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Tomorrow is B day

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It almost sounds like a birthday -- but it's my banding day - yay!! I am at the Lucerna - they were so fantastic, they gave me a suite for my husband, son and me -- TWO bathrooms, 2 rooms (my hubby and I might actually get some sleep tonight!) and facing the pool....at no extra charge! I didn't even ask - just asked if they had a rollaway bed!

The day was great - Dr. Miranda was lovely - we were kidding around about our various "bad" habits (clearly, mine are worse than hers!!) Dr. Jimenez was a doll - Josefa, my nurse, was able to get at my very difficult veins effortlessly to draw blood -- and the whole pre-op prep was painless and great! I got to meet Sue (Sueca) who made me feel much easier about tomorrow, and another girl from OK who was very reassuring as well -- both look GREAT, although I don't know how much they've lost, but very inspirational!! And last but definitely not least, I met a bandster "partner" and her boyfriend on the van to the OCC - She's from NC and we bonded quickly over our common "issues" with food and fears about surgery and beyond! I hope that we can keep in touch afterward and be partners in post-banding process. There are 4 others that I will meet tomorrow.

After the tests, Mrs. Ortiz drove a couple of us to the hotel - she was actually really charming - maybe she's shy with men because I'd heard mixed reports? But anyhow, she was telling us how her son (that's our DOC!!) is such a laid back fellow - and how he kids around with her because she's so petite, and he pretends to hug at his height, and then "realizes" that she's way down there and lowers himself to hug her...anyhow, you get the picture - she was chatty, says she loves her job because it allows her to socialize. I think that's great!

Anyhow, tomorrow's the day!! I noticed that Mikey posted a successful outcome -- YEA Mikey! And I was looking for you in the hotel, thinking you were around still, but couldn't find someone who looked like your picture! You've probably changed so much already since you lost so much weight before the surgery!

Ok, I am rambling - I am nervous, terrified, excited, can't wait for 6 months from now, and look forward to the journey!

Best, Danielle

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Good Luck Today Danielle! :P:D:P

I know everything will go just great! I told you, that you'd be well taken care of! The people at the Lucerna were very accomodating to us as well! You can't listen to some things you hear. Some people are negative about EVERYTHING, and you can do nothing to please them. Lot's of whiners in this world.

You will love Dr. Ortiz when you meet him. Just don't do like my friend did, and take the happy pills, and pass out, and miss his visit! LOL You've got lot's of surprises to look forward to, today! Like paper panties....who ever thought of that???? LOL The people you've met will become like sisters/brothers to you! You will all go through each and every bit of this together, and it's SO much fun!! It's kinda like when you went to camp as a kid! (minus the surgery! LOL) Tonight, you'll all be laughing, and doing laps around the OCC. Can't wait to hear how it went! Let us know!


Oh, one more thing...the tortilla soup from The Lucerna is AWESOME. We had roomservice to bring our food after we shopped in Revolution Ave. I loved that soup! Just don't be tempted to eat the stuff in it...I guess you could ask for the broth only. They'll know why!! They are used to accomodating Banded people!


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Hi all -- thanks so much for the great wishes. It's day 4 post surgery here, and for some reason, I feel really blue!! All is going very well, healing-wise - gas is there, but I've realized that I've probably often mistaken gas pains for hunger in the past :blink:

I hope all my fellow banding friends did well! Stephanie, Cathy (sp?) Charlene -- and all Those of you who were on the same day, let me know how you're doing! I went in first before I met all of you then left so quickly that I never had a chance to make sure all went well with you. I'm thinking about you and hoping all is well.

On my end, like I said, I'm feeling blue. I'm wired and just restless, at a loss for what to do with myself. Not sure why. Anyone else feel this way? I'm sure that part of it is missing the activity of eating. I also realize that food had a relaxing effect on me - when stressed, bored, etc, food would always be a great companion. I despise the after-effect, but the during sure helped. So without the during, I'm at a bit of a loss. Plus so much is about food around us!

Still in CA, now in Santa Ana visiting with husband's family (who think I had a hiatal hernia operation!), going home tomorrow which I think will help. Nothing like being around the familiar and busy.

Best, Danielle

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Hi all -- thanks so much for the great wishes. It's day 4 post surgery here, and for some reason, I feel really blue!! All is going very well, healing-wise - gas is there, but I've realized that I've probably often mistaken gas pains for hunger in the past :blink:

I hope all my fellow banding friends did well! Stephanie, Cathy (sp?) Charlene -- and all Those of you who were on the same day, let me know how you're doing! I went in first before I met all of you then left so quickly that I never had a chance to make sure all went well with you. I'm thinking about you and hoping all is well.

On my end, like I said, I'm feeling blue. I'm wired and just restless, at a loss for what to do with myself. Not sure why. Anyone else feel this way? I'm sure that part of it is missing the activity of eating. I also realize that food had a relaxing effect on me - when stressed, bored, etc, food would always be a great companion. I despise the after-effect, but the during sure helped. So without the during, I'm at a bit of a loss. Plus so much is about food around us!

Still in CA, now in Santa Ana visiting with husband's family (who think I had a hiatal hernia operation!), going home tomorrow which I think will help. Nothing like being around the familiar and busy.

