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Tomorrow is my first Band Anniversary

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((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))

Tomorrow is my first band anniversary. What a year it's been. "I laughed, I cried, it was better than cats." I stole that from another OCC member but what's true is true.


So I thought by celebrating I'd do a vision-reality thing. What my life was like when my journey started, compared to where I want to go. I'm halfway in my journey and for me, the "X" factor, the desire I had when the journey first started doesn't sting the way it used to...because to be honest being halfway in my journey, visually I look different and I feel different. I've searched deep for the motivation to continue and I'm hoping this exercise, posted to the world at large will get me there.

This journey started on March 12, 2007 when I was 294 lbs. I dieted on my own to get to 212 but on July 7, 2008 (my first wedding anniversary) my mother (I love my mom) passed away and without blinking I was suddenly back at 258.

So I made the call. I decided enough was enough! A year ago, I was staying at a hotel room in Tijuana at the Marriott. I didn't believe I'd live through the surgery. (Long story...I can be a little mellow dramatic) I remember waking up the morning of the surgery and logging on the the OCC website. I had dozens of supportive posts to read. The one I remember the most was from Carrie. It made me cry. She said she believed in me and that everything would be okay.

Now on a side note, moments after the surgery I was being wheeled back to my room demanding my husband send a "cookie bouquet" to the staff at the OCC for doing such a great job. How inappropriate was that? He never sent it but a bit thank you is on my list of things to do.

Just after the surgery I was up and around. I was chatting with other patients. We were all so excited and we all felt fab.

The day after the surgery I was up and around. My husband and I went shopping on Revolution Avenue. We really had a ball.

The following day I was home.

I weigh in my low 220's today. I still have a love hate relationship with my scale. Do I wish I had lost more? Sure I do, but do I know that the lapband is what keeps me roped in...absolutely I do. I do I do I do.

I decided not to wire myself tight. It was really a personal decision. I just like to taste, chew and enjoy food too much to wire myself tighter. I've had two fills. My last fill was in September. Do I think one more fill would kick start things, absolutely, but again, I want to taste, chew and enjoy so I'm holding off for now.

Just before the surgery I started filming a cooking show called "What's for Dinner? With Robbyn & Gina." Gina is the brains of the outfit. I am fearless and a marketing genius. We're a good team. I should mention that Gina is fearless too...as all good Conciatores are, but again, that's another story.

How much do I like food? Well I just spent about 6 hours making a lasagna, not just from scratch, but with homemade sauce. Our family (The Sabella's used to sell their pasta sauce in the grocery store). Ahhh....the joys of being Italian.

Okay, so where am I going with this? God only knows. I guess what I'm trying to say is that for the most part food is my life. A part of my life I am not willing to give up. I'm able to give it up...I'm just not ready or willing. It's part of my heritage. My Grandfather was a renowned chef...I want to carry on his legacy.

So what is a girl to do?

Well, I decided to take action, in another arena. I went to work for a well known, international, weight loss vendor. I worked for them years ago and after a year of employment (yea...it took a year, I'm pretty hard headed) it sunk in but as luck would have it that's when I left. Anyway I just started working for them again and the scale is moving. The good news is that I'm learning again about food. What a portion size is. How many vegetables to eat in a day, how many fruits, etc. Because of my background in food, I've even written about 15 recipes for them. We'll see if they stand up and take notice. And if they don't it's okay, because I'm doing this for me and no one else.

So here I am, a year later...not in onderland. Did I expect that? No, it never occurred to me that I wouldn't be at my goal weight. Will I live? Absolutely I will. My choices improve each and every day. I will get to onderland and I will do it this year. I have all of the tools I need.

Do I regret getting the band.

Not at all! The band is the reason I've been able to keep the weight I've lost off. I'm very confident that as I continue to lose, the band will be the biggest reason (until I get my head together) that the weight will stay off.

Thank you all so much for being there for me. I've included a link to my food blog. I'm focusing on low cal recipes...well not all of them, but many of them.


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Robbyn! I really do love you! I am so proud of you in this journey to be fit and healthy. You add so much to this board and are a valued member! For some of us, the ones who's desires get a bit dimer then brighter, then different the path has more road than most. What is the most important part of me is that I am still on the road and have not gotten completley off the beaten path. That is why I love Hope, I named my band...I am a silly girl!

For me, instead of loosing ground that I have won, I am standing still. I will take a stand still any day over putting the weight back on and then some. Your story is so inspiring to me and I thank you for posting your success! That is what makes you so beautiful and I am very attracted to your light!

I know you will continue to make progress! That is what this is all about right?! Change and progress to renew our lives!

Much love to you!


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Happy Bandiversary!!!! You have done a great job and I can't wait to see what the next year brings!!!!!

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((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))

Tomorrow is my first band anniversary. What a year it's been. "I laughed, I cried, it was better than cats." I stole that from another OCC member but what's true is true.


So I thought by celebrating I'd do a vision-reality thing. What my life was like when my journey started, compared to where I want to go. I'm halfway in my journey and for me, the "X" factor, the desire I had when the journey first started doesn't sting the way it used to...because to be honest being halfway in my journey, visually I look different and I feel different. I've searched deep for the motivation to continue and I'm hoping this exercise, posted to the world at large will get me there.

