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Sleepless in lap-land and other newbie concerns

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Hi all - I'm sure many of you can relate to this but I'm five days post-op and I would pay any amount of money to get this thing taken out. My incisions have healed nicely, but my port and the surrounding area is SO SORE I have trouble getting comfortable to sleep. I use a body pillow and prop up my tummy with the port up, not unlike when I was pregnant. But it seems to irritate it more. On my back, I get reflux, which my doctor said would go away after I saw him two days post op and he realized that 3cc had been left in my band (ooops???) I now have no fill, a really uncomfortable port site and all sorts of burpy-urpiness all the time. The only thing that feels good is walking or taking a nice hot shower with the water pounding on my back. Burping is better than sex, which I'm also terrified to consider with the current state of my port. I know it is early, but all I do is cry all day and regret ever doing this....I'd rather be fat than feel this way.

Has anyone else felt this way (both the specific symptoms and overall melancholy) When did you feel like you had reached the point where it was worth it? What changed for you? Any other thoughts and suggestions? I'm seriously considering talking to my surgeon about removal next week and considering I paid cash to put it in (American prices) I'll probably have yo pay just as much to tak it out.

Please help me. (Crying again.)


banded 3/31/09

Start - 265

Surgery - 255

Current - 238.8

Goal - 150

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Hi all - I'm sure many of you can relate to this but I'm five days post-op and I would pay any amount of money to get this thing taken out. My incisions have healed nicely, but my port and the surrounding area is SO SORE I have trouble getting comfortable to sleep. I use a body pillow and prop up my tummy with the port up, not unlike when I was pregnant. But it seems to irritate it more. On my back, I get reflux, which my doctor said would go away after I saw him two days post op and he realized that 3cc had been left in my band (ooops???) I now have no fill, a really uncomfortable port site and all sorts of burpy-urpiness all the time. The only thing that feels good is walking or taking a nice hot shower with the water pounding on my back. Burping is better than sex, which I'm also terrified to consider with the current state of my port. I know it is early, but all I do is cry all day and regret ever doing this....I'd rather be fat than feel this way.

Has anyone else felt this way (both the specific symptoms and overall melancholy) When did you feel like you had reached the point where it was worth it? What changed for you? Any other thoughts and suggestions? I'm seriously considering talking to my surgeon about removal next week and considering I paid cash to put it in (American prices) I'll probably have yo pay just as much to tak it out.

Please help me. (Crying again.)


banded 3/31/09

Start - 265

Surgery - 255

Current - 238.8

Goal - 150

Chirsty try not to panic sweetie. You are healing and you need to give your body time to respond. I will tell you that learning to sleep on my right side and not turning to the left was very hard. At this point if I were you, I would not even try to lay on that side. I tried that and found I just made the discomfort worse. For you to think about having your band removed before you have time to heal and reap the benefits would not be in your best interest. Are you taking anything for pain? If not ask your Dr. for something. Obviously, if you have a medical condition in which you HAVE to have it removed that is another story. But, do not jump the gun because you are sore. I am sure your port is super irritated having an unfill right after surgery-not sure why that happened. Get a heating pad and go to bed with it, have it on the couch etc. When I was healing It was on me ALL the time. My port was very tender for weeks. Please don't be discouraged, this is part of the process and you just need a little time to heal up. You will be fine, I am sure.

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Hello Cristy,

I can't believe your Doctor (and since this is a forum for Dr. Ortiz - lets make it clear that it wasn't done by him or the OCC) didn't take the test fluid out of your band before closing. Are you sure that you are 100% OK, the truth is we don't hear a lot about people wanting to take their bands out - the first time I heard that was a couple of days ago and I've been on this board for 2.8 years.

I would be concerned - unless you've had past experiences with surgeries and you know you don't deal well with pain. But to me it sounds like you have some sort of complication and I’d want a second opinion on that.

Good luck and sorry about this!


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Lisa - you're absolutely right, I would hate others to think it was done at the OCC..it was actually done in my hometown by a highly-rated, board certified physician that came highly recommended. That's why I was shocked to find out I was at 3 cc two days after surgery...he was very shocked and very apologetic. But I wonder if having another irritation to the port right after surgery has been a part of the problem. Another issue at play here is the fact that I have bipolar disorder. I have not interrupted my meds but to be in an optimum frame of mind, I need to have a regualr sleep cycle, which as you know NEVER happens in the hospital and hasn't happened since. Thanks for you input and for everyone else's. I knew there would be insight here.


