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Today's the Day

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((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I won't post my weight history in text because I've done it a few times (but here it is for referance http://ssimonssays.blogspot.com/2010/07/confession.html). I had my surgery in May of 09. I weighed 258 on decision day. I've had 2 fills. I was 229 respectively when I had my first fill and I'm 228 on my home scale today. I've decided to have another fill. Today is the day. I'm full of emotion. I'm really ready to finally get 'er done.

Love to all. I'll post again when it's over.


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It is awesome that you have decided to get your fill. You can do this, I know you can. :)

You are really an amazing lady and I have seen and read your very supportive posts to others as well as myself.

As you said, Get'er done. LOL...

Hugs to you,


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(((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))))))

I've had my first unfill.


I haven't had a fill in a long time. I've been very conservative but today when I woke up, it's the first time since my original surgery date (long story) that I've been really ready for a change. To be honest, sad as it sounds, when I had the successful surgery at the OCC I wasn't at my highest motivation. I knew I had to do it, but my heart had been broken by an attempt and another doctor several months prior. That was the surgery date I was phyced for. I am so glad that I switched surgerons and went to the OCC. If I hadn't god only knows what I'd weigh today. Anywho...after the successful surgery I felt like a dog on a leash when it came to movitation. I felt as if I was trying to catch up with my owner...well maybe the dog is a bad reference because they love to go bye bye. I felt more like a child who didn't want to go to school. One who'd rather play outside in the sun then attend school but learned something anyway...

Does that make sense...probably not. Along for the ride...that's a better way to describe it. I felt as if I was along for the ride. The motivation really wasn't there. No matter what I did, and believe me, I tried to find it. I guess waiting after hitting rock bottom and walking into surgeon 1's office, to surgery date 6 months later at the OCC soften the motivation. I had accepted who I was again...I guess.

Enough of that, today I woke up and felt different. That spark...the sting when motivation is at it's highest peaked today. (Good timing...I got lucky).

I know I'm finally no longer just along for the ride. I'm really going to do this now. I can feel it.

I had my third fill and things felt different immediately after drinking the barium. To be honest, while I was still laying on the table during the xray. I was asked to drink more water and my throat already felt blocked...with something. I guess I had a funny look on my face. Thank god the xray techs saw me and told me I was not to leave until I had drank a full glass of water.

Polite me wanted to just go home...but I did what they asked. I went to the lobby with the water glass and waited. I didn't want to drink...I felt full. I still had a feeling of something in my throat. After about 30 minutes I pb'd. The xray tech saw me go into the bathroom and asked what I threw up. I told her some barium...she asked me if I pb'd all of it and I told her I didn't know. She said I may have drank the barium too fast during the fill and I agreed but she said to go back to the lobby and not leave until I finished my water.


And thank god she did. Trust me, everything in me just wanted to go home. After all...I had been there about 2 hours. About 10 minutes later I pd'd again...more barium. I thought to myself...now I've gotten rid of all of the barium.

I came out of the bathroom and the xray tech was right there...she told me, didn't ask, they were doing an unfill. I apologized for them missing their lunch and they said that's what they were there for.

They removed .2 from what was originally a .9 fill (.7 total) and I instantly felt better. I'm so thankful they were watching over me.

I know things are going to be good and that I'm on my way. Plus...since I had an unfill, trust me, I'm scared to break any rules, like eating solids too soon or drinking soda...all bad habits I got into because my motivation was low.

So I have high motivation and fear to back that up and prevent me from breaking rules. That with the band and my employer I know I'm on the road to success.

Onderland here I come.


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(((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support. I'm feeling really good today. Like a thin girl in a fat girls body that wants to get out...day 2.


It's been a very long time since I've felt motivated like this. I honestly believe nothing can stop me.


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Hi RObbyn! congrats on the newfound motivation. next time youre feeling a bit down or less than motivated, re-read your posts in this thread. you've remotivated me too!

abt fill and PBing.. u may consider liquids for a day or two. i slimed in hotel room about an three hours after a fill and really irritated my mucuosa.. irritation didnt show up until about 48 hours later. would have gone for an unfil if i hadnt already gone home and was 600 miles from the occ. but dr so advised me to do liquids for 3 days as it could just be irritation, not overfill, and sure enough, i was fine after a few days of liquids. no PB or slime incidents before or after that one time.

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Sounds like you are on the right track with some great motivation!! I sure hope this is the kick you need i can't wait to see your progress!!!

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((((((((((((((Hugs Erica))))))))))))))

I'm on day 3 of liquids after the fill. I'm doing better than I have in the past, normally I make my own rules. So needless to say, I'm so happy that I have the motivation to follow right now.

Good luck with your fill. I am excited to hear how it goes. xo

glad you're doing great. I'm going in for another fill this weekend. how did it go?

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((((((((((((((Hugs Dama Love)))))))))))))))

Thank you so much for recommending I re-read some posts. I did and it helped tremendously. Would you believe I had even forgotten the "real" reason I chose to get the lapband. I can't believe I forgot something that was so significant.

I appreciate the advise regarding the fill too...you are right. My instructions say to do liquids for 24 hours after any incident and I have completely ignored that in the past.

My fill Dr. asked that I stay on liquids for a week after this fill. That's just his policy. I've gotten through day 3! It's a miracle.


Hi RObbyn! congrats on the newfound motivation. next time youre feeling a bit down or less than motivated, re-read your posts in this thread. you've remotivated me too!

abt fill and PBing.. u may consider liquids for a day or two. i slimed in hotel room about an three hours after a fill and really irritated my mucuosa.. irritation didnt show up until about 48 hours later. would have gone for an unfil if i hadnt already gone home and was 600 miles from the occ. but dr so advised me to do liquids for 3 days as it could just be irritation, not overfill, and sure enough, i was fine after a few days of liquids. no PB or slime incidents before or after that one time.

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((((((((((((((((((((Hugs JhawkChick)))))))))))))))))))))

Thank you so much for posting. I really think it is the kick I've been waiting for! You look fab btw.


Sounds like you are on the right track with some great motivation!! I sure hope this is the kick you need i can't wait to see your progress!!!

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