This journey started on March 12, 2007 when I was 294 lbs. I dieted on my own to get to 212 but on July 7, 2008 (my first wedding anniversary) my mother (I love my mom) passed away and without blinking I was suddenly back at 258.

So I made the call. I decided enough was enough! A year ago, I was staying at a hotel room in Tijuana at the Marriott. I didn't believe I'd live through the surgery. (Long story...I can be a little mellow dramatic) I remember waking up the morning of the surgery and logging on the the OCC website. I had dozens of supportive posts to read. The one I remember the most was from Carrie. It made me cry. She said she believed in me and that everything would be okay.

Now on a side note, moments after the surgery I was being wheeled back to my room demanding my husband send a "cookie bouquet" to the staff at the OCC for doing such a great job. How inappropriate was that? He never sent it but a bit thank you is on my list of things to do.

Just after the surgery I was up and around. I was chatting with other patients. We were all so excited and we all felt fab.

The day after the surgery I was up and around. My husband and I went shopping on Revolution Avenue. We really had a ball.

The following day I was home.

I weigh in my low 220's today. I still have a love hate relationship with my scale. Do I wish I had lost more? Sure I do, but do I know that the lapband is what keeps me roped in...absolutely I do. I do I do I do.

I decided not to wire myself tight. It was really a personal decision. I just like to taste, chew and enjoy food too much to wire myself tighter. I've had two fills. My last fill was in September. Do I think one more fill would kick start things, absolutely, but again, I want to taste, chew and enjoy so I'm holding off for now.

Just before the surgery I started filming a cooking show called "What's for Dinner? With Robbyn & Gina." Gina is the brains of the outfit. I am fearless and a marketing genius. We're a good team. I should mention that Gina is fearless too...as all good Conciatores are, but again, that's another story.

How much do I like food? Well I just spent about 6 hours making a lasagna, not just from scratch, but with homemade sauce. Our family (The Sabella's used to sell their pasta sauce in the grocery store). Ahhh....the joys of being Italian.

Okay, so where am I going with this? God only knows. I guess what I'm trying to say is that for the most part food is my life. A part of my life I am not willing to give up. I'm able to give it up...I'm just not ready or willing. It's part of my heritage. My Grandfather was a renowned chef...I want to carry on his legacy.

So what is a girl to do?

Well, I decided to take action, in another arena. I went to work for a well known, international, weight loss vendor. I worked for them years ago and after a year of employment (yea...it took a year, I'm pretty hard headed) it sunk in but as luck would have it that's when I left. Anyway I just started working for them again and the scale is moving. The good news is that I'm learning again about food. What a portion size is. How many vegetables to eat in a day, how many fruits, etc. Because of my background in food, I've even written about 15 recipes for them. We'll see if they stand up and take notice. And if they don't it's okay, because I'm doing this for me and no one else.

So here I am, a year later...not in onderland. Did I expect that? No, it never occurred to me that I wouldn't be at my goal weight. Will I live? Absolutely I will. My choices improve each and every day. I will get to onderland and I will do it this year. I have all of the tools I need.

Do I regret getting the band.

Not at all! The band is the reason I've been able to keep the weight I've lost off. I'm very confident that as I continue to lose, the band will be the biggest reason (until I get my head together) that the weight will stay off.

Thank you all so much for being there for me. I've included a link to my food blog. I'm focusing on low cal recipes...well not all of them, but many of them.



I think its great that you are being real with yourself and real with all of us bandsters. Its definitely not an easy road but you continue to persevere and press on. Not giving up and keeping on going is great for all of us to see. It doesn't happen overnight and maybe at the pace your going it is the best thing for you and being able to process in your mind your relationship with food and with yourself. I am going to start going to counseling for my issues with food since I know that even if I lose a bunch of weight, all of the tendencies are still there, lurking just under the radar!

Congratulations on your one year of having the surgery. May you have more and more successes and keep up the good attitude!


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Congrats Lady!!!

I think you are Amazing...you have ALWAYS been so true and honest with yourself and sometimes that is a really hard thing to do. You have been through so much and still you have ALWAYS kept an Amazing attitude towards this journey!!!

I think it is so important to learn through this process. We all have heard it a MILLION times, its not how fast you finish the race, its that you finished! I think having a knowledge about food and learing the importance of what you put in your body and what is going to make you healthy is so much more important that how fast those scales will move. PLEASE dont get me wrong, it has taken me a VERY long time in my journey to realize this. As far as thee scales, I hate them too...lol Kinda have that love hate thing going on. For me, I have decided to stay off of them. I think they stress me out way to much! Im eating nothing but healthy food and I do have a day to eat what I like, keeps me working toward having a good relationship with food and the funny thing is, most of the time when I do eat something that I "think" I want, it suprises me everytime that it really was not that great! SO WEIRD for me! Its Growth, finding the real you, learing, and keep on keeping on!

Again Congrats Robbyn!!!


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