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are we supposed to be drinking ensure,boost, or the other "nutritional" drinks and then can have 2 other diet drinks like slimfast, as well as as much green salad as we like?

i scheduled my surgery afer the nutritionalist went on holiday break so iam not sure exactly what i should be eatting. i should already be on my 3rd day of the 7 day liquid diet, i want to make sure iam not totally blowing it, and if i am if i need to postpone for a later date. ate any advice would be helpful.

also did see 3 or 4 other pre op jan.5th banders so if you have any info i sure would like to here from you,

i might be getting a case of cold feet, iam very nervous.

thank you


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Ok debi first off, relax and take a deep breath. You're going to be fine.

Secondly, the post-op diet I was given involved three protein shakes a day plus as much green salad with balsamic vinagerette as I wanted. I don't think brand of shake is very important but something high in protein is preferred. The brands I was recommended were Slimfast Optima and AdvantEdge Carb Control. I was able to pick both of those brands up and Rite Aid.

The idea is to get you to drop as much weight as possible before the surgery so it is easier for the Dr's to work around in there.

Good luck to you and remember the first thing I said. The surgery was an absolute breeze.

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Hi Debi. I agree with everything above. Stay calm and you will be just fine. When I talked to the nutritionist she said I could have a light supper the night before but not to eat or drink anything after midnight. I believe this includes gum etc.

They are great there. I know someone else going that day-her name is Audree. She was supposed to be banded the same day as me but had something come up. She is really nice.

The staff was so good. You have made the right decision in choosing Dr. Ortiz.

Make sure you keep in touch - I will send you warm fuzzy thoughts the day of your surgery!


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thanks for your replys, i feel good about the surgery, im just worrying about this darn pre op diet. I feel like this is one more example of how bad i feel when i cant finish a diet. I have a wonderful support group here in san diego who told me, to just take it one day at a time, good advice, it is getting easier, at least thats what i want keep telling myself.

5days to go yeeee haaaaa

thanks again,


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I will just miss you there @ the OCC, I'm flying in the 9th and being banded the 11th. Good luck on yours, I'm really excited! When I talked with Miranda she stated the same diet that was outlined on the paper work we had to fax back. She told me either 3 Slim Fast shakes (or something similar) a day or 2 shakes and a Lean Cuisine in the eve. I had been doing the Adkins thing and tomorrow I will start the pre op diet, just to make sure I loose my suggested weight before I am banded. Again good luck and God Bless!

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I will just miss you there @ the OCC, I'm flying in the 9th and being banded the 11th. Good luck on yours, I'm really excited! When I talked with Miranda she stated the same diet that was outlined on the paper work we had to fax back. She told me either 3 Slim Fast shakes (or something similar) a day or 2 shakes and a Lean Cuisine in the eve. I had been doing the Adkins thing and tomorrow I will start the pre op diet, just to make sure I loose my suggested weight before I am banded. Again good luck and God Bless!

Kecia...it sounds like you are doing great! Good luck with your surgery. The preop isn't too bad after the first few says. I made sure I wa getting lots of protien in my shakes to help combat hunger.

You will both do great!

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Hi, before I had my surgery and went on liquids, I decided to take the word DIET out of my vocabulary. I have made a lifestyle change. It may sound silly to some, but it works for me. Try to keep a positive attitude, and try not to worry about the surgery. It really is a breeze. Good luck. bbuck

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One more thing - if on the liquid diet you start to feel hungry, really hungry not the head hunger thing, then you can take a fiber pill. Just an ordinary metamucil caplet worked great on giving my body something to process.

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Hi, before I had my surgery and went on liquids, I decided to take the word DIET out of my vocabulary. I have made a lifestyle change. It may sound silly to some, but it works for me. Try to keep a positive attitude, and try not to worry about the surgery. It really is a breeze. Good luck. bbuck

Sorry old habits die hard, I do feel like I am making a lifestly change it's just that you get used to the word "diet" and it just pops out. :) Trust me I have been on my fair share over the years.

I can't wait, but I do feel like I'm getting more nervous as it gets closer to my appointment. Did you have any problems with pain after? I have never had any type of surgery except pulling all 4 wisdom teeth when I was 18! I guess the next would be having my 3 children, but that was not surgery and was many years ago. I feel like I'm a whimp, even thogh I have been told I have a higher tollerance for pain. I also have not traveled by air since I was 18, I hope my fat but can fit in the seat!

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Kecia...it sounds like you are doing great! Good luck with your surgery. The preop isn't too bad after the first few says. I made sure I wa getting lots of protien in my shakes to help combat hunger.

You will both do great!

I am calling on 1/3 when the clinic reopens to schedule surgery. How much weight are you suppose to try to lose before the surgery?

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How much weight you are supposed to loose depends on the amount of weight you are starting with. If you are under 300 lbs then you will probably be asked to loose 10 lbs and if you are over 300 lbs then you will probably be asked to loose 15 lbs. This will all be explained to you when you schedule your surgery.

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How much weight you are supposed to loose depends on the amount of weight you are starting with. If you are under 300 lbs then you will probably be asked to loose 10 lbs and if you are over 300 lbs then you will probably be asked to loose 15 lbs. This will all be explained to you when you schedule your surgery.

Thanks, Clynn, for your quick reply.

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