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Need to Shrink my Pouch.

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So, I have been away from this site for a long time. I guess when times are good I don't have time to stay connected to the 'banded' world. I had been struggling about 2 years ago with being to restricted. Had my band basically unfilled and maintained a steady weight (fluctuating up to 10 pounds) at my goal. Very physically active and all was well.

Last year I had major surgery for something unrelated so I got out of my fitness routine a little.still active just not hard core.

Then I had a family member become very ill and another pass away suddenly. Guess how I coped with that? You got it...food and inactivity...because I was being kind to myself...hello...wow.

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After a few months of that, I decided to get a fill from a clinic nearby. After 4 adjustments and about $1000 I still didn't feel any different and according to them I had about 3.5 in a 4 cc band. In the past I haven't been able to get about 2.3. I went to the OCC on June 21 and discovered I only had 1.2 and that my pouch was stretched. The doc was describing some ways that could happen...eating and drinking at the same time and drinking carbonated beveraged and the fill fluctuations. Guilty as charged. So now I need to shrink my pouch. I am here posting for all to see because I need help and because I want to

help others to avoid doing what I have done. I am on fluids for 10 days and mushy high protien for another 4 to 5 weeks and then they will look at my pouch again.

I am pretty cranky and getting way too much sodium...I will get this figured out...today is day 3. I hope this thread will be a help to others and I would appreciate any comments you have for me! Thanks.

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Welcome back and keep us posted for sure. I'm in the same boat you ended up in a couple years ago...can't tolerate much of a fill so I have very little in there, can eat quite a bit (and sometimes I do) and I always worry about stretching my pouch by eating too much. I've been maintaining a 96 pound loss for about six months now but continually worry the weight's going to creep back up on me. I'm sorry to hear you had to go through some tough times. I'd like to lose another 20 myself so let's cheer each other on and get that 20 off!!!


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And thanks for posting and welcome back..as a newly banded person I appreciate your post and I am still learning how to deal with my band. The whole drinking/eating is my most difficult area since I am thirsty when I eat, but was told to use some ice..so far that's OK, I also forget sometimes and then stop. I worry about the very things your talking about and have resolved to work harder. I have added in exercise the past two weeks and am slowly loosing..I am glad your back, I know how life can throw curves your way..its hard not to fall into old habits and the comfort of what you know..food...everyday is a learning experience for me and my emotional eating..I am still a baby in this area but committed to the journey. I look forward to learning from you. Thank you.

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Have you thought about trying the "five day pouch test"? I have seen many posts regarding this over the years on this site. You could search the site or do a google search. Good luck!

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Glad to see you back!!! I'm sorry you are going through all that but hopefully you will shrink back up OK. I have had a few spurts where I have drank and eaten way too close together and it is good for me to hear a reminder that I should not do that. I have done the 5 day pouch test and it seemed to work so I agree that might be a good idea. It also helped me get back to basics when I was starting to slip off track.

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Hi! Thanks so much for the encouragement. I have thought about the 5 day test and I think I will do it at the end of my 10 days of liquids. Does that sound logical? I was on day 4 yesterday but I had company for dinner and had a half of baked potato, and some mushrooms, and then popcorn. Today I felt pretty rough and disappointed in myself but today has been a good day.

For supper I mixed 2 tbs of natural peanut butter and protein powder with ice in the blender...it was amazing! Just thought I would share that...but I guess you all are supposed to be staying away from the liquids. Oops. lol.

Tomorrow morning I am back with my trainer...life is good. I (we) just need to remember to love ourselves and to have confidence that 'we can do this'. We all deserve to be feeling comfortable within ourselves. Have a great day everyone!

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So, have been feeling a little off, so I say to my trainer "I don't want to do cardio today". Not the smartest thing I have ever done. We did 90 min of cardio but I felt better after. lol.

I am finished with my liquids and I called the OCC to check in. Now I am 2 meals liquids and one meal soft foods. Again I was reminded to eat slow and no drinking while eating.

