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Banded and discouraged

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Had my band surgery in January and lost 16 pounds within a month. It was great. Had determination and was very excited about a healthier lifestyle.

HOWEVER, then life regained its hold over my emotional eating. I began to look forward to my fill. Found one kind of close, but there was absolutely no difference after my fill (thanks for taking my $400 and giving me nothing). Then I started getting more discouraged. Should have just went back to TJ to get my fill. Now, I am looking for my inner drive to regain control over my future. I think one of the problems has to do with experimentation. When you are tight, you start playing head games. "I wonder if I can eat this.... What about this..." - knowing you will be getting a fill soon and won't be able to eat those things. Then when you're fill doesn't give you the restriction, the expectations or support (if that's the only support you have) feels like a let-down. And if you're an emotional eater anyhow, this does little for your self-esteem. Obviously, I have had to question myself as to whether or not this was the best choice for me. I was so pumped and knew I would follow all the rules. And I did, for awhile.

I am very happy for all that are such great success. I will go read a support book and see if I can re-gain my will to do this. I'm not giving up, but definitely tring to have a reality check. The band doesn't make you lose weight, but the person receiving the band has the control to determine to what extent you want to take it.

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Had my band surgery in January and lost 16 pounds within a month. It was great. Had determination and was very excited about a healthier lifestyle.

HOWEVER, then life regained its hold over my emotional eating. I began to look forward to my fill. Found one kind of close, but there was absolutely no difference after my fill (thanks for taking my $400 and giving me nothing). Then I started getting more discouraged. Should have just went back to TJ to get my fill. Now, I am looking for my inner drive to regain control over my future. I think one of the problems has to do with experimentation. When you are tight, you start playing head games. "I wonder if I can eat this.... What about this..." - knowing you will be getting a fill soon and won't be able to eat those things. Then when you're fill doesn't give you the restriction, the expectations or support (if that's the only support you have) feels like a let-down. And if you're an emotional eater anyhow, this does little for your self-esteem. Obviously, I have had to question myself as to whether or not this was the best choice for me. I was so pumped and knew I would follow all the rules. And I did, for awhile.

I am very happy for all that are such great success. I will go read a support book and see if I can re-gain my will to do this. I'm not giving up, but definitely tring to have a reality check. The band doesn't make you lose weight, but the person receiving the band has the control to determine to what extent you want to take it.


I believe that to a certain extent. (The band has the control to determine to what extent you want to take it). But, I also believe, in my heart with the proper restriction level, when you are filled to that so called sweet spot, it is there to help you with weight loss, unlike any other diet. It is tough to do when you are not properly restricted. After all, why have the band as a tool if you have to depend on your willpower all the time. That would not make sense, since I feel like willpower on my own was something I could not do for life.

You have had, only one fill, and believe me, it's better to creep up on the amount. I have experienced both sides of fills, eating anything, and not eating anything, not even water would go down, not even a tiny sip the size of your fingernail. It does get discouraging. I am very fortunate that I am at a place in life where money is not the issue for getting fills/unfills, but I also would like to get to that level since I paid out of pocket (17,000). Yes, you do want what you paid for. How someone with limited funds does it, is even more discouraging, my heart goes out to them. With this type of follow up care, needing fills to make the surgery work, it has been up and down, and a guessing game for me. I'm still believing though. Hang in there, and I hope your next fill gets you to the proper restriction.


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Hang in there! We are all going through the same thing for the most part. My first fill was more aggressive but I am thankful for it. I still struggle with eating some of the soft stuff that I shouldn't eat. However, my band has kept me from pigging out on so much. I haven't even had a real hamburger since my band date of 2-9-07. I hardly eat pizza anymore and I would normally stuff my face on Friday with pizza. I've see such big changes in my eating pattern since being banded. With that said, I have had my share of tears over not getting to eat something that I really wanted or just being so frustrated with something getting stuck or sliming for 30 minutes after I've taken a small bite of something. It can be very frustrating but I am sure that it will all be worth it once I've dropped this weight. We feel deprived because we can't eat something and we still feel fat because we are. The weight is slow to come off so at times I get frustrated and feel like I am trapped in a fat persons body. ****IT TAKES TIME**** This is what I keep telling myself so that I can try to maintain a positive attitude. Some days, I eat more than I should. Some days, my band is tight and I don't eat much. It's the life of a bander.

All in all, this band is going to work for us if we just hang in there. Call around to see if you can find a doctor who can give you a fill for less money. I paid $250 for my fill and was told that I could have a free adjustment within two weeks of the fill if I needed.

Good luck to you!!!!

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