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Protein, Protein Protein.... Dr Acosta said I need more protein.

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I had my first fill on July 17th with Dr Acosta. I have lost about 8 pounds since I had my band placed in June. Not great wt loss but at least it is something. I have tried my best to eat low calorie foods since I have had no feelings of restriction at all. He told me that I could be one of the ones that this band will not work for since I like to eat Breads and Sweets instead of meat and vegetables. I am just not a meat eater at all so trying to do as he said and eat meat first has been really hard. The day I got back from Mexico, I got out my George Forman Grill and have been cooking hamburgers, fish and chicken for my meals... They are making me feel sick. I felt this way when I did the Atkins Diet.. I just don't feel good eating much meat. I have a question.. Is a whole hamburger too much? If someone has restriction how much meat do they usually eat before getting full? I have also been eating cottage cheese and hard boiled eggs. Is cottage cheese something I should not eat since it goes down too easy? What about tuna salad and egg salad? Are they considered the "slider" foods? Just wondering if real Mayonnaise is OK to use to make tuna or egg salad? ... I am so confused.. Will eating protein like beans and lentils or eggs work as well for feeling restriction or is it just Meat that I have to eat first?

Thanks so much....

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I eat very little meat. You can get protein from soy, beans, peanut butter, and milk. Hopefully once you get restriction your weight will come off quicker. Honestly I never really quit eating sweets and bread and chips, etc....And I've lost weight but it's just been slow. I decided in the beginning that I would rather lose weight slow than count or restrict. Good luck and hopefully you can find alternate protein b/c eating meat when you don't really want to is no fun at all!

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I would aim for 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight at this point.

Look at the nutritional information of the food you're eating.

Hopefully those hamburgers aren't pre-made, as they're typically extremely high in fat.

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I can't eat red meat either. I gave it up years ago. However, poultry and fish/seafood are much "lighter" and easier to digest, yet still have loads of protein. Shrimp stick a little on the Foreman Grill but taste great. With tunafish or egg salad, maybe if you don't add lots of mayonnaise, they won't be slider foods. Instead of mayo, I add honey mustard to make tuna salad - it's delicious. Hope this helps.

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Sherri what about salmon? Ive seen some great prices at hte stores lately for salmon, saw $10/lb for wild salmon filet, skin on. I bought 2/3 lb, had him cut it into two filets (so 1/3 lb or 5oz each) and I sprinkled both sides of fish with cajun/blackening spice (tony's, zatarain, etc) and put in a hot skillet w/ 1 tsp canola oil skin side down for 4 minutes to crisp the skin. turned the heat down to medium, put a lid on pan and cooked another 3 minutes for medium fish, cook longer if you like fish well done. try to eat the skin too bc thats where the majority of the omega-3s reside. really healthy, soft, protein-and-vitamin-rich entree for about $3.50 / serving. itll only be this cheap during summertime, so u may want to give it a shot soon :) i could have probably just done 4oz filets too.

i ate my salmon with shelled edamame tossed w lemon juice and parmesan. u could also have a leafy salad with cucumbers and tomato too. if u have a good serving of veg with this u wont feel that atkins-flu.

i maintain a pretty low carb diet and i dont really like eating hamburgers much. dont feel so good after. plus something about eating a burger is kinda unconducive to eating veggies and makes me want fries instead. sounds crazy, eh? so i usually opt for something else.

i alternate between eating 1/2 c cottage cheese or 1/2 c plain yogurt as a snack between meals. if after dinner, i add fresh berries to yogurt and then its a dessert.

as far as mayo, i use the real stuff bc the fake stuff is sorta wierd to me. there are a fair amount of artificial stabilizers and emulsifiers in them. so i use a little real mayo, mixed with some strong zesty mustard, or if a recipe calls for a lot, i use some mayo, some plain greek yogurt.

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I still eat meat but not a ton. Mostly lunchmeat. I get a lot of mine via beans. Cottage cheese is fine I don't do as much of it anymore b/c i've gone to a low dairy diet.

At a good restriction I was told you should be able to eat the equivalent of a small hamburger like from McD's size and a small fry. I struggle with ground beef so I don't have it much but love seafood as well as beans.

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Dr Miranda told me 50 grams of protein daily so that is the minimum I eat. I always have a bean salad in the fridge because it is easy to make, tastey and fast to grab for work etc.,

I eat alot of chicken, fish, beans but very little red meat.

I just had major surgery and am healing better than expected so my protein intake must be fine. You need protein for wound healing


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lindsay, really? 200g of protein per day seems insane. thats like eating 2.75 lbs of hamburger per day.

yikes! are you sure thats not just for bodybuilders or something?

Those are typical guidelines, for 'healthy eating'.

Most people eat that amount in fat & carbs and are completely unaware of the ratio's of carbs/protein/fats they actually consume in a day.

That's probably why it came as a shock.

I would also like to say, that hamburger is probably the worst example of protein.

Unless you're eating organic, the amount of hormones found in ground beef is extremely high.

The fat content is also very wishy-washy, even if you're eating extra lean.

1g protein = 4cal, that's only >> 800 calories!

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what is the best sorce of protein.ever sence i was banted i just stopped eating red meat.don't know why .it seems latley i get something that happens when i eat or drink.is a gas type pocket.can't get anymore down with out vomiting.and can't burp have to tey to force a burp.but then it seems like i can't get that big breath you need.no one knows.any thouhgts ken

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