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What has been the most PUBLIC embarrassing moment with your band!

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:rolleyes: when I go to eat at a restaurant I am usually VERY hungry, so I may eat faster than I should. So I begin to PB, so my STOP meter is triggered and I try to keep foods down. So then off to the BR I go to PB to stop the quasi vomiting. Or when I PB in my mouth and need something to spit in...and your at a party or at work or at dinner and you have to find a place to get rid of what is in your mouth...

Over time I have gotton better to not do this..But that is my most embarrassing moment as of yet...

Please share if you have anything to add!

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Imagine it - I was in China in October, Very large dinner work-function.

Table of 25 strangers. Mostly men.

and my eyes started to water, and my hand went up to my mouth.

I made a mad-dash for the bathroom! (in heals, of course!)

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Okay so check it out. In a chinese rest. eating with a girl friend. (sharing a meal. rolleyes.gif ) I get stuck....on damn rice! So I excuse myself....someone is in the bathroom....I walk through the CROWDED Rest. I am sure I looked like a deer in the head lights.....

I get outside just in time to round the corner and vuala! Up comes.....you know....slimmy crap, with a huge heave hoe to follow...yeah, I am sure the people driving in the parking lot were really impressed. Not bad food....just bad PB! LMBO @ myself....how terrible.

Fun times!

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OK guys, thanks for the stories...scared me enough to hope it never happens...what is it? I have only eaten three meals since being filled for the first time..how do you know when your "full"? My lower stomach is growling and it seems like the upper (new one) if full...this is the learning curve....Now I'm really scared...I often have to eat out..oh oh..

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Unfortunately for everyone it is different, but for me if I eat slow i'm OK. My trigger and signal is I get this one large hiccup and that is how I know i'm done. If I go too far, my face starts getting really hot and red (and is very visible) and I feel this terrible pain right in the center of my chest. You will PB, it is just something that happens, but just try to do it as little as possible. I am notorious for playing that "just one more bite" game and have lost many times. You would think after all this time i'd come to grips with the fact that I can't eat as much, but even for me it is still a learning proces.

For me not too many embarassing ones. Threw up in a ziplock bag in while in a tanning bed that was fun! :wacko: FYI tip for you all I always have a ziplock bag in my purse in case I get sick and it has come in handy many times. Got sick one time while driving down the highway - now that took some talent! Overall i've been able to hide mine well from strangers. I said to a friend if I get stuck in a bathroom or something where I have to get sick i'll just lie and tell them i'm pregnant! :lol:

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ok... first of all... two days ago... i thought to myself.."i wonder if this only happens to me!?" and BAM!! a post..hehe..

Well, two days ago. Mother's day. My bf and his entire family including grandmas... went out for lunch/brunch at a chinese food buffet. i grabbed a bunch of stuff that i thought wouldn't get stuck or make me pb... sat down ate some stuff and THEN i look at my bf... he looks at me like "ooh ooh!" so i excuse myself to the restroom. there was about 4 people in front of me and then, it came up!! i PB'd and it was in my mouth. i held my hand over my mouth until it was my turn.. eventually i had to make like 3 trips that day i told my bf's family the restroom was full and had to come sit back down, but for some reason, this little old lady was in there every single time i went. so the last time i was in there she asked me if i was sick, i said "i think so.." then she said... "do you think maybe you're pregnant?" i looked at her, laughed a little and said.. "hmm... i might be" (i said that cus i figured it would be a good excuse to tell a stranger) THHHHHHEN!! my sweet little old lady sees where im sitting and walks by, pats me on the shoulder and says "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" in front of my bf's family!!!

--- i told them i told her that just so she'd let me cut in front of her since i had been holding it for so long--- it was still embarrassing...

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Unfortunately for everyone it is different, but for me if I eat slow i'm OK. My trigger and signal is I get this one large hiccup and that is how I know i'm done. If I go too far, my face starts getting really hot and red (and is very visible) and I feel this terrible pain right in the center of my chest. You will PB, it is just something that happens, but just try to do it as little as possible. I am notorious for playing that "just one more bite" game and have lost many times. You would think after all this time i'd come to grips with the fact that I can't eat as much, but even for me it is still a learning proces.

For me not too many embarassing ones. Threw up in a ziplock bag in while in a tanning bed that was fun! :wacko: FYI tip for you all I always have a ziplock bag in my purse in case I get sick and it has come in handy many times. Got sick one time while driving down the highway - now that took some talent! Overall i've been able to hide mine well from strangers. I said to a friend if I get stuck in a bathroom or something where I have to get sick i'll just lie and tell them i'm pregnant! :lol:

haha!! i wrote mine before i read yours!! my pregnant excuse backfired on me!!

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I was in the San Francisco airport in March, sharing a meal with my mom. All of sudden, I knew I had to find a bathroom FAST. I rushed towards one, but ended up vomiting in the corner of one of the airport restaurants. It was horrible. I'm going to take some advice from a poster above and carry a zip lock bag with me ALWAYS from now on.

In other news, I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed almost two weeks ago. The only food that went down AND felt good on my sore jaw was ice cream. I am probably the only person in history to gain weight after wisdom teeth removal!

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Oh the ziplock bag has saved my life I can't tell you how many times! I got that tip from someone else a long time ago and I make sure to keep one around!

I remember my first time quite well it was on an english muffin and fortunately I was at work and it was early in the morning and nobody was around in the bathroom! :wacko:

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Oh the ziplock bag has saved my life I can't tell you how many times! I got that tip from someone else a long time ago and I make sure to keep one around!

