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First fill this Friday! Scared!

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Finally I get my first fill. I feel as though I have been eating too much these last couple of days, so I am excited to have my fill. I am however a little scared!

Does it hurt? Will I be sore after? Please share your band fill stories with me......

Thank you! :-h

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Hi Jen, I'm going for my first one on saturday. OMG, I am definitely eating too much, so i can't wait till fill day. maybe then i'll be able to start losing again. i'm not scared, but i do hope i haven't done something to mess up my band.

Finally I get my first fill. I feel as though I have been eating too much these last couple of days, so I am excited to have my fill. I am however a little scared!

Does it hurt? Will I be sore after? Please share your band fill stories with me......

Thank you! :-h

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Good Luck !!!!

mine is on the 20th.... I am not scared.. but little pover excited..

hope I will loose some weight.....

I am working reallly hard ......hope it will work out even better after

first fill ....

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Hi Jen, I'm going for my first one on saturday. OMG, I am definitely eating too much, so i can't wait till fill day. maybe then i'll be able to start losing again. i'm not scared, but i do hope i haven't done something to mess up my band.

I can relate, lol! I am eating like I did before surgery, only not as much, but basically the same foods. I feel like I don't even have a band. I am however working out for an hour every morning, and drinking lots of water. I will let you know how Fri goes for me. Good luck with your fill!

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Finally I get my first fill. I feel as though I have been eating too much these last couple of days, so I am excited to have my fill. I am however a little scared!

Does it hurt? Will I be sore after? Please share your band fill stories with me......

Thank you! :-h

I had my first fill last week and it was a piece of cake! In and out in about 10 minutes, just like getting a shot. I am a needle weenie, so I just didn't look. Dr Acosta was great and pushed the needle in really fast so it was a quick ouch! Maybe a little tender to the touch for a day or so, but nothing major. Now I just have to get used to having a lot of restriction, chewing alot and taking smaller bites. I got 2cc's which has been a good amount. You'll do great!

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Finally I get my first fill. I feel as though I have been eating too much these last couple of days, so I am excited to have my fill. I am however a little scared!

Does it hurt? Will I be sore after? Please share your band fill stories with me......

Thank you! :-h

Have had numerous fills in the last 17 months. At first Dr. numbed the area. Now he doesn't. I like it better not numb, because the numbing medicine burns a little going in and you still feel the initial stick. I'm very content just feeling the one prick of the fill needle. NO big deal. 10 minutes at the most. My Dr. Does not use flouro. honestly I don't even know for sure what "doing it under flouro" means. He has never had a problem finding my port with out it. Best of luck to all of you first timers. Karen

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okay - I hate needles big time. Dr.A put this numbing cream on cuz I dont care what anyone says it did hurt to get the needle - BUT not like I thought it would - and it was really quick. PLUS he is awesome at putting you at ease! You will worry no matter what, just know its not as bad as u think and its over quick and well well worth it!

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You are going to do great! Don't stress. I thought it was much better than a .....PAP smear :) Like getting a shot but takes a little longer under fluro. I have had three fills and haven't had any problems. These folks do TONS of them and are very good. GOOD LUCK and let us know how it goes.

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Ahh...like nursemom says, the docs at OCC have done soooo many, they can practically do them with the eyes close. I totally LOVE how they talk you through it. They announce what is going to happen next, so that you are 'surprised' at the unknown...not knowing what is 'next'.

Like nursemom, I've had (3) fills already and it's a piece of cake. If you go in the "Fills and Fills doctors" section of this forum, you will see several threads of people going for the first, second or third fills and they will list their 'experiences' with each one. With mine, I just felt a tiny 'prick' and with the fluoro, the doc always gets it right the first time. It's a bit nerving with the silly darn needle 'sticking out' all by itself...but it's more of a wonder of "how does it stay there and not come out?" type of thing. Too funny! But, like I said, they are the experts!

If going to OCC, you will always have fluoro because they too want to see how your band is and as well, your pouch. They will talk with you to see how you are doing, what you've been eating, if you lost weight, and they will make suggestions accordingly. THIS IS THE TIME TO ASK QUESTIONS...if you have ANY concerns! Remember, NO question is silly or stupid, if it is important to you. ASK, so that you will be at ease and get to know your band that much more.

Also, your first fill is a 'primer' per see...meaning, you will not get an aggressive fill, as your band AND body needs to be adjusted, again, to the tightness. This is wear your portion control comes in. Remember not to eat more than 1/3 of what you use to eat and make sure you get in your proteins and not go over 1200 calories a day.

You are going to be just fine, all of you. My first one, I was like you...then my 2nd and 3rd, I couldn't wait, knowing it was going to be a good thing for me!

((HUGS!))...good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing! Jazzy!!

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