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I have been reading a lot about Dr. Ortiz and can't find one wrong thing about him. Can anybody tell me if they have had a bad experience with him. I also would like to get some kind of a recommendation from a couple of doctors here in the United States that he knows what he's doing. I really would like to get banded but I need a little more assurance that I am doing the right thing by going to Mexico. Anything would help. Thanks

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I have been reading a lot about Dr. Ortiz and can't find one wrong thing about him. Can anybody tell me if they have had a bad experience with him. I also would like to get some kind of a recommendation from a couple of doctors here in the United States that he knows what he's doing. I really would like to get banded but I need a little more assurance that I am doing the right thing by going to Mexico. Anything would help. Thanks

You are probably only going to get glowing reviews on this site. We all love Dr. Ortiz and Martinez! They're the best!

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One thing you might find from American doctors is that they won't recommend him because they don't want to loose your business to Mexico.... There is a huge problem with doctors in the states not being supportive. Dr. Ortiz trained the doctor that did my mothers lapband and he won't even do my fills locally because I had it done in Mexico....


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I have been reading a lot about Dr. Ortiz and can't find one wrong thing about him. Can anybody tell me if they have had a bad experience with him. I also would like to get some kind of a recommendation from a couple of doctors here in the United States that he knows what he's doing. I really would like to get banded but I need a little more assurance that I am doing the right thing by going to Mexico. Anything would help. Thanks

I spent time doing my research before taking the plunge so to speak. I am glad I chose the surgeon I did. (Even read his book.) At any rate. I found out that Dr. Ortiz and Martinez are the top surgeons in their field. Not only have they been doing this procedure longer than any the US Doctors, they have placed over 6500 lap bands. What that tells me is that he has seen a lot of anatomies’'. Which leads me to believe they have been there done that. I was impressed when I saw him perform the procedure on the internet as well. You could tell he does this for a living. Made it look like childs play. I watched other surgeons and did not get the same feeling. When you begin doing your research you will find out so much about him and the procedure itself. Call the OCC and get a list of the Dr.'s who Dr. O and M recommend for there patients once on the state side again for aftercare. Start there. They have seen there "work" so to speak and will be able to speak to there abilities. This is a forum for the OCC, anyone is welcome here, but you will find most here are their patients.

I am a self pay, and although there are other places that will offer lower prices, I choose to go the OCC. If I could have had a surgeon in the US and my insurance would have paid, then I would have had it done there. If money and insurance was not concern, I would have choose Dr. O.



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I am glad that I went with dr ortiz, my only concern has been if something goes wrong. The drs here in Oregon dont have a lot of information or they just dont want to deal with it. There is one dr downtown but he wont touch me. I did find an excellent dr who does my fills and have had a great experience with her. But I guess that has been my only concern is that if an emergency happened would my emergency room know what to do. Other wise I am so glad I went there, the experience was wonderful. I plan to go back and have my band checked in Sept, that will be my one year band anniversay. Just want to make sure things are ok. Of all the drs I checked into, he is the one I found had the most knowledge. I guess if something did happen, I could jump on a plane. Hmm, maybe airfare is getting cheaper, not sure. Check him out, he is really a nice guy.!

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I have been reading a lot about Dr. Ortiz and can't find one wrong thing about him. Can anybody tell me if they have had a bad experience with him. I also would like to get some kind of a recommendation from a couple of doctors here in the United States that he knows what he's doing. I really would like to get banded but I need a little more assurance that I am doing the right thing by going to Mexico. Anything would help. Thanks

Cute... I was reading this and thought this was planted. First post by a newbie on Dr Ortiz own site. B)

I have nothing bad to say about the OCC and the Drs. All the staff are fantastic!

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Hi, I am a self pay who researched this for months. I went to three centers in California and was so angry by the time I left the third I felt like having it done on a street corner in T.J. was a better alternative. When I realized the OCC offering and starting talking to them I knew where I was going to have the surgery. These people were the most caring and still are of any of the doctors I had previously consulted with. After having the surgery I will tell you they are the most professional, ethical and kind people I have met in recent Years. The facility is top notch, clean and professional. Their care was/is the best. I would go to them in a NEW YORK Minute. I have been back for one fill and I am a real baby when it comes to needles. Can't even watch injections on T.V. I watched the whole procedure for the fill!

In my opinion you will not find a better place to have the surgery. Just follow to a 'T' what they tell you and you will do fine.

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I have been reading a lot about Dr. Ortiz and can't find one wrong thing about him. Can anybody tell me if they have had a bad experience with him. I also would like to get some kind of a recommendation from a couple of doctors here in the United States that he knows what he's doing. I really would like to get banded but I need a little more assurance that I am doing the right thing by going to Mexico. Anything would help. Thanks

I second what BigBear says -

And will add, He teachers doctors to put the Lap Band i. Has Letures @ NYU. And then there is Dr. Oz from Oprah who had Dr. Ortiz on..........

