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How To Maintain Your Weight Loss

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Many of us are either doing maintenance or getting ready to start. I know I've been working on it for close to a year now. Just learning how to live healthy and maintain my weight. I thought this was a great article. I have stayed around my goal weight; I go up during the winters for vacation, business travel and the Holidays. But I’m learning that this is normal and if you eat to much one day, you just eat less the next day. Life is good!

How To Maintain Your Weight Loss

by Gabriela Cretan

I'm sure you heard it before: "Ninety-five percent of all dieters gain the weight back." There is little evidence to back this up.

Many dieters can - and do - keep the weight off.

Recent research surveyed 1,310 people who had all lost a significant amount of weight. The survey was taken at a point that was one year after weight loss had already occurred.

Overall, 59 percent were still close to their weight of a year before -- which in all cases was at least 10 percent lower than their heaviest all-time weight. Another 8 percent weighed less than they did a year earlier.

A third of the subject regained a "significant amount of weight".

The National Weight Control Registry also looks at what successful weight maintainers (people who lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least a year) have in common. They have published their results in a number of articles.

The Keys to Maintaining Weight Loss

From the above research.

 Exercise - Those who continued on with exercise were much more likely to maintain their loss.

 Not Sedentary - Hours spent in front of the computer or TV were closely correlate with regain.

 Lost weight slowly - Regainers were more likely to be those who had lost large amounts of weight in short periods of time.

From the Weight Control Registry (via):

 They watch portion sizes.

 Four in five eat breakfast every day of the week.

 Most are physically active, with walking being their most common form of activity.

 They actually find pleasure in their healthier lifestyle.

Take care, just think, even those who aren't on maintenance now will be soon - how cool is that!



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