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Help...very tight fill

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I had a fill today in Tijuana at noon. I am back in Washington now, but I still can't really drink anything without extreme discomfort. Did anyone else feel very tight initially and then have it loosen a little? I am a little worried, and wish I had not left Tijuana.


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I had a fill today in Tijuana at noon. I am back in Washington now, but I still can't really drink anything without extreme discomfort. Did anyone else feel very tight initially and then have it loosen a little? I am a little worried, and wish I had not left Tijuana.





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I had a fill today in Tijuana at noon. I am back in Washington now, but I still can't really drink anything without extreme discomfort. Did anyone else feel very tight initially and then have it loosen a little? I am a little worried, and wish I had not left Tijuana.


I had the same feeling after my fill, but it 'relaxed' after abut 3-4 days. Even water was difficult to get down. Warm liquids went down much easier.

Now not only is the tightness gone, but I know I need another fill.

My advice is give it a few days before you worry. Try warm soups, and coffee or tea to drink. It takes a few days for the stomach to adjust to the tighter band. I too thought I was over filled, and worried. The discomfort subsided quickly.

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I am leaving tomorrow night for my fill and I expect the same thing to happen with me. Thanks for the heads up! I'd like to hear more about how you flew to Seattle to TJ in one day. WOW! I didn't know I could go into TJ straight from here. :blink:


P.S...Was there any sun there? I almost forgot what the sun looks like. :ph34r:

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Hey Michelle, sorry, I didn't fly to Tijuana, I did the bus/trolley thing. It worked well though, except that I am very tight now, and might need an unfill. Every time I try calling Dr. Romero, he is with another patient. So I have yet to talk to him. He said that since it was my second fill, I would only need to be only liquids for 24 hours. And I can't imagine eating anything right now. I can get down very little, very warm liquids. Last night it was better (I am always better at night), and I drank a slimfast. This morning, I PBed with 1/4 cup of hot chocolate. I am working on another slimfast now, but it is not going so well. I really think I will need an unfill. I have to be able to eat!! Anyway, I am getting by, I wanted to talk to Dr. Romero first, but I might just call Dr. Neal here in Olympia and try to schedule something.


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Hi Becky,

Hope you are feeling a bit better by now. Not being able to eat at all sounds a bit scary. I am just wondering if Dr Romero tested you with water when he did the fill? He always gives me a bottle and has me drink some before I leave. I guess things can seem okay with a fill at first and them go south in a hurry...I really hope you will be alright. Take care, nita

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I just ate three crackers with cheese on them. I am so happy!!! Maybe I was just really tight/swollen yesterday, and will be extremely tight in the morning. I hope that is my problem. I can live that way. Anyway. Just wanted to let everyone know...I can eat....a little. Oh, and did get the slimfast down. Now I just need to up the water intake...no more kidney stones for me.


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Hey All,

I just got a fill in TJ last Friday and am also very, very tight. I've been able to sip liquids and soups, and a few bites late in the evenings. I was also seriously thinking about a slight unfill, but as long as I can get fluids down I figured I would be OK.

It has been "less uncomfortable" yesterday and today, but I'm almost thinking this is how the band really needs to work. After 6 weeks of maintaining my weight, I'm already down 10 lbs this week and have not felt any hunger. So I'm going to ride this out for awhile. My only worry is excercising on so few calories, but I'll try to take it easy.

Best of luck to all, Roger.

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People react differently to their fills... sometimes you even get swollen right after/during a fill and it can take a few days for that to reduce. And flying can cause your fill to feel a bit tighter as well (at least that's what I've heard)

Make sure you are getting plenty of liquids. Try adding food a bit at a time. If you find your are getting food stuck or can't keep it down call Dr. Martinez on his cell (email me if you need the number).

You don't want your restriction to be too tight, that puts you at risk for a slip... email or call me anytime!

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OK, here's the latest. After I ate some crackers yesterday, I tried dinner. It went fine. I ate some chicken, rice, and broccoli. ( I know, all problem foods). I ate it fine, in very small bites. I also drank quite a bit, a small sip at a time last night. So I feel much better.

