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Losing Weight During Liquid Phase

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I'm curious as to how much weight you lost during the 3-week liquid phase?

I was banded a week ago today, was down 10 pounds at the time of banding, and have lost only 4 pounds since! This really surprises me, because I figure I'm only getting about 700-800 calories max each day and I'd expect the weight to be just dropping off!

I'm worried because if I don't lose during this phase, what's going to happen when I start eating solids? :o

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Hey Jill, what are doing for most of your liquids?

Here's yesterday's liquid consumption:

Approx 8 oz apple juice, diluted 120 calories

2 liquid yogurts 160 calories apiece--320 total

1 cup broth 10 calories

1 popsicle 15 calories

1 cup miso soup 35 calories

4 cups low cal gatorade 100 calories

lots of water

That's it. It seems like I should be losing and I actually gained 4 oz yesterday! lol

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It depends on the person. I lost approximately 9 pounds during the liquid phase but then again I do not have a lot to loose (relatively speaking). Another member of this forum, Shelby, mentions that in order for her to loose weight she must consume close to 1200 calories per day or otherwise her body goes into starvation mode and holds on to the weight. I find that this tends to be true for me as well sometimes. I also find that if I do not switch up my diet every so often my body gets used to what I am consuming and it begins to regulate itself to where I am not losing as much as when I introduce new things.

There is something called the Wendie Point Plan for those following WW and the theory behind this is not to eat the same calorie amount day in/ day out but to eat within a range of calories (or points) that allows you to switch up what you eat on a daily basis so your body never knows what to expect and does not get used to the daily intake thereby regulating itself. Below is the link:

Wendie Plan

You can also google "Wendie Plan" and get a lot of other sites with more info on it.

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I'm with Bogiesmom, I don't think your getting enough. I asked one of the girls on here that has lost alot and is also a nurse, just how much liquid. Her advice was...you can't overdo the liquids. If your hungry-drink, if your full take a break. I have not been doing alot of broth. Diluted Apple juice, Gatorade, Coffee, Protein Water, Popsicle's, Vitamin Water and added the drinkable yogurt today. I haven't been keeping track, but just counted up what I brought with me to work today...best I can tell it's about 150-200 oz. a day. I keep something going just about all day. I have been trying to keep an eye out for the protein and fiber. I think that has helped alot. I'm not hungry when I get those two things in. I hope this helps. Keep going girl, you can do this!

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Thanks to both of you. I feel like I'm drinking something all the time, but I'll change out some of the water for something with calories. My body has always held on to fat pretty well--my dad called me an "easy keeper"! ;)

I'll also try to change it up every few days. It'll be easier once I can have some creamed soups. Amy, how're you getting protein?

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I actually didn't start losing weight on the liquid diet until I started adding 1 - 2 tablespoons of pesto to my soups. (about 120 cal per T). My daily exercise included about 45 minutes of dog walks (hills) and I think I just wasn't getting enough calories. Metabolism is such an unknown thing though. It is so frustrating. I have to keep repeating to myself "slow and steady wins the race". For me the band was not a quick fix (although I wish it was) but a long term solution. What your body does during the liquid stage may have nothing to do with your weight loss for the next year. Keeping track of my results by inches instead of the scale has been much more rewarding for me. I actually look forward to trying on clothes that I haven't worn in a really long time.


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The Special K2O Protein Water Mix. They have 5g protein and 5g fiber. They are with all the fiber stuff, not the drink stuff.

I'm going to give that a try as well. Thanks for the tips!

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I did that protein water as well and I really liked it - tastes like kool aid! Yeah, each person is so different. I remember when on liquids I didn't loose a ton. Don't remember how much, but it wasn't really noteworthy. Then when I went back on solids I gained I think half it back but I didn't freak my doctor said that is normal. Once I had two fills is when I really started losing. Mine is going really slow now, but I am close to goal so that doesn't surprise me.

You just need to play around w/ your calorie intake - journal your food and take notice of those weeks you do well. If you start working out don't be surprised if you plateau. Also measure!! I sooo wish I would have done that I kick myself now for not doing it. Plenty of times where the weight wasn't dropping but my pants sure were! :)

Remember this is a process so don't get frustrated. Also, don't compare yourself to others everyone is different and is going to lose at different rates. Good luck!

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I did that protein water as well and I really liked it - tastes like kool aid! Yeah, each person is so different. I remember when on liquids I didn't loose a ton. Don't remember how much, but it wasn't really noteworthy. Then when I went back on solids I gained I think half it back but I didn't freak my doctor said that is normal. Once I had two fills is when I really started losing. Mine is going really slow now, but I am close to goal so that doesn't surprise me.

You just need to play around w/ your calorie intake - journal your food and take notice of those weeks you do well. If you start working out don't be surprised if you plateau. Also measure!! I sooo wish I would have done that I kick myself now for not doing it. Plenty of times where the weight wasn't dropping but my pants sure were! :)

Remember this is a process so don't get frustrated. Also, don't compare yourself to others everyone is different and is going to lose at different rates. Good luck!

It IS frustrating! I keep trying to reach for some food, and then remember no food, just liquid. And then when I get on the scale and find I actually gained .04 ounces! LOL

You're right--it is a process and I'm just venting. I'm just gonna keep plugging away and I know the weight will drop. I know others call the period after the liquid fast bandster hell, but I have to admit I'm looking forward to some solid food!

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Hey Jill, Congrats and glad to hear your feeling well. I use to work at a weight loss center. Although I can't say I practiced what I preached, I did counsel my patients about their bodies going into starvation mode from decreased caloric intake. It may be your brain has to get use to what your body is doing, or perhaps you may need to increase your cals to at least 1000/day. Of coarse, that depends on what you and Dr. Miranda discussed as far as your diet, but I did want to let you know I have seen people with the same issue at the clinic I worked at...good luck!... I don't think April will ever get here.

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Well I lost 1-1/2 pounds yesterday, so YAY for me! I ate more like all of you suggested, so that may be it. I'm going to rotate between 800, 900 and 1000 calories or so and see if I can keep my body fooled!

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