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Has anyone done there own unfill?

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I read on another site that a woman did her own unfill. I dont think she took very much. But from what I understand she could not get into the dr and thought she was too tight. I wonder if that is a good idea. I am not sure if she was a nurse or not. I question whether that could hurt the port if you dont hit the spot the first time. She had some nerve. I dont think I would ever do that. I just wonder if anyone has done that and why? What are the risks? How do you know where to do it? That just seems really scarry to me. Maybe the people who have done it dont want to admit it, cause it is probably a terrible thing to do but I was just wondering what would make a person do that and is there a risk involved?

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at first I did not know how to respond to this.

This sounds a bit crazy to me unless you are a nurse or doctor and know what you are doing.

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I have a book that talks about adjustments (fills). It says in the book that the needle used to adjust the band is designed specifically to pass through the silicone part of the port without damaging it. It says that if you use the wrong kind of needle, like a regular hypodermic needle, that kind of needle would remove a small core of silicone, which would then leave a hole where the saline would eventually leak out. Then, of course, you would need a port replacement.

The book stresses that you should never have the band adjusted by anyone who is not completely familiar with the process and has the appropriate equipment, (the right specialized needle).

I supposed in an emergency situation, you might want to remove your own fill. I cannot think of another reason why you would want to risk destroying your port. I can completely understand why someone might remove their fill in an emergency and why they might not care if they destroyed their port doing it.

I would think that there could be some risk of infection as well.

Nurse or not, I personally do not think removing your own fill is a good idea and I cannot imagine anyone doing anything like this unless it truly was a last resort. The thought of poking a needle into my own abdomen over and over again trying to find the port is enough to put me off the idea.


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I read on another site that a woman did her own unfill. I dont think she took very much. But from what I understand she could not get into the dr and thought she was too tight. I wonder if that is a good idea. I am not sure if she was a nurse or not. I question whether that could hurt the port if you dont hit the spot the first time. She had some nerve. I dont think I would ever do that. I just wonder if anyone has done that and why? What are the risks? How do you know where to do it? That just seems really scarry to me. Maybe the people who have done it dont want to admit it, cause it is probably a terrible thing to do but I was just wondering what would make a person do that and is there a risk involved?

I have heard of people who have done it. (On a different board that I read.) Personally, I have no fear of needles. I suppose if I had access to the correct needle and was in a bad way, I would be one of "those people." LOL I would not do it to myself unless I had to. I know at times money is tight and stress is high. I get it.

Are you asking, just to ask? Are you in a bad way right now Stormy?

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No, no I am fine. I just saw that and was kind of shocked. It was the way she wrote it. I sent her a message too asking her why but no response yet. I could imagine being in a bad situation but that is really scarry. No I am fine. I would never do that, I am a total chicken, I want this band forever and would never risk it. I hope she responds to me and that she is ok. I would hate to think that she did something to herself that would cause harm. I dont want to see anyone lose their band. This thing costs to much. Really the only problem I have had with mine is too much phelgm and that seems to pass during the day. She had to have been real tight to do that, that is the only thing I can think of. I'll let you know if she responds back. She be interesting

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Its not that hard to do...I am a nurse...I guess in a pinch I could do it if I couldn't get in! Its kinda at a weird angle to get yourself. If I had an emergency I would have one of my fellow nurses do it for me. Its kinda like accessing a mediport used for Chemo and infusions....

I would be afraid of puncturing my lung if you went in to far.... But I don't think its nuts to do it. I have needles here just in case!


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I don't mind needles as long as I can watch it go in, but I have no intention of putting one into myself. Not only could the port be damaged but infection and such could occur as well.

If she truely couldn't get into her doctor, that is a doctor issue. If I wake up too tight or even wake up in the middle of the night with problems, all I have to do is call and someone will meet me 30 minutes later for an unfill or at least talk to me over the phone to determine if it is a true middle of the night emergency or if it can wait until the morning. Either way they will make sure that I have it taken care of within 24 hours.

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If we are talking about the same person, she didnt do it herself but a paramedic (friend) of hers did. He obviously had practice with needles. He got it in the first stick and she was relieved. Again, you might be talking about someone else who personally did it. Not sure.

Regardless, I dont think I would ever do it. My husband has volunteered though! haha I think I will keep seeing Dr. Jay for my fills!

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Ohhh scary! Yeah, i'll leave it to the experts. I also can get into my doctor if I really need to and would not feel comfortable letting someone else do that to me.

I'll be interested in hearing what they say.

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