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Posts posted by LoriBecky

  1. this is what i love about this forum! the freedom to vent, the ability for others to help us see outside of our own little box, and the support and encouragement we give to each other!

    I would L O V E to lose this last 15 pounds but you know what... if I never do, that's OK. I'm down 70 pounds, have lost 65 inches and I'm not battling weight coming back on. I feel in control for the first time in I won't say how many years so I don't give away my age lol

    This isn't a race to the finish line... its about living your life, being healthy and constantly striving for the best you can be... and that doesn't mean being a stick figure!

    You guys are awesome and you make me smile ><'

    You know what else makes me smile.... seeing people I haven't seen for a long time and them telling me that I'm wasting away :lol:

  2. Hi I am a newbie to the lap band. I had my surgery on July 11th and I go in for my first fill on Aug. 13th. So far things have gone well except I have been expericening a pain in my left abdomen. It feels like the pain you get when you run or walk to long. kind of like a knot. Has anyone else experienced this. and what might it be? Thank You.

    if it feels like you have a stitch in your side... well... you kinda do :)

    Its pain in your port area - pretty common! the more you do, the more it tugs as it is settling into place. If it becomes swollen, red, or hot, you need to call one of the doctors.

  3. I have no idea what happened.

    i've searched and searched and can't find your topic - I'm really sorry!

    No, I don't delete an entire topic for a bad post! and generally spammers start their own topics rather than post to an existing one.

    We did go through an upgrade to a new server with the forum awhile back, I'm wondering if some posts were lost in the transition. But this is the first I've heard of it.

  4. The band won't interfer with her pregnancy. Once her OB says she needs to take in more calories, she gets a simple unfill (no fluoroscopy - you don't want xray when you are pregnant) - then once she's recovered she can get a fill :)

    This is NOT uncommon, lose weight and find yourself pregnant (men... don't worry this doesn't apply to you :lol: ) We do tell our patients to wait at least a year - 18 months so they get a good start on their weightloss, but unlike becoming pregnant shortly after gastric bypass, which can be a problem, the band is adjustable and can accomodate the blessed suprise :)

  5. ok hon.. i'm not a doc but here's my guess

    you've become a bit more active in the last week or so... and since your port is stitched down you are feeling it more as you increase your activity level. Same thing happened to me... it also happened when I was working at my desk too long - leaning over my computer.

    It literally felt as though I had a stitch in my side... which, is pretty accurate.

    Your body is also getting used to having a foreign object there.

    It all sounds pretty normal... but I don't like the idea of the "debilitating pain" that sounds like more than some pain - sounds like a bit more pain that is normally associated with the port.

    My port has been bothering me a bit and I'm anxious to have it checked. Not sure if its because I'm more active lately or it has moved, but I'm anxious to find out! Going to the clinic on July 12th for a fill and a check up.

    DO NOT EVER HESITATE TO CALL AND CHECK IN WITH THE DOCTOR!!! They really get upset when they know someone is concerened and they don't call! Judy... you better call or I'm telling on you :lol:

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