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What is your weekly weight loss?

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Hey Guys!

I know that we are suppose to loose between 1-2 pounds per week. I was wonder if everyone really looses this each week? I feel like I am in platues all but a week and half a month and then I will loose around 5-6 pounds. I count EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth, not obessing, just aware. I am currently doing P90X vidoes which are SO hard. (think I'm gonna hide them from Hubby ;) ) We are on week 3, 6 days a week, anywhere from 1 hour to 1 hour and half a day, depending on which day you are on. As far as my food, I still have to be careful on the food I eat so that I dont get stuck and I am eating still around the same amount, some days more, some days less. Just wondering if it is not time for that little bit of a fill?


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Hey Guys!

I know that we are suppose to loose between 1-2 pounds per week. I was wonder if everyone really looses this each week? I feel like I am in platues all but a week and half a month and then I will loose around 5-6 pounds. I count EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth, not obessing, just aware. I am currently doing P90X vidoes which are SO hard. (think I'm gonna hide them from Hubby ;) ) We are on week 3, 6 days a week, anywhere from 1 hour to 1 hour and half a day, depending on which day you are on. As far as my food, I still have to be careful on the food I eat so that I dont get stuck and I am eating still around the same amount, some days more, some days less. Just wondering if it is not time for that little bit of a fill?



Hugs Carrie. I can't talk from band experience but I did used to weigh and measure people for a living so my answer is based on that.


What you are experiencing is absoutely normal. I recommend taking your measurements once a month. You are building lean muscle mass. Trust me.


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Hey Guys!

I know that we are suppose to loose between 1-2 pounds per week. I was wonder if everyone really looses this each week? I feel like I am in platues all but a week and half a month and then I will loose around 5-6 pounds. I count EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth, not obessing, just aware. I am currently doing P90X vidoes which are SO hard. (think I'm gonna hide them from Hubby ;) ) We are on week 3, 6 days a week, anywhere from 1 hour to 1 hour and half a day, depending on which day you are on. As far as my food, I still have to be careful on the food I eat so that I dont get stuck and I am eating still around the same amount, some days more, some days less. Just wondering if it is not time for that little bit of a fill?


Carrie, it sounds like you are turning fat into muscle, and muscle weights more than fat. I actually haven't lost weight in 5 weeks. I'm staying on the same food plan as I've always been on. I received my second fill on Saturday to see if I can get a jump start but nothing yet. I was even on liquids for three days and didn't shed a pound. I do know that I have lost several inches in the past 5 weeks because I have pants and shirts that I try on weekly and I could not get into a pair of jeans before and now I fit them comfortable. Just hang in there and keep up the good work!

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When you say you are counting everything that goes in your mouth, are you also allowing yourself to go up and down in calories periodically? For example, if you stick to just 1000 calories each and every day, your body gets used to it. Some days it is okay to only eat 900 calories and other days it is okay to eat 1300 calories so that your body doesn't catch on to your routine as well. Also, based on the amount you are working out each day, you may need more than 1000 calories on a daily basis, if that is where you are trying to keep your calorie intake at.

I'm not sure if two and a half weeks of plateauing each month is normal or not. My plateaus usually lasted for a couple of months at a time, but I don't really remember having them each month. Then again, everyone is different and this just may be how your body chooses to react/adjust.

Just keep plugging away and the weight will come off. Even at 5-6 pounds a month you will be there in less than a year.

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Thanks for the replies! I dont think I have figured out what my calorie intake should be for me. I do have high calories days and low calorie days just to keep the confusion there. I have went anwhere from 900 to 1300 calories from week to week and tried mixing it up in one week. Seems just not be getting there. Im gonna try to up my water intake, have been lacking on that. I think I am going to give it a couple more weeks and see what happens.


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