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120lbs and plication?

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I got the plication surgery and I have 120 lbs to lose. So far it's working well for me. I have already lost almost 35 lbs. I had my surgery on Jan. 13th. I didn't want to get the band because of the problems people have. So when I saw that something was available other than the band and that wasn't so drastic as a bypass, I went for it. It's important to follow a good diet and to not snack between meals. But I find that I'm not as hungry and that I stop eating when I'm satisfied. I had my first experience of eating over capacity the other night and was miserable! I ended up trying to vomit just to get some relief - definitely NOT recommended.

So, yeah, in answer to your question, the plication surgery is good for people like you and me who have 120 lbs to lose. :)

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I also have more than 100 lbs to lose and I had the plication done at the OCC with Dr. Ortiz, Dr. Martinez and Dr. So on February 9th. I am learning to tolerate eating again. It's kind of like starting from scratch. I am learning to listen to my body and what it needs. The messages I am reading so far are

1.) when I feel a squeezing like sensation in the belly - I assume that it is time to have something to eat

2.) when I feel a gurgling gas-like sensation in the belly - I assume that I have had enough and I stop.

I am now 7 days post op and two days ago - I was feeling a little weak from being on liquids only. Hubby and I went to the grocery store and purchased Dan-Active 93 ml bottles of drinkable yogurt with probiotics and I don't really like Ensure (it tastes too medicinal for me) so I also purchased High Protein Boost. I feel much better now and have spent the last two days at work (at a desk job of course).

My starting weight was 247.8 (almost 248 Jan.3/11) and I am now 227.9 (can't believe I am down 20 lbs already). Dr. Miranda says the surgery will bring me to about 152 lbs and the rest of the weight loss will be up to me.

Hope my little story helps you and YES you can have this surgery even with having to lose over 100lbs.

Good luck with your decision and if I can answer anything else let me know.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the Plication on Nov 17,2010 and had 110 lbs to lose I am now down 60 lbs and losing anywhere from 3 - 5 lbs per week... Just stick with the program eat good and exersize as much as possible and you will be fine.. And drink a crap load of water everyday..


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I had the Plication on Nov 17,2010 and had 110 lbs to lose I am now down 60 lbs and losing anywhere from 3 - 5 lbs per week... Just stick with the program eat good and exersize as much as possible and you will be fine.. And drink a crap load of water everyday..


great job, major congratulations and keep on with the hard work and great results

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have decided to have plication surgery. I'm concerned because I had never heard anything about not being approved if I have over 50-70 lbs to lose. I have over 100 to lose. I'm also now concerned about being told i can only lose a certain amount and then the rest is up to me??? I guess I better call Carolyn at OCC.

I've posted a couple of times but never had any sort of reply...maybe I'm doing this wrong?

I sure could use a friend, some encouragement. I'm pretty frightened about all of this.


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If you speak to Carolyn, please post her response. I too want to go with the Plication, I just have to figure out the financial side of it first. But in the mean time, I decided to start the pre-op diet to see if I could do it, however I'm worried that the diet isn't meant to be for than a few weeks (I'm looking at May or June for surgery date)so I emailed Dr. Miranda some questions on Monday & still haven't rec'd a response.

Any one have any ideas?

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I had the plication surgery a few weeks ago and had about 65 pounds to loose but I don't think there is a weight restriction. I saw Dr. Ortiz interview patients who had the procedure who certainly had 100+ pounds to loose. We are now considering it for my brother. He is on the wait list here in Canada for Gastric Bypass and could have the procedure paid by the government in the next year but the Possible complications are daunting. He has well over 150 pounds to loose. Best of luck. I am happy so far and am looking forward to the future. Hope you are too.

Take care.


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Hi .I had my plication surgery Jan 27th, 2011. My weight on Jan 10,2011 was 211(on my doc's scales) and 198.01 on day of surgery. Current weight is floating between 174-176.......think this might be a stall and have upped my daily H2O and protein so I expect that will help. My goal weight is 143lbs. There were 2 other gals who had their plication surgeries done at the same time. I've kept in toucjh with them.....we each had between 80-100lbs to loose. So absolutely talk over your concerns with Dr Ortiz, ................Carolina or Lori will set up your phone consult. I will say I did consider both a lap band and the Gastric Sleeve, and for various reasons chose the plication. What I must constantly remember WLS is a tool and I must still do the work. No magic bullet, but a very effective tool. And I am sorry I missed you're queries earlier, it must have felt like no one was here to talk to and that is just not the case. If either of you wish to email me, please so...ktbaillargeon@gmail.com. I'll try and answer your questoins and feel it is my part to help those who came after me in the WL journey. I have found people on this forum to be very helpful and supportive. cheers, Katie

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