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After the surgery question

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I am having this surgery done soon....but I have been worried about the time off from my job. Can anyone tell me if I can go back as soon as three days after the procedure and if I will be sick alot after the surgery? How often are the fills? :-?

You may be a little sore but I would imagine that you could, if you had to, go back to work after 3 days. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and was back to work the next Monday just fine. You may still have a little gas pain, but if you make sure to walk, walk, walk and then walk some more after surgery you should be ok. I guess it really depends on what kind of work you do.

As for being sick... I was not sick at all, never have been, I have not even done the dreaded "PB" even once.

Good Luck! ><'

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I had surgery on Thursday 6/14 and was back at work Monday 6/18. I still had some discomfort, but it was tolerable. In terms of getting sick (PB), I can't comment on that as I don't have any restriction - I get my first fill on 7/27

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You may be a little sore but I would imagine that you could, if you had to, go back to work after 3 days. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and was back to work the next Monday just fine. You may still have a little gas pain, but if you make sure to walk, walk, walk and then walk some more after surgery you should be ok. I guess it really depends on what kind of work you do.

As for being sick... I was not sick at all, never have been, I have not even done the dreaded "PB" even once.

Good Luck! ><'

Hi NinnyEd,

I was banded on a Monday and came home on a Wed. evening. I took the rest of the week off just to get used to the post-op liquid diet and recupe from the surgery and trip. I could have easily went back to work the day after coming home because I have a desk job and not much moving around. I walked ALOT the day before and the day after surgery. Walked around TJ both times for probably a couple miles total. I really believe that those walks helped tremendously in preventing or greatly lessening the gas problems that most have.

I have a question for you though as to your fills. I also have the VG band and am getting my first fill here locally on the 21st of July. I know the norm for a first fill in a VG band is 4cc's, but I want to go back to TJ with a friend in October to have another. Do you think that I will need one by then? Right now I have no restriction and can eat pretty much anything and everything.

Thanks and congrats on your weight loss.



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Hi NinnyEd,

I was banded on a Monday and came home on a Wed. evening. I took the rest of the week off just to get used to the post-op liquid diet and recupe from the surgery and trip. I could have easily went back to work the day after coming home because I have a desk job and not much moving around. I walked ALOT the day before and the day after surgery. Walked around TJ both times for probably a couple miles total. I really believe that those walks helped tremendously in preventing or greatly lessening the gas problems that most have.

I have a question for you though as to your fills. I also have the VG band and am getting my first fill here locally on the 21st of July. I know the norm for a first fill in a VG band is 4cc's, but I want to go back to TJ with a friend in October to have another. Do you think that I will need one by then? Right now I have no restriction and can eat pretty much anything and everything.

Thanks and congrats on your weight loss.



Hi Judy!

I would be confident to say that you will probably need another fill in October. (BTW - I was banded in October, TJ is beautiful that time of year!) I have just had two and they were 4 months apart. My last fill was in March and I have needed another one for quite a while now, but my present work load is preventing me taking time off and going back to TJ to get one.... I am hoping to go to a guy in Chicago for a quickie fill. The VG band seems to need a bit more "tweaking" than the smaller one.

Good luck on your fill tomorrow!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Judy!

I would be confident to say that you will probably need another fill in October. (BTW - I was banded in October, TJ is beautiful that time of year!) I have just had two and they were 4 months apart. My last fill was in March and I have needed another one for quite a while now, but my present work load is preventing me taking time off and going back to TJ to get one.... I am hoping to go to a guy in Chicago for a quickie fill. The VG band seems to need a bit more "tweaking" than the smaller one.

Good luck on your fill tomorrow!

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