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Everything posted by Rid

  1. My experience with family has been interesting. Some are immediately supportive, and some are just quiet. I only told my closest family because I didn't really want a bunch of opinions. I feel like I know more about this than any of them now with everything I've read, and I really don't want opinions from them based upon ignorance of the procedures. I also found that once they knew what it entailed they were more supportive. Many thought it was a bypass or involved staples. Bottom line for me is that my wife supports it, and I want it. I don't plan to tell friends or collegues. Too much negative stigma and I think people view it as "cheating". If anyone asks, I plan to tell them that I'm eating less and working out, both of which will be true. At the end of the day, I'm not a public figure, and don't owe it to the world to let everyone know my personal life details. How are you all handling this part of it? Rid
  2. Chelley, Liquid Tylenol because you can't take pills after? Thanks, Rid
  3. Chelley, Thanks for the post! Don't worry about it turning into your blog. The title of this forum is "tell your experience", and judging by the number of views, no one minds! Actually, your original posts were instrumental in my decision to schedule the surgery, so I appreciate the updates. Sorry to hear about the wasp, but glad to hear you are so positive and seeing results. Hang in there, and keep us posted! Rid
  4. I just talked to my mom last night who had an experience with abdominal surgery and getting filled with the CO2. She said it REALLY hurt have a torso filled with co2. Glad to hear it wasn't that bad for you. What's your age, weight, etc? I'm 34 and 293 lbs at about 5'6". Thanks for responding. Good to have a male perspective some times. Rid
  5. How are you posting? Do they have internet access at the hospital? Also, did you have the surgery on the same day you arrived? They asked me to come a day early for all the meetings and evaluations, then surgery on the second day. What was your schedule, and why different? ALSO, CONGRATS! A brave move, and I'm very happy for you!
  6. Chelley, how are you doing? Haven't seen a detailed post in a while! Hope all is well.
  7. I am being banded August 4th. Are you both with Dr. Ortiz? They probably told you when they called that there is a diet you need to follow in the week or weeks before surgery. Any weight you lose is a plus, but they told me to lose 5% within the three weeks prior to surgery. They want me to shrink my liver to make the banding easier. The more I read the better I feel about my decision. Look over on lapbandtalk.com as well. I've heard hardly anything negative about Dr. Ortiz and I have looked all over the Internet for complaints. Maybe I'll see you in August!
  8. Congrats, Darrin. That's really great. I can't believe 20 pounds in 7 days! That's just great. I was hoping for 40 by the end of the year, and if I do half as well as you I should make it no problem. Another question for you... Any shoulder pain? Also, how long before surgery did you diet, and what did you do?
  9. I just finished Dr. Ortiz's book. I got it from Amazon tonight, and sat down and read it cover to cover. One thing I read that surprised me was that pineapple is a bad thing. Too fibrous it said. Hmmm... One thing I really liked was the fact that us men lose faster. Hehe. Also found it odd that 80% of bandsters are female. Glad to see guys like Darrin in the group. Hope the surgery went well and I'll be glad to hear about your experience. I'm set for August 4th, and wish I could get it sooner. I have a vacation the middle of July, and it'll be too hard to travel on liquids. I'm caught now between having multiple "last suppers" and getting ready for the month o' liquids. It's great to read the posts. Keep postin'! Rid
  10. Thanks for the encouragement. Your other detailed post really helped me decide to do it. I really appreciated the play by play. You are very inspiring. I can't wait to get going on this.
  11. I called today and could have made an appointment for a July date. Chose August 4th because it fit better with some other obligations. What a different experience calling there. One phone call and I'm all set. So it looks like I'm the first August bander. Much better than another office I called before calling Ortiz. I called a doc in Ventura, Dr. Billy yesterday. They said that I couldn't even talk to anyone until I had gone to one of their seminars. I started to explain that I had done research for months, and was rudely cut off. She said there was nothing they could do at all and no one I could talk to until I did a seminar which was a month away. Plus, I had a conflict on the date of the next one, so I wouldn't even be able to get info from them until the middle of August. Talking to Carolyn today was a great experience, and prompted me to take the plunge. Still a little unsure about this whole thing, but the posts have been great. Darrin, I hope your experience was positive. Please post when you are up to it.
  12. I have to say how great it has been to see all the posts here. Especially thanks to Chelley for the detailed description of your experience. I have never even considered going to Mexico, and am seriously thinking about it now. My question is about the beginning of the process. I have asked for a response from Dr. Ortiz's office today. What can I expect now? When will I get calls? How quickly can I get the surgery? Thanks again. I think you all are great.
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