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Pancakes, cheese, and chicken?

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I was just thinking about my first solid foods and especially my fave foods which I know should be in limited amounts if at all eaten. I love pancakes, cheese, and chicken. I have read alot of different posts on chicken, but I thought maybe if I have it really moist like marinated or something, it would go down ok. And pancakes too if they were kinda moist with SF syrup or something like that. I really have always loved cheese. How does everyone do with that food? Does it go down ok and digest ok? I won't indulge in too much of cheese or pancakes, but just daydreaming of eating them again. LOL

Thanks for any replies and/or suggestions.



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I was just thinking about my first solid foods and especially my fave foods which I know should be in limited amounts if at all eaten. I love pancakes, cheese, and chicken. I have read alot of different posts on chicken, but I thought maybe if I have it really moist like marinated or something, it would go down ok. And pancakes too if they were kinda moist with SF syrup or something like that. I really have always loved cheese. How does everyone do with that food? Does it go down ok and digest ok? I won't indulge in too much of cheese or pancakes, but just daydreaming of eating them again. LOL

Thanks for any replies and/or suggestions.



My fill is at 2.70 and cheese goes down great. Chicken is okay as long as it's very moist and I chew to goo. Pancakes I cannot eat. You might be able to eat pancakes if you make them soggy enough with syrup. Breads have become too uncomfortable for me to eat. I have no desire to even try them anymore. It took a lot of failed attempts at eating bread for me to finally decide it's not worth it. After I eat any form of bread, my mouth get's full of saliva until I have to stand over a toilet just to let the saliva spill out of my mouth. It's as if my body is preparing to vomit, but it never does. Then I burp and hiccup a few time and it's over. Pretty disgusting. It definitely can put a kink in social eating. Not a good idea. Rachelle

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I was just thinking about my first solid foods and especially my fave foods which I know should be in limited amounts if at all eaten. I love pancakes, cheese, and chicken. I have read alot of different posts on chicken, but I thought maybe if I have it really moist like marinated or something, it would go down ok. And pancakes too if they were kinda moist with SF syrup or something like that. I really have always loved cheese. How does everyone do with that food? Does it go down ok and digest ok? I won't indulge in too much of cheese or pancakes, but just daydreaming of eating them again. LOL

Thanks for any replies and/or suggestions.



Chicken, cheese and thinner pancakes are no problem for me.... Once in a great while, if I am not careful and do not chew well, I can have an issue with chicken... but normally I can eat anything.... Just in smaller portions than before the band...

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My fill is at 2.70 and cheese goes down great. Chicken is okay as long as it's very moist and I chew to goo. Pancakes I cannot eat. You might be able to eat pancakes if you make them soggy enough with syrup. Breads have become too uncomfortable for me to eat. I have no desire to even try them anymore. It took a lot of failed attempts at eating bread for me to finally decide it's not worth it. After I eat any form of bread, my mouth get's full of saliva until I have to stand over a toilet just to let the saliva spill out of my mouth. It's as if my body is preparing to vomit, but it never does. Then I burp and hiccup a few time and it's over. Pretty disgusting. It definitely can put a kink in social eating. Not a good idea. Rachelle


That is definitley ME too! I do the same thing, stand over the toilet spitting like some kind of rabbid dog! I have never thrown up, or PB'ed though. Then after maybe 10 minutes or so (seems like forever) I finally start burping, like a MAN that has just guzzled down a 6 pack. Then I feel better. Strange huh?

No, I can't tolerate pancakes. A few bites, and I get that golf ball feeling in my chest, and off to the toilet I go, to spit awhile!


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Chicken, cheese and thinner pancakes are no problem for me.... Once in a great while, if I am not careful and do not chew well, I can have an issue with chicken... but normally I can eat anything.... Just in smaller portions than before the band...



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I finally start burping, like a MAN that has just guzzled down a 6 pack. Then I feel better. Strange huh?


Thanks for your feedback about burping and spitting, especially as glamorous as you look. I consider myself somewhat glamorous, and, since the LapBand, I burp like a man, too (and spit and hiccup)! It was HUGELY embarrassing at first, but I've come to terms with it. Now I can even laugh about it. I finally got peace about it when I decided that I would trade the embarrassment of blubber for the embarrassment of burping any 'ole day! Rachelle

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Thanks for your feedback about burping and spitting, especially as glamorous as you look. I consider myself somewhat glamorous, and, since the LapBand, I burp like a man, too (and spit and hiccup)! It was HUGELY embarrassing at first, but I've come to terms with it. Now I can even laugh about it. I finally got peace about it when I decided that I would trade the embarrassment of blubber for the embarrassment of burping any 'ole day! Rachelle

Awww that's so sweet! "Glamorous" I don't believe I have ever been called that! LOL My hubby kinda looks at me funny when I have to let one of those scary burps out. I just tell him, "If you were hurting like this, you'd be HAPPY to burp too!" He generally backs off pretty quickly. I guess I look pretty scary to him, and with the man burps and all, he may even think I'm gonna kick his butt! :ph34r: LOL

Nah, it doesn't bother me anymore either. I'd MUCH rather be a skinny burper, than a fatty! LOL


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