It's the best place - I would say that 3 out of 7 stories that I read on people that have been Band here in the states something went wrong

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Well I was going to go to a Dr here in az (Dr simpson) and he is one of our bests in Az and it was going to be over 16K. When I was doing my research on him I learned he learned from Dr O. That alone convinced me but I shot him an email and he told me Dr O is awesome. His only concern for me was follow up but found another Dr very willing to work with Mexico patients. I would 100% go back to OCC

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I did the same thing; I started researching my local Lap band Doctor’s and found out that he had proctored most of them. (And many of the nurses had their bands put in by Dr. Ortiz as well).

I’ve had my band for 2 years, 8 months. Lost over 130 pounds and I can say I’ve ever heard anything bad about him or had any problems myself. He’s very professional, does a great job and takes wonderful care of his patients.

Here’s the deal, when you go out to him for your band, you do with the understanding that you are going you are saving a substantial amount of money, however take some of that savings and put it into your “savings” account for airfare if needed to take a fast trip back to the OCC if needed. If something happens to my band, I want Dr. Ortiz to be the one to handle any problems.

Remember, things can happen, we control how we treat our bands, and if we take good care of them, the chances are we won’t have any problems. If we don’t – we BP too much, eat too much, and don’t chew – don’t follow the rules – there’s a chance we’re going to have issues and something may happen to our band. (And we can do everything right and something may happen). You just need to be prepared to go back to the OCC for any problems. And make that decision ahead of time so you have organized in your bank account and in your head.

There have been very few issues that have happened over the almost 3 years I’ve been on the board, but based on averages and that we are human beings with eating problems we’re going to see some and we need to be prepared to go back to Dr. Ortiz for help with band problems.

I’m so glad I went to him, but always remember, its just a tool, we own how we use it and how we treat it – use it right and treat it well and it’s a very powerful diet tool – don’t and at best you just have something in your body that you paid thousands for and it does nothing to help you lose the weight, at worst you can jeopardize your health.



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I'm a RN married to a RN. I went to a seminar by a local MD with my husband and we were so impressed but 16k-18k was so much money for me to even think about spending. About two yrs later a friend and I heard about Dr. O. We both researched him and can testify to every thing that is being said here. We could not find one thing negative. My friend and I scheduled our surgery and took 2 companions with us. I tell everyone that it was the most wonderful experience. We were treated very, very well. Being a nurse I asked alot of questions and was aware of what they were doing. They used the most updated medications, the OR was amuculate, the staff very professional and the rooms very comfortable. Drs. in USA don't want us going across the border but it was well worth the trip and I highly recommend OCC.

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The fact that you can't find anything negative should speak volumes!!! Dr. Ortiz as well as the ENTIRE staff are top notch. I am more than thankful I chose the OCC. The patient care coordinators can give you a list of Dr's in your area to do your fills. The Dr. I chose is Dr. Jay in Dallas. When I first saw him and told him Dr. O did my surgery, he knew exactly who he was and had nothing bad to say. Dr. Ortiz had good things to say about him as well. I feel very safe here at home with Dr. Jay. I go for a fill every 3 months & If I dont need a fill I still have the peace of mind knowing my band is still in the proper place etc.

Also, if you talk to people banded in the states, many of them are in surgery for an hour or longer. Dr. Ortiz did my surgery in 19 minutes & he repaired my hiatel hernia! From what I have heard, recovery time is better when you aren't under for too long. I believe this is another reason we heal so well. I was shopping the morning after my surgery.

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I have been reading a lot about Dr. Ortiz and can't find one wrong thing about him. Can anybody tell me if they have had a bad experience with him. I also would like to get some kind of a recommendation from a couple of doctors here in the United States that he knows what he's doing. I really would like to get banded but I need a little more assurance that I am doing the right thing by going to Mexico. Anything would help. Thanks

I don't know anything about the dr or going to Mexico but what I have learned is to make sure you have a dr. nearby where you live to be willing to follow up with you with fills and any issues you may have. Take care

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The gas totally sucked for me. I was band on the May 20th, and find I still get gas pockets from time to time. Or a sharp gas pain...

I won't even begin to tell you how hungry I have been the past 2 days... <_<

I sure hope One would have researched that out before they got band :huh:

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I sure hope One would have researched that out before they got band :huh:

Hey Shiney!

Are you doing your vitamins, fiber & chromium? It will get better with your fills.

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I don’t do the Vit, I forget. I’m trying hard to remember the fiber and kinda get it in @ lest once a day, and I did start back with that chromium I didn’t realize I should use it after being band- I thought it was just for before

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I don’t do the Vit, I forget. I’m trying hard to remember the fiber and kinda get it in @ lest once a day, and I did start back with that chromium I didn’t realize I should use it after being band- I thought it was just for before

Chromium and fiber help with your hunger pangs. Make sure you take your vitamins consisitenly, over time you will feel like crap. I use bariatric advantage in mixed berry (chewables). They were designed for WLS patients. Love them!

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