This morning, I woke up, and couldn't get water down. It stuck, then I tried a little hot chocolate, and it stuck also. I was up for 3 or 4 hours before I could drink really drink anything, even sipping. But then I could sip more and more, and eat. I was much tighter in the morning then the evening before, so I guess it is just more drastic now. So I am carefully monitoring my fluids, making sure I get 64 oz in once I can drink. It is so strange, and I wish I could at least drink in the morning, it would make this whole thing easier, but maybe as time goes by, I will be able to drink more.

Thanks for all the advice and help..


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OK, here's the latest. After I ate some crackers yesterday, I tried dinner. It went fine. I ate some chicken, rice, and broccoli. ( I know, all problem foods). I ate it fine, in very small bites. I also drank quite a bit, a small sip at a time last night. So I feel much better.

This morning, I woke up, and couldn't get water down. It stuck, then I tried a little hot chocolate, and it stuck also. I was up for 3 or 4 hours before I could drink really drink anything, even sipping. But then I could sip more and more, and eat. I was much tighter in the morning then the evening before, so I guess it is just more drastic now. So I am carefully monitoring my fluids, making sure I get 64 oz in once I can drink. It is so strange, and I wish I could at least drink in the morning, it would make this whole thing easier, but maybe as time goes by, I will be able to drink more.

Thanks for all the advice and help..



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Here's the latest. I am frantically trying to get an unfill here in Washington. Yesterday and today, I can't keep any liquid down until about 3 in the afternoon. I am hungry and thirsty. I can't get enough calories or fluids to maintain my body like this. And I am mad and grumpy. I wish I had never left Tijuana. This morning, I PBed twice on my own saliva. The only thing I have had today is about 1/2 cup of tea, that was all I could take and that took 2 hours. I am mad. Why did I have to need an unfill. I thought that this was part of the benefit of having fills with fluoroscopy, so they could see that things were flowing right. I spent the whole day traveling, away from my family, and now my bad is at risk of slipping because I am so tight. This was not what I signed up for.

Sorry, I'm done complaining, I'm just really grumpy.

On a different subject, sort of, I talked to Dr. Martinez for a while last night. I asked him why my band was so much tighter in the morning. She gave me several logical reasons that I had not heard. First he said I might be eating too late at night, which I was. If you eat too late, part of the food is still in the pouch when you lie down, and stays there, so you wake upwith food still in the pouch. Then trying to add anything does not go well. So he recommended not eating three hours before bed. He also said take a 10 minute walk to help the food go through, or flush your pouch, but drinking something just before bedtime. I will try all of those, when I can eat and drink. Second, he said any kind of sinus problems can cause problems. I have always had problems with post-nasal drip. I just lived with it. During the day, as I am up and walking, that nasty stuff just goes through the band. But at night, it gets stuck in the pouch and so when I wake up, nasty, thick stuff is blocking my pouch. I know this is really gross, but so helpful to know. He said that warm or hot water would help flush it through and to get my doctor to do what he can to take care of it. Finally, he said no espresso in the morning. He said coffee is fine, but espresso is not. He doesn't know why, but that's how it is. Of couse, I had been trying to have espresso every morning. Anyway, some things to work on , and good to know. I just hope I haven't done anything to my band before I knew all this. I am worried about that, and the fact that my band is so tight. I can't possibly afford to do anything other than maybe another fill. So if I slipped, I wouldn't know what to do. I'm praying.

I really wish there were better instructions with the band. We really get so little before we are on our own. And then most of what I know is because of my own, or other people's trial and error. I love Dr. Ortiz book, and it was very helpful in deciding to get banded, but I wish he would right one with all these instuctions once you are banded.


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Hey I had a fill and it was very tight for about a week. One day I could eat or drink fine and the next day nothing. It is a hit and miss. Just be sure to take little bites and chew chew chew. I am better after 6 days. Do not drink hot chocolate in the morning it does not seem to stay down. good luck and hopefully it will get better.

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Thank you SO MUCH for posting this! I too have major sinus problems (non-seasonal allergies) and am thankful to have this information before getting banded. Sounds like a cup of peppermint tea in the morning would be just the thing to help with that part at least.