I remember my first time quite well it was on an english muffin and fortunately I was at work and it was early in the morning and nobody was around in the bathroom! :wacko:

Well...I have not been banded yet, but I am on the pre-op diet. I have lost 29 pounds on it! Yay! But anyway, my most embarrassing moment so far: at church last Sunday, I wore this adorable sundress that I rewarded meself with. I stand up to go in line for communion....my undies start slipping down my butt. What’s a girl to do? i try not to panic! I can't pull them up from under my dress or even over my dress....AH!! I took a step forward and at that moment, my undies slipped off my butt! I quickly sat down, skipped communion (I am positive god understood this one) and slowly wiggled my undies back on during the last half of the service.

I left church and headed straight to Target! Lesson learned! LOL


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Well...I have not been banded yet, but I am on the pre-op diet. I have lost 29 pounds on it! Yay! But anyway, my most embarrassing moment so far: at church last Sunday, I wore this adorable sundress that I rewarded meself with. I stand up to go in line for communion....my undies start slipping down my butt. What’s a girl to do? i try not to panic! I can't pull them up from under my dress or even over my dress....AH!! I took a step forward and at that moment, my undies slipped off my butt! I quickly sat down, skipped communion (I am positive god understood this one) and slowly wiggled my undies back on during the last half of the service.

I left church and headed straight to Target! Lesson learned! LOL


haha love it!!

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Hi all, I haven't had a PB episode yet. I am still on my first week of solids, but I thought I would share this with you all. Yesterday I was at work and carrying some boxes down the stairs and my pants fell to the floor when I got to the bottom. I should probably tell you that I work in a prison. I thought I would die, but if you aren't the reason for people to laugh at you once in awhile then you should not laugh at someone else. TC RCR

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Hi all, I haven't had a PB episode yet. I am still on my first week of solids, but I thought I would share this with you all. Yesterday I was at work and carrying some boxes down the stairs and my pants fell to the floor when I got to the bottom. I should probably tell you that I work in a prison. I thought I would die, but if you aren't the reason for people to laugh at you once in awhile then you should not laugh at someone else. TC RCR

Oh my goodness, I am soo glad you shared this embarassing moment. I am sorry but it is funny and what make it worse is it did happen in a mens prison. You are so right, we all need to laugh at ourselves. What an awesome embarassing moment.....at least it was cuz your butts getting skinny!!! biggrin.gif

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I have carried ziplock baggies with me, I carry these barf bags in my car..like the ones you get on the airplanes...Just in case...I have also been known to pull over on the side of the road to PB also...I am sure the passer by's are wondering what the heck is wrong with me..

Kim :wub:

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Hi all, I haven't had a PB episode yet. I am still on my first week of solids, but I thought I would share this with you all. Yesterday I was at work and carrying some boxes down the stairs and my pants fell to the floor when I got to the bottom. I should probably tell you that I work in a prison. I thought I would die, but if you aren't the reason for people to laugh at you once in awhile then you should not laugh at someone else. TC RCR

OMG that is hilarious! I'm sure it wasn't funny for you at the time, but oh boy, the retelling of it is fabulous! :lol:

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Oh my goodness, I am soo glad you shared this embarassing moment. I am sorry but it is funny and what make it worse is it did happen in a mens prison. You are so right, we all need to laugh at ourselves. What an awesome embarassing moment.....at least it was cuz your butts getting skinny!!! biggrin.gif

Thanx Angie, When I told my wife she laughed too and said your doing something right then.

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Well, mine wasn't in public, but was in front of my husband and pretty darn embarrassing. We were eating steak and baked potatoes that I had cooked. It was SOOOOO good! I usually do fine with both of these foods, however, I had a bad cough. About half way through the meal, I coughed and without warning, up came my ENTIRE meal and it landed in my plate. DISGUSTING!!! It seemed like so much food. YUK. My husband was disgusted and humored all at the same time. Dinner was over.

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Well, mine wasn't in public, but was in front of my husband and pretty darn embarrassing. We were eating steak and baked potatoes that I had cooked. It was SOOOOO good! I usually do fine with both of these foods, however, I had a bad cough. About half way through the meal, I coughed and without warning, up came my ENTIRE meal and it landed in my plate. DISGUSTING!!! It seemed like so much food. YUK. My husband was disgusted and humored all at the same time. Dinner was over.

Hey Cindy - good to see you post. How's the pregnacy going? How's your fill doing? Fill us in!

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I and my co-workers are famous for standing in the doorway between our front and back offices. A couple of times I have almost taken out a co-worker who was just standing there when I was trying to make a mad dash out the door and down the hall. I have also had to throw up an "I'm ignoring you hand" on my way thru the front office to both the front desk staff and a parent when I was truely the only one that could solve the problem. I felt bad about it, but I would not have been able to have even talked at that point. I just told them that something I ate just wasn't setting well with me, which was true, just not the way they were thinking. Then, each time I come back in after one of those episodes they always ask if I am okay because I ran out rather quickly and I look like I have been crying, which I kind of have because my eyes water a lot when something is stuck.

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Good morning everyone! You guys are cracking me up! I've gotten so that I read this forum first thing in the morning. I was banded May 3rd and am on my first week of real food. No PBing yet - don't even feel any restriction. Gee...the things to look forward to! tee hee Everyone have a GREAT day! ps. I just grabbed a baggie out of the cupboard and stuck it in my purse - thanks for the tip!

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