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Salads and what in them?

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I was wondering about salads and what people put in them and if they are easy to tolerate if chewed well. Also, what is put in them and which salads are best? Like iceburg, romaine, etc. I like salads, but not sure about eating them and what to have in them.

Thanks for any suggestions and advice about this topic.



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I was wondering about salads and what people put in them and if they are easy to tolerate if chewed well. Also, what is put in them and which salads are best? Like iceburg, romaine, etc. I like salads, but not sure about eating them and what to have in them.

Thanks for any suggestions and advice about this topic.




I was banded Oct 2006 and salads are my favorite along with tuna. Reason is unlike prepared foods, your salad you can eat slow and it does not get cold. Nothing worst that your meal getting cold after 3 bites beecasue you are eating slow. I stick to regular iceberg lettuce, cumumber, little cheese and a few croutons. The crutons give you that crunchy that you need. I probably use too much salad dressing but I've never had a problem with salads.


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I was wondering about salads and what people put in them and if they are easy to tolerate if chewed well. Also, what is put in them and which salads are best? Like iceburg, romaine, etc. I like salads, but not sure about eating them and what to have in them.

Thanks for any suggestions and advice about this topic.



I so far haven't had any problems with lettuce. I hate to cook/prepare/cut/ANYTHING so I buy those prepared salads in a bag, pour some out into a bowl and use some spritz salad dressing on them :) I would think any kind of veggie you can tolerate would be good. I've found testing is the only way to know what works for YOU. It's not a fun way to do it, but start out with teeny tiny little bites and go from there.

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I so far haven't had any problems with lettuce. I hate to cook/prepare/cut/ANYTHING so I buy those prepared salads in a bag, pour some out into a bowl and use some spritz salad dressing on them :) I would think any kind of veggie you can tolerate would be good. I've found testing is the only way to know what works for YOU. It's not a fun way to do it, but start out with teeny tiny little bites and go from there.

That's all you can do is try different. But foods that work at 1 time may work different after you get adjusted. I just can't eat anything that is dry. Bread has to have dressing, gravy, broth etc. I try to practice portion control instead of just eating a little because usually by then you've ate too much and you don't really feel it until an hour or so later. When something does not agree with my stomach, the best thing to do is to drink water. As if to flush it out!!

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I was wondering about salads and what people put in them and if they are easy to tolerate if chewed well. Also, what is put in them and which salads are best? Like iceburg, romaine, etc. I like salads, but not sure about eating them and what to have in them.

Thanks for any suggestions and advice about this topic.




Don't mean to be a downer, but one of my doctor's patients got a piece of salad stuck and had to be unfilled because of it. I don't know if this patient's "food-stuck" experience was like mine. I got a piece of shrimp shell stuck and threw-up violently for four hours until it finally passed on it's own. I didn't have to have an unfill because of it, but after my experience, if there is even a remote chance that a certain food could get stuck, I avoid it at all costs! There are too many "safe" foods to choose from to risk it. Besides, salads don't pack the nutritional punch that Bandsters needs since we're taking in so little food. Popcorn is another "it's-not-worth-it" food. It has the potential to get stuck, and it doesn't have the nutrients Bandsters need. It's a miracle that my band didn't slip when I got food stuck. I will NEVER risk going there again!


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