 10.
  17. Yikes Okie! I'm asking Dr. Ortiz if he has any suggestions!
  18. Hi James, So glad you came through surgery well. Please let me know if you have any questions and keep me posted of your progress!
  19. OK... i have someone working on the spanish version of the directions
  20. Per Dr. Ortiz its more about listening to your body. Don't do too much, and if you feel any discomfort, ease up! Three weeks is usually OK, but again, listen to your body!
  21. Hi Janel, If you have any questions about Dr. Ortiz requirements of surgery, just give me a call or email me
  22. Hi, Amazon is out of copies, as is our office. Dr. Ortiz is currently looking for a new publisher, so hopefully, we'll have new books in soon. I'm investigating "digital books" so you can buy it online or DVD and read it on your computer or print important pages, that way we can get it to you sooner! I'll keep you posted.
  23. They do have you check out of the hotel, but if you really don't want to (if you've been shopping at lot!) just let Mrs. Ortiz know when she picks you up and let them know at the front desk. The hotel prefers if you check out if the room is empty, but will make exceptions.
  24. She shouldn't be vomitting or PBing frequently. Remember to Chew to Goo and eat slowly. I was told that eventually, everyone will have a PB moment, so far I've been able to avoid that <knocking on wood>, but I know someday I'll forget to chew like I should and I'll end up doing it - but I hope I can avoid it as long as possible!
  25. Looks like everything is OK now - but let me know if there are any other problems.
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