Here's the latest. I am frantically trying to get an unfill here in Washington. Yesterday and today, I can't keep any liquid down until about 3 in the afternoon. I am hungry and thirsty. I can't get enough calories or fluids to maintain my body like this. And I am mad and grumpy. I wish I had never left Tijuana. This morning, I PBed twice on my own saliva. The only thing I have had today is about 1/2 cup of tea, that was all I could take and that took 2 hours. I am mad. Why did I have to need an unfill. I thought that this was part of the benefit of having fills with fluoroscopy, so they could see that things were flowing right. I spent the whole day traveling, away from my family, and now my bad is at risk of slipping because I am so tight. This was not what I signed up for.

Sorry, I'm done complaining, I'm just really grumpy.

On a different subject, sort of, I talked to Dr. Martinez for a while last night. I asked him why my band was so much tighter in the morning. She gave me several logical reasons that I had not heard. First he said I might be eating too late at night, which I was. If you eat too late, part of the food is still in the pouch when you lie down, and stays there, so you wake upwith food still in the pouch. Then trying to add anything does not go well. So he recommended not eating three hours before bed. He also said take a 10 minute walk to help the food go through, or flush your pouch, but drinking something just before bedtime. I will try all of those, when I can eat and drink. Second, he said any kind of sinus problems can cause problems. I have always had problems with post-nasal drip. I just lived with it. During the day, as I am up and walking, that nasty stuff just goes through the band. But at night, it gets stuck in the pouch and so when I wake up, nasty, thick stuff is blocking my pouch. I know this is really gross, but so helpful to know. He said that warm or hot water would help flush it through and to get my doctor to do what he can to take care of it. Finally, he said no espresso in the morning. He said coffee is fine, but espresso is not. He doesn't know why, but that's how it is. Of couse, I had been trying to have espresso every morning. Anyway, some things to work on , and good to know. I just hope I haven't done anything to my band before I knew all this. I am worried about that, and the fact that my band is so tight. I can't possibly afford to do anything other than maybe another fill. So if I slipped, I wouldn't know what to do. I'm praying.

I really wish there were better instructions with the band. We really get so little before we are on our own. And then most of what I know is because of my own, or other people's trial and error. I love Dr. Ortiz book, and it was very helpful in deciding to get banded, but I wish he would right one with all these instuctions once you are banded.


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The never ending saga of my "band" life continues.....

I was banded on Friday. They took out the 1.2 that was put in Sept 8th, so I was relieved. I was also relieved that my band was in place and had not slipped. I am very concerned about my burping, which has gotten progressively worse over the last month and a half. The fill DR recommended I take Maloxx or Mylanta 3 times a day. I am and it isn't helping.

My band too is very very tight! I am burping twice as much as before and I haven't been able to keep anything down. I haven't really tried anything but water, a smoothie and a few crackers. This morning seemed to be especially tight! I am so glad to have read what was posted earlier. It helps me put my mind (and my band) at ease.

The bad news is....my weight has gone up. I was mortified when I got on the scale in the fill office. I almost started to cry. Maybe I was retaining water from the flight? My period? Who knows? I was devistated to say the least. Maybe it was his scale but NO...I got on my scale at home and it said the same. :-(. Only good news is that today a pound and a half less. Considering I haven't ate nearly a thing since Thursday, I thought it would be more. Must be my fat turning into muscle...LOL...not!

Feeling tight in WA,

Michele <_<

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Here is the latest in my banding "saga". Yesterday, I woke up, the day after pbing my own spit, and felt great. No stuck feeling, no problem with spit. So about noon, and tried to drink, no problem with little sips. So I ate mushy food. Today, I woke up, knowing I need to decide if I need an unfill or not. And tried something to drink this morning, it went fine, and this was early...much too early if you ask me. So I tried a few small bites of cottage cheese, even if it came back up, I wanted to know and would make and unfill appointment. No problem. So I tried some lunch later, again, no problem. Now, I am taking very small bites, and chewing thoroughly, but I was before too. So now I am having a very small dinner and that is fine too. I have drank all my water and I feel great. If it stays like this great...but who knows.


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Well I am on day (counting on fingers...1,2,3,4,5) 5 and I am still gagging on my spit and can't keep a thing down. I'm hoping that my tummy will feel better by tomorrow. I haven't lost a pound. Does my body think I'm starving it? I hate scales but now I'm getting on it three times a day. My calorie intake is low and I am getting headaches everyday. I hope this stops soon.