I feel a bit of restriction so that is good news. Just listening to my body more. Didn't lose any weight on liquids...stayed the same.

Booked a refill for July 24. I am hoping it is an agressive and successful fill because a summer time flight and hotel cost me about $900. Ouch.

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Sorry to hear this but so glad you are working on getting back to working with your band. I too had a similar story. I was probably a little too

tight but was losing. Then the stress hit and I tightened up alot!! I finally went to have the band checked out at OCC and they took out 1cc. I was

also a little stretched as well. I was to be on 5 days liquid and back for a check up after 6 weeks

They thought it would be worse from what I was describing. I was pb'ing almost everyday. Horrible. I just hated not being able to

eat food and missed it. I was glad to get an unfill. I did gain 3 pounds but I was okay with that. So I went back 1 week ago and things looked much better. I got a fill to 2.6 and love that I am restricted and can still eat some bread! I'm finally starting to lose again.

Question... Carbonated drinks. I thought that was only during the first 6 months after surgery?

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Thank you for sharing. I am back to the band world after so many fills and unfills it is not funny and year or so of no reading/posting. I don't even know what tickers, etc will show up with this post :blink: I am back up to 15 pounds below surgery weight. I too know I am guilty of not following the band rules. I found a wonderful bariatric surgeon here in my area who would take me on as a patient and is helping me to get back on track..so with .5cc in my band I am starting over...Best of Luck to both of us!

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IrishRN - They told me no carbonated drinks ever....just sayin! lol.

Lynna, good for you for getting back on track. You can do it again, especially with the support you have.

I had a pretty good day today. Ate a lean cuisine for lunch and a piece of salmon and some cheerios for supper. lol. Feel full so that is good!

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Around here they do a complete unfill and the liquids when someone stretches their pouch. Were you completely unfilled once they discovered it?

As for the carbonated drinks my center says absolutely none for 6 months after surgery and they still are not really recommended after that. At am partaking of one at the present time, but I make sure that I go slowly and allow each drink to go thru the band before I take another drink b/c the carbonation does cause all of that fizz which can stretch the pouch with the gas that it creates.

Sounds like you are doing better which is good to hear. Stay with us on here and we will help get you thru.

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When they discovered it I had a slight fill. They completely unfilled me. I don't seem to have much control, eating soft, but eating lots. May just go back on liquids until I get a fill on the 26th. Thanks for your kind words.

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I wouldn't be surprised if my pouch is stretched too...I can eat tons and was doing well with willpower until this week. Kids are out of school and I have no routine and I'm beinmg a very bad girl. I go to Mexico MOnday for port revision and I'm sure they'll have a good look when they are in there! I hope I'm okay so I can start having fills again.


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I wouldn't be surprised if my pouch is stretched too...I can eat tons and was doing well with willpower until this week. Kids are out of school and I have no routine and I'm beinmg a very bad girl. I go to Mexico MOnday for port revision and I'm sure they'll have a good look when they are in there! I hope I'm okay so I can start having fills again.


Hi Sabrina, lena and i are coming down on the 13th to have a fill and plastic surgery we are staying at the lucerna but have fill first on 13th hopefully we can get together, i am coming from calgary via vancouver.


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When I was booked for surgery, I was told Lucerna was under renovations so they put me at The Marriot. I'm only staying there Sunday night and sleeping at OCC MOnday night. I leave Tuesday, catching an evening flight home. Just ask for me when you get there for your fill Tuesday so I can say hi!


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Hi! Still doing liquids all day and then soft foods for supper. Got a little discouraged last week, but this week is all brand new, so happy thoughts! Hope you all have a stress free successful time in TJ. Wish is was there with you! lol.

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I wouldn't be surprised if my pouch is stretched too...I can eat tons and was doing well with willpower until this week. Kids are out of school and I have no routine and I'm beinmg a very bad girl. I go to Mexico MOnday for port revision and I'm sure they'll have a good look when they are in there! I hope I'm okay so I can start having fills again.


Port revision? Are they moving it to a different location? I've been curious about that!

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