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I didn't want to seem insensitive so I didn't respond earlier but I was thinking you sounded like maybe you were a little "off" emotionally so that may explain it. I understand. I was VERY emotional after surgery...there is so much going on in your head, so many changes, and not sleeping or eating for days doesn't help. Try to rest and be good to yourself. I'm certain you'll start feeling better soon- although I still can't sleep on my left side at four months post-op. Best of luck to you.


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Cristy, I have a family member that is bipolar, she gets so cranky since I sail through things and she doesn’t, but I believe that’s just part of who she is. She doesn’t deal with change as well and has to focus on regulating her moods.

I would think getting the band would be very difficult for someone with bipolar, I know I was addicted to foods and ate through my emotions (I can't now with my band) I’m wondering if this is putting extra stain on you – you can’t eat food to help mask your emotions anymore so are you having a harder time regulating your moods? You’ll make it through and it will only better your life – I know it greatly improved mine!

You’re taking control of your life right now, which is awesome, and once you get your band working for you with a fill, you can really focus on eating healthy. But you may have a tougher road than many of us – and I’m sure you’re aware of that. But you'll just have better rewards at the end of your journey!

You’ll do fine and I’m proud of the steps you made – just be careful right now – I don’t like thinking that there may be something causing you the pain.



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Hi Cristy,

Hope things are getting better for you. I totally agree with Dana. For at least a month I had a heating pad on my port site. Especially when I was lying in bed at night before going to sleep. Also have you tried taking Tylenol, you can buy the jr. strength ones for children ages 2 to I think 11. They dissolve in your mouth, six disolvable tablets is about equal to 2 extra strength Tylenol. Also you might want to talk to your doctor about taking Prilosec over the counter. It will help with the heartburn/burpy urpey stuff you mentioned. Feel better and remember heat to the port site will help tremendously. Hang in there.


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Hi Christy... I am wondering about your DR as well. Depending on the type of band you have your supposed to have fluid in the band post surgery. The "VG" band for example (which I have) is designed to have a basal level of 3cc (with no pressure) when it is placed. Fills then increase the fluid from this point to increase the pressure and cause the band to constrict....so 3 cc is the designed "empty" level. If he was "suprised" by this I wonder how many of these he has done....

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Hello Cristy,

I can't believe your Doctor (and since this is a forum for Dr. Ortiz - lets make it clear that it wasn't done by him or the OCC) didn't take the test fluid out of your band before closing. Are you sure that you are 100% OK, the truth is we don't hear a lot about people wanting to take their bands out - the first time I heard that was a couple of days ago and I've been on this board for 2.8 years.

I would be concerned - unless you've had past experiences with surgeries and you know you don't deal well with pain. But to me it sounds like you have some sort of complication and I’d want a second opinion on that.

I wasn't going to respond either, but I think Lisa said it.

This is NOT typical.

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Maybe trying to sleep in your bed is not the best option for you at the moment. Have you tried sleeping in a recliner? By sleeping in the recliner you are not tempted to turn onto your side or stomach.

Just make sure someone is around to help you get the thing set back up if it reclines too far back. This happened to me my first night home and I was afraid my parents would find me playing like a dying cockroach when they arrived at my house later that afternoon. Luckily I was able to wiggle to the front edge of the recliner and then use my arms to push myself up.

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Maybe trying to sleep in your bed is not the best option for you at the moment. Have you tried sleeping in a recliner? By sleeping in the recliner you are not tempted to turn onto your side or stomach.

Just make sure someone is around to help you get the thing set back up if it reclines too far back. This happened to me my first night home and I was afraid my parents would find me playing like a dying cockroach when they arrived at my house later that afternoon. Luckily I was able to wiggle to the front edge of the recliner and then use my arms to push myself up.

Smiley, that's the best suggestion - simple and smart!

Cristy, check back in and let us know how you're doing - we're thinking about you!


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I really sincerely hope you're seeing a doctor (not a family doctor, but someone to talk to regularly) about your mental health.

I suffer from a bucket of 'things' too, and without constant support, getting the band would have been a death wish for me.

There are some things that medication can't help.

This is one thing that I know I can't do on my own --- especially with these outrageous emotions you'll be encountering over the next few months.


Hang in there.


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