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Hello all, I'll be headed down tuesday the 22 for my first fill. Anyone else down there that day.

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Hello, my name is Terri. My surgery is scheduled for June 3rd and I will be staying at the Lucerna Hotel. I am nervous about traveling to Mexico. :unsure:

Hi Terri,

Did they switch your hotel from the Lucerna to the Marriott? I am asking because I'm coming down this week and they called to switch me to the Marriott due to construction at the Lucerna?? Just wondering if others got switched as well.


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I'm scheduled for surgery on June 11. I have some questions -

Will they send me home with antibiotics? Will they supply some kind of pain meds in case I need them at home?


I had my surgery on April 22, 2010 and I got some paid medication from the OCC to take but I didn't really feel like I needed it much at all. I think it was like an anti-inflammatory. I think you'll be surprised (hopefully) that you'll be up and moving around much more than you think after a surgery. They recommend to walk to work out any leftover gas in your body - some people get pain in their shoulders, etc. but I didn't have any of that. It was a dream as far as a surgery goes.

Good luck to you, I hope it goes great and that you feel good!


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I feel this Pre-Op Diet is making me cranky. I know I will stick with it but it is funny how I am seeing how I usually deal with food. If I have a bad day. I usually go for a glass of wine and dinner. Now, I just suck it up and go home and have my lean cusine and then jump in the Jacuzzi!

Good for you to figure out what's going to work to relax you or comfort you instead of food and wine! I didn't like the pre-op diet much either but before you know it, you'll be done with the surgery on your way to the new you! The liquid phase wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be either.


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My surgery is scheduled for June 4 2010. I am coming from Calgary Alberta alone and am staying at the Mariott hotel. Why does everyone enjoy the Lucerna better?

I am nervouse about going down alone, but I am sure all will be ok :)

Hi, I was originally scheduled to stay at the Lucerna but was notified last week that I will be staying at the Marriott. My surgery is June 3rd. Maybe we can meet up.

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I am coming down for surgery on the 15th, (surgery's scheduled for the 16th) unforunately I am going to have to come alone as my husband is going to stay to take care of our kids; especially the baby who would have the most trouble with us both leaving, I am a little nervous to do it alone but know it will be fine. Anyhow I would love to connect with others who will be down at the same time maybe even meet up to shop together etc. I am 23 and it will be my first time in Mexico ao hoping to get out at least a little bit while there.

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Hello!!! I am sooooo EXCITED!!!! I am having my surgery on June 30th!!!! I cannot wait!! Started on the pre-op diet yesterday and no problems!!! I think it is definately in the mindset!! I cannot wait to see the results-I have seen so many wonderful stories on this forum. Cannot wait to share my success story as well!!

I have researched and researched on the lapband and different doctors and all and this by far outshines the others!!! My family and boyfriend was abit nervous at first when I brought up Mexico but after their researches as well-they agree!!! 3 weeks will be here before you know and I am just ECSTATIC!!!! Talk to you all later!!!


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Hi all,

Having my second fill on Monday June 14th..can't wait to start another phase of this wonderful process...goals after this fill will be:

1. Sit down, eat slow in a relaxing place (which I have found out is not work at lunch time).

2. Narrow down my food choices to things I like and the band can tolerate.

3. Continue my exercise

4. More work on the emotional eating.

5. Figure out what I can drink socially that isn't alcohol, or bubbly, but IS served at a bar....hmmm...

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Hello!!! I am sooooo EXCITED!!!! I am having my surgery on June 30th!!!! I cannot wait!! Started on the pre-op diet yesterday and no problems!!! I think it is definately in the mindset!! I cannot wait to see the results-I have seen so many wonderful stories on this forum. Cannot wait to share my success story as well!!

I have researched and researched on the lapband and different doctors and all and this by far outshines the others!!! My family and boyfriend was abit nervous at first when I brought up Mexico but after their researches as well-they agree!!! 3 weeks will be here before you know and I am just ECSTATIC!!!! Talk to you all later!!!


You made me smile to read your entry and how excited you are! I think that is great and now I'm excited for you! I had my surgery on 4/22/10 and had my first fill on 6/2/10. You are doing great with your outlook and it is such a cool thing to be able to look forward and be confident that things are going to get better for you! I am excited about the future as well! I take each day one at a time and don't ever give up.

Keep us updated on your journey!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had my LabBand on 6.25.2010. Met lots of great professionals and friends along the way. Little sore tonight and having some cravings. Any suggestions, fellow bloggers?



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First off, congrats. You made a great decision on getting the lap band. It has been the best decision I have ever made for myself.

Now, to answer your question about what to do about cravings...


The lap band is an amazing tool. But that is all it is, a tool. If you don't do your part, it won't be as successful as it can be. Friday marked the end of my 7th week since being banded and I was down 56 lbs. Here is how I did that:

1. I eat very small portions, protein first. I also eat off of salad plates as it tricks me a little. You have been fat, you probably have no idea what "full" really feels like. Erase that word from your vocabulary. Your new word should be "satisfied." That is what you should shoot for. As soon as you feel it, stop eating, even if you aren't finished with your smaller portions. As Dr. Ortiz surely told you, see how little you can eat and feel good.

2. I have removed all of the following from my diet: carbonated drinks, breads, pastas, rice, starchy vegetables, milk, pretty much all cheese. I also avoid processed foods like the plague. I have cooked every meal I have eaten in the last 7 weeks save for 5. I was not a cook before this, but I learned to follow recipes and how to shop better. This will sound like its a hellish challenge, but you can do it, I promise. There are a ton of great resources for lap band friendly recipes online.

3. Exercise as much as you can. When you think you can't exercise any more, do an extra 10 minutes. :-) I highly recommend Couch-2-5K as an amazing exercise routine. I was 360lbs when I started it, so give it a shot if you can.

4. Go ahead and accept the fact that you are on a diet right now. ***BUT*** it is not like any other diet you have ever done because this one is going to be amazingly successful! :-)

You have already done the hardest part which was to make the decision to have the surgery. So now you just have to get your mind around changing your existing eating habits. Just pull the band-aid off all at once and change all your bad habits. If you are going to have to miss one thing, miss everything. Because if you indulge in one area, it will be easier to indulge in another. And that slippery slope is one of the reasons all of us are/were fat. Just think of everything you endured to get here (cost/surgery) and think about how you came to that decision. Those little indulgences won't seem so appealing. Plus, when you reach your goal weight (or at least get closer to it) you can start reintroducing some of these "bad" items back into your diet. By that point, you should be better equipped to integrate something like that into your new healthy living/eating lifestyle. It's not always going to be easy, but I can't help but think getting to the end of the journey is going to be AMAZING! Believe in yourself and you can do it.

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