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I am still in the process of getting my loan for surgery and have been worried sick about what I need to do.

What is the pre op diet?

Is it a requirement to lose weight before surgery? If so how much?

Can you eat bread after you been banded? I love bread! What if I chew, chew, chew? Or will it turn back into dough?

I guess the medicine man should have named me worrywart!

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I am still in the process of getting my loan for surgery and have been worried sick about what I need to do.

What is the pre op diet?

Is it a requirement to lose weight before surgery? If so how much?

Can you eat bread after you been banded? I love bread! What if I chew, chew, chew? Or will it turn back into dough?

I guess the medicine man should have named me worrywart!

Hi White Dove,

Once you have talked with Carolyn and have your surgery set up she will email you some stuff to print out, like your patient profile and questionaire and on it you will find different pre op diet options that start anywhere from like 2 weeks to one week prior to surgery. When you tell Carolyn how much your starting weight is she will tell you your goal for weight loss prior to surgery. As far as the bread thing, Im not to that point yet, just 2 weeks post op, but I have read a lot of comments about problems with bread but then again, everyone is different. Good luck on your journey.

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There are different pre-op diets that are given out depending on how much you have lost recently and how much you still have to loose. You will have a phone or email consult with Dr Miranda who will explain everything to you and answer your questions as you go along. As for the bread, well, everyone is different. There is a chance you will not be able to eat bread after the surgery. I cannot at all but other people don't have any problems with it. However, I gladly gave up all the bread in the world to be able to re-invent myself like this.

Good luck to you, it will be fine. Just breathe

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