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what? losing inches but not weight!!

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Hi Everyone,

its been a while since i posted anything. basically i took the summer off from paying any attention to wt loss or the band and maintained the whole summer.

the first of august i went on a strict 1200 a day calorie diet and started exercising 5 days a week... 40 min cardio and 20 min free weight training. well, i have only lost one pound for the whole month and i dont get it. i was extremely frusterated until i took my measurements and realized i have lost 3 inches off my hips this month and that is always my trouble area and last place to lose.

my question, i am obviously still 68 lbs away from my goal wt and still obese - shouldnt the wt be coming off too along with the inches? i realize muscle weighs more than fat but come on - there is still alot of fat on my bod!!

what do you think?

thanks for your imput!


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Hey Kym:

In the same boat here... I'm on a major plateau. After getting totally restricted and staying that way for three weeks ( dropped 17-18 pound), I got an unfill and haven't lost a thng, but I am running 3-4 times a week, biking and recently completed a 1/2 Marathon, still no weight comes off...

As with you, I know there is alot more blubber(my word) on my bones to come off, but its slow going. Inches count as much, if not more than weight. Muscle density..not only weighs more, but has less volume.


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thanks for the response Tom and that does make sense.

Its irritating when people say "wow, you sure have dropped alot of wt since the last time i saw you" and in turn i say 'no, i havent lost a pound!" i think from now on i will just say thank you and if they ask for a number - which they ALWAYS do, i will just respond with "i lost a couple pounds" (they dont need to know its the same two pounds i gain and lose every day!)

i do have to admit the inches lost is much more noticeable for me, than the initial 20 or 30 lbs i lost after surgery.. finally people notice even though the scale stays the same.

thanks again,


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my question, i am obviously still 68 lbs away from my goal wt and still obese - shouldnt the wt be coming off too along with the inches? i realize muscle weighs more than fat but come on - there is still alot of fat on my bod!!

In your place, I would get a measurement of the fat percentage of my body. The best method for doing this is underwater weighing which is not easily accessible to most people. (I am a member of my local Fitness 19 gym and they bring a mobile lab around once every 3 or 4 months with the equipment.)

In the alternative, you can do a measure of fat percentage using calipers and a fat percentage chart. Most weight loss physicians provide this service (it's very difficult to do on yourself). I'm not sure, but I think you can have it done at a Jenny Craig center, as well.

Finally, there is a chart that plots your weight against your wrist measurement and waist measurement for a fairly accurate measurement of body fat percentage. It's not as accurate as the first two methods, but it's adequate for most practical purposes.

I think you already know that you are losing fat, but any one of these methods will show you exactly how much and that should really motivate you to lose more!

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