The saga continues.

Sliming in Seattle.....

Michele :(

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Hey Michelle. I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet. It has been a day, and I am leaving again in a minute. I hope you get through this. It was the 6th Day that I finally felt a little better. I am still unsure about an unfill. I am tired and grumpy and I can't help but think it is because I am eating so little, though every day is a little better. How much of a fill did you get, and how many have you had? Don't get on the scale so often!!! You know better. It will move, but not that quickly. Of course, I should probably take my own advice and stay off my own scale. :rolleyes: Hope you feel better soon.

Sunday will be tons of fun won't it!!!


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Boy, the information you girls are sharing is very helpful. Ihave a VG band and just went for my second fill on Friday. The first fill 4.0 CC and the second took me to 5.2CC. I cannot eat!! This morning I had two sips of cold milk to try and get some protein and had to pull off the fwy to PB. I will try to give it some time but it starts to worry you that you cannot even drink liquids. I am not much of a complainer but when I went down for a consult before my surgery I was told I could eat what I used to eat but only about 1/3 of the qty. That is so far from the truth at this stage in the game. I hope things change becasue I don't want to live not being sure if I can swallow. Anyway, because of your messages I am going to try some warm tea and chill for another day or so and see if I can get down soup or something.

Thanks girls,


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Boy, the information you girls are sharing is very helpful. Ihave a VG band and just went for my second fill on Friday. The first fill 4.0 CC and the second took me to 5.2CC. I cannot eat!! This morning I had two sips of cold milk to try and get some protein and had to pull off the fwy to PB. I will try to give it some time but it starts to worry you that you cannot even drink liquids. I am not much of a complainer but when I went down for a consult before my surgery I was told I could eat what I used to eat but only about 1/3 of the qty. That is so far from the truth at this stage in the game. I hope things change becasue I don't want to live not being sure if I can swallow. Anyway, because of your messages I am going to try some warm tea and chill for another day or so and see if I can get down soup or something.

Thanks girls,


Hey Terri, I know what you mean. Listening to others talk on here, they are eating ounces. Just wanted to tell you though, I was certain my fill was way too tight, but now, two weeks later, I am fine. I eat a small breakfast, I can keep down everything. I drink in the morning, very cautiously though. I am much better. And I have not found any food that I have problems with as long as I take small bites and ches thoroughly. No issues with chicken, tortillas, bread, anything (though I am not eating as much bread as before, other stuff just sounds better). Anyway, I do eat about 1/3 or a little less than what I did before, and I am losing.


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I think this is why a lot of doctors prefer more fills at a smaller rate. Yes, they get more money too, but better to inch up then suddenly not be able to swallow!!!

Hey Terri, I know what you mean. Listening to others talk on here, they are eating ounces. Just wanted to tell you though, I was certain my fill was way too tight, but now, two weeks later, I am fine. I eat a small breakfast, I can keep down everything. I drink in the morning, very cautiously though. I am much better. And I have not found any food that I have problems with as long as I take small bites and ches thoroughly. No issues with chicken, tortillas, bread, anything (though I am not eating as much bread as before, other stuff just sounds better). Anyway, I do eat about 1/3 or a little less than what I did before, and I am losing.


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Hi, I am so glad i found your website! I was banded in france even though i live in the UK and monday went for my third fill. It was only 1mil but i have constantly been sick since monday! I had visions of having to drive for four hours to get a de-fill but judging by your postings, this is entirely normal! Its very worrying when you are going through this alone as my family dont know about the bad that i have!

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I don't know if what I experienced was normal. I actually believe it was a lot of prayer on my part and a few others that made it work. I have talked to a few others who have had to have an unfill. It seems very common, in my limited experience, to need and an unfill, which surprised me. In fact, about 1/2 of the people I have talked to have needed and unfill. And it doesn't seem to matter where the fill was done, Mexico or US. OR apparently France. I'm actually not sure that fluoroscopy is any help in getting the right fill level. I think it really is just a guess. I think I will have my next fill without fluoroscopy and save the money.

It is very nice to have this board. My family knows about my band, but they haven't experienced it. They just hear about it from me, so to talk to people who are walking the same path is nice.

Best of luck to you.


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