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Pre-op diet

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Hello everyone,

I am very new to this board, I just registered last week. My surgery date is June 28th (only four more days!) in Kentucky, and I have quite a few concerns about my pre-op diet. My doctor has me on a 10-day liquids only diet consisting of broths, sugar-free popsicles and 100% juice. The first few days were GREULING to say the least but I have really gotten used to it after 7 days.

I have been reading a lot of your posts about the pre-op diet and I see that many people have been put on like a slim-fast protein shake diet with like a chicken breast for dinner or something to that extent. (I would MUCH RATHER DO THAT!!!!) So, I was wondering why the difference?

And also, the doc keeps saying sugar-free this and sugar-free that, and that is fine, but I have called TWICE now to confirm Am I really allowed to have the 100% juice? Twice they have told me yes, but that I may have to dilute it after the surgery. Again, fine. But why am I allowed to have this if on the nutrition label, it has 39grams of sugar for an 8 oz glass of 100% grape juice? I don't know if I'm doubting myself or if I am really not supposed to have this.

And finally my last question (and the one I have the MOST interest in knowing lol!) Is this pre-op diet STRICTLY to reduce the size of the liver? Or does it have some greater purpose to the surgery? The reason I ask is because do you think it would be okay to eat a little bit of a solid meal the day before the surgery kind of as a "last meal" so long as its at a decent time and within reason provided that I lost enough weight to shrink my liver?

Let me know what you all think and thank you so much for your time!

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Hello everyone,

I am very new to this board, I just registered last week. My surgery date is June 28th (only four more days!) in Kentucky, and I have quite a few concerns about my pre-op diet. My doctor has me on a 10-day liquids only diet consisting of broths, sugar-free popsicles and 100% juice. The first few days were GREULING to say the least but I have really gotten used to it after 7 days.

I have been reading a lot of your posts about the pre-op diet and I see that many people have been put on like a slim-fast protein shake diet with like a chicken breast for dinner or something to that extent. (I would MUCH RATHER DO THAT!!!!) So, I was wondering why the difference?

And also, the doc keeps saying sugar-free this and sugar-free that, and that is fine, but I have called TWICE now to confirm Am I really allowed to have the 100% juice? Twice they have told me yes, but that I may have to dilute it after the surgery. Again, fine. But why am I allowed to have this if on the nutrition label, it has 39grams of sugar for an 8 oz glass of 100% grape juice? I don't know if I'm doubting myself or if I am really not supposed to have this.

And finally my last question (and the one I have the MOST interest in knowing lol!) Is this pre-op diet STRICTLY to reduce the size of the liver? Or does it have some greater purpose to the surgery? The reason I ask is because do you think it would be okay to eat a little bit of a solid meal the day before the surgery kind of as a "last meal" so long as its at a decent time and within reason provided that I lost enough weight to shrink my liver?

Let me know what you all think and thank you so much for your time!

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I am also new to this board where are you in KY I am also in KY. I am just trying to get thru the getting approved by insurance. I see a pyscholgists on Tuesday and I am suppose to see a dietition this week too. I am hoping to have the surgery in July. Are you in Louisville by chance?


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I think's it's more fat-free than sugar free. And I think yes it's all to reduce the liver.

It does help to get your appetite down and some may thinks it's a test. If you can't prepare for the surgery, can you eat correct after surgery? I didn't cheat because I was scared the doctor would know because of my liver and send me home without surgery.

If you were going to have 1 last meal, I would make it at least 2 days before surgery to help clean your intensine tract.

Aren't you suppose to the day before have a cleaqr liquid?

Good luck

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I am also new to this board where are you in KY I am also in KY. I am just trying to get thru the getting approved by insurance. I see a pyscholgists on Tuesday and I am suppose to see a dietition this week too. I am hoping to have the surgery in July. Are you in Louisville by chance?


Hi there,

I'm actually in Northern KY, bout an hour and a half away from Louisville. For me, it only took about 2 and 1/2 weeks for my authorization to approved from the insurance company after I had my last consultation with the doc. That was awesome because I've heard it takes longer. But, I do work for the insurance company and know that this is a covered benefit, so that's probably why it didn't take as long (I was told it would take anywhere from 30-45 days to get approved). But I am so excited. I just got home from the hospital to have my pre-admission testing, which went really well. The nurse told me she has another nurse friend who had this done 6 months ago and has already lost 100 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a LOT!!! So, it fueled me to keep going on this liquid diet thing. I think I'll call my doc and ask him about the last meal though, not sure if I want to do it or not bc I don't want to screw anything up. But I wish you the best of luck! 3 more days for me!!

Nice to "meet" you btw!

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