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Food Journals

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Good morning, ladies (and gents)!!

My surgery is two weeks from tomorrow. I am kinda concerned about making sure that I get all my protein in post-op, so I'm wondering if any of you who have already HAD the surgery use a Food Journal in order to make it easier for you to keep track of what you're eating?

I have this little journal called a 'DietMinder' and I think it looks like it's really going to help me...

Thoughts, anyone?

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I keep a food and exercise journal. Helps me a ton!

See? That's the *way* cool thing about this journal! It will work with ANY weight loss diet...has a place for you to track all your meals, plus snacks...has a place for you to track your vitamins/medications...has a place for you to track your liquids...it even has a place for you to track your exercise for the day!

AND it has a little box for you to do math in (if you're counting calories, or carbs or proteins, etc) and at the bottom of every sheet is a place for you to write a little something about that day.

In the front there are three 'before and after' sets of sheets...then there are the daily sheets (about six months worth)....then there are little graphs you can use (they're blank, so you use them for what *you* want them to be used for!)...then there are the 'food sheets', a listing of common foods and their calorie/carb/fat/etc counts.

I think it's awesome! It's small enough to fit into my purse but big enough that I can actually write in it without needing a magnifying glass! I've seen them by the cash registers at my local GNC (for retail, $14.95) but I ordered mine off of Amazon.com for just over $10 each.

Yup, it's gonna work great!

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I use the bodybugg, which has a "calories consumed" component. It keeps me accountable and works better for me than a written food diary/log. Also have used fitday.com in past, which is also very cool if your into working with it on your computer.

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I use sparkpeople.com

I find that when I'm tracking regularly I lose much better than the periods when I start forgetting to do it.

It keeps me aware of all the little things I might grab to eat throughout the day. If I think "Oh I need to count how many olives I'm snacking on" I usually decide not to bother.

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I use to use Sparkpeople but got so tired of their junk mail and couldn't get it to stop. Now I use fitday an love it. couple things still wrong with it, have trouble adding to favorite but has most everything I eat in it.


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Good morning, ladies (and gents)!!

My surgery is two weeks from tomorrow. I am kinda concerned about making sure that I get all my protein in post-op, so I'm wondering if any of you who have already HAD the surgery use a Food Journal in order to make it easier for you to keep track of what you're eating?

I have this little journal called a 'DietMinder' and I think it looks like it's really going to help me...

Thoughts, anyone?

I am a firm believer in doing daily journals! It helps me be accountable for my actions and to see what works or not. I track my water intake, fitness, calories, small - reachable goals, and how I feel today. In addition, I write once a week my weight and also do a monthly measurements - as sometimes I may not lose the pounds, but the measurements tells me differently!

Yeah!! Jazzy!!

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Good morning, ladies (and gents)!!

My surgery is two weeks from tomorrow. I am kinda concerned about making sure that I get all my protein in post-op, so I'm wondering if any of you who have already HAD the surgery use a Food Journal in order to make it easier for you to keep track of what you're eating?

I have this little journal called a 'DietMinder' and I think it looks like it's really going to help me...

Thoughts, anyone?

I use the free plan at sparkpeople.com. You tell it what you ate, it fills in everything else, including nutrients. It is free. There are lots of motivational hints and exercise plans there, too. SW

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