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One thing I have really hated about my lapband is the huge port. When I would get gas or some other issue, it would really hurt when it pressed against my muscle/skin. I hate seeing it as a bump in my tummy. Someone PLEASE tell me they remove the port when they do the revision surgery. I mean, I know they remove the band, but what about the port?

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I have the same problem .. mine is clearly visible, even when I wear cltohing that's form fitting (ie tank top). And it rubs against my ribs everytime I bend over. But I've gotten used to it.

You can have revision surgery, where they'll place the port much deeper, under the muscle so it doesn't protrude.

You pay for revision surgery. You can contact the OCC for more info, including cost, etc.

If you're getting your band REMOVED, they will, of course, remove the port, as you have no need for it.

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having revision surgery.. thank heavens that thing will go!

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