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5 Days post-op

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Hey everybody - My first post. I must say lurking around this forum and hearing the success stories and positive attitudes gave me the extra push I needed to get banded.

I fell a lot better today than earlier in the week and actually went back to work 3 days post-op (i have a desk job).

My incisions seem to be healing fine but I do have one concern -

Looking down at my incisions from my perspective , the third incision from the left is sore and lumpy between incision 3 and 4. Can anyone explain why? I dont want to call the doctor just yet.

Thank you very much.

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I'm a little confused by your numbering, is the incision you're talking about the largest one? If so, then that's the incision directly over your port. It is normal for it to be a little sore and bumpy for awhile since there is a foreign object under there. The time to get concerned is if the area becomes inflamed, feverish, oozing, or bleeding because those are signs of infection.

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I'm a little confused by your numbering, is the incision you're talking about the largest one? If so, then that's the incision directly over your port. It is normal for it to be a little sore and bumpy for awhile since there is a foreign object under there. The time to get concerned is if the area becomes inflamed, feverish, oozing, or bleeding because those are signs of infection.

yes it is the largest one so I guess it is the port - although I thought the port would be more to the side. I guess that also explains why I can sleep on my side with no pain. Thanks for reply.

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I was surprised that they put the port in the middle of my stomach too, as I'd only seen it placed on the side in pictures. That area was quite swollen and seemed somewhat hard for several weeks and it bothered me some when I would bend over. I didn't know how large the port actually was, and was thinking it must be pretty big, which concerned me some. Some of the smaller incisions felt like they had small marbles underneath them too. However, it's now been two months, and I barely notice them. I don't feel the "marbles" and the area around my port doesn't bother me at all and I can now tell it's quite small. I bruise easily, and it took the six weeks for them to totally fade, but they didn't bother me after about a week, so that wasn't a problem. I was a bit concerned about the fills, but it was a piece of cake, easier than a blood test!

Sounds like you're doing fine, Good Luck!


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