Best, Danielle


I am so glad that I met you so soon after arriving. You will never know how comforting it was to relay my fears and tears to someone who understands. Boyfriends/hubby/significant others are great but they just don't fully understand the emotional toll. My boyfriend is convinced that they tinkered with my hormones because I have just been a sap these past few days. The entire staff were caring, nurturing, and professional. I started tearing up during the heart testing and the nurse just hugged me and told me how beautiful I was. I can't believe how sweet she was to a complete stranger...but she hugged me like I was her own child (which of course made me bawl some more! lol) The gas pains are definitely real. I walked my butt off trying to shop but swore I was having a heart attack when the gas bubbles went behind my chest. Whoooweee...all you can do is wait for the bubble to move. Gas-X is a must. I'm definitely morning food. I swear my stomach is growling every other hour during this liquid phase. I've found that orange juice no longer seems to agree with me. I took 3 sips and felt like my chest was caving in. So I'm finding comfort in apple juice and vitamin water. I am so excited to upgrade my soup choices soon. I have a count down for the solid food day. I haven't figured out what will be the lucky dish. I crave whatever I smell. I passed a hotdog cart today and thought about just licking the hotdog. And wondered if I could just lick 1 salt and vinegar potatoe chip. I miss "flavor"

The flight home was pretty uncomfortable but I'm waiting for the day that I fit comfortably in an airplane seat. I understand the "blues" you are feeling. My life revolves around cooking food, eating food, looking for food, watching the food network, and thinking about food...so now I have to find other stuff to keep me busy. Anyway, I'm so glad that you're surgery was a success. Now the fun really begins...


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I am so glad that I met you so soon after arriving. You will never know how comforting it was to relay my fears and tears to someone who understands. Boyfriends/hubby/significant others are great but they just don't fully understand the emotional toll. My boyfriend is convinced that they tinkered with my hormones because I have just been a sap these past few days. The entire staff were caring, nurturing, and professional. I started tearing up during the heart testing and the nurse just hugged me and told me how beautiful I was. I can't believe how sweet she was to a complete stranger...but she hugged me like I was her own child (which of course made me bawl some more! lol) The gas pains are definitely real. I walked my butt off trying to shop but swore I was having a heart attack when the gas bubbles went behind my chest. Whoooweee...all you can do is wait for the bubble to move. Gas-X is a must. I'm definitely morning food. I swear my stomach is growling every other hour during this liquid phase. I've found that orange juice no longer seems to agree with me. I took 3 sips and felt like my chest was caving in. So I'm finding comfort in apple juice and vitamin water. I am so excited to upgrade my soup choices soon. I have a count down for the solid food day. I haven't figured out what will be the lucky dish. I crave whatever I smell. I passed a hotdog cart today and thought about just licking the hotdog. And wondered if I could just lick 1 salt and vinegar potatoe chip. I miss "flavor"

The flight home was pretty uncomfortable but I'm waiting for the day that I fit comfortably in an airplane seat. I understand the "blues" you are feeling. My life revolves around cooking food, eating food, looking for food, watching the food network, and thinking about food...so now I have to find other stuff to keep me busy. Anyway, I'm so glad that you're surgery was a success. Now the fun really begins...


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It almost sounds like a birthday -- but it's my banding day - yay!! I am at the Lucerna - they were so fantastic, they gave me a suite for my husband, son and me -- TWO bathrooms, 2 rooms (my hubby and I might actually get some sleep tonight!) and facing the pool....at no extra charge! I didn't even ask - just asked if they had a rollaway bed!

The day was great - Dr. Miranda was lovely - we were kidding around about our various "bad" habits (clearly, mine are worse than hers!!) Dr. Jimenez was a doll - Josefa, my nurse, was able to get at my very difficult veins effortlessly to draw blood -- and the whole pre-op prep was painless and great! I got to meet Sue (Sueca) who made me feel much easier about tomorrow, and another girl from OK who was very reassuring as well -- both look GREAT, although I don't know how much they've lost, but very inspirational!! And last but definitely not least, I met a bandster "partner" and her boyfriend on the van to the OCC - She's from NC and we bonded quickly over our common "issues" with food and fears about surgery and beyond! I hope that we can keep in touch afterward and be partners in post-banding process. There are 4 others that I will meet tomorrow.

After the tests, Mrs. Ortiz drove a couple of us to the hotel - she was actually really charming - maybe she's shy with men because I'd heard mixed reports? But anyhow, she was telling us how her son (that's our DOC!!) is such a laid back fellow - and how he kids around with her because she's so petite, and he pretends to hug at his height, and then "realizes" that she's way down there and lowers himself to hug her...anyhow, you get the picture - she was chatty, says she loves her job because it allows her to socialize. I think that's great!

Anyhow, tomorrow's the day!! I noticed that Mikey posted a successful outcome -- YEA Mikey! And I was looking for you in the hotel, thinking you were around still, but couldn't find someone who looked like your picture! You've probably changed so much already since you lost so much weight before the surgery!

Ok, I am rambling - I am nervous, terrified, excited, can't wait for 6 months from now, and look forward to the journey!

Best, Danielle

Hey Danielle. I'm really glad to hear everything worked out for you...the surgery, the hotel, the healing. Feeling blue I think just comes with all this change we are going thru....we are literally changing a huge part of our life and I know I can say is even though I thought about it a lot I don't think it hits you until you come out of surgery. I know when I woke up in my room right after coming out of the OR I was like "OMG, I got banded". The friends I did tell ask so many questions that now when I hear myself explaining the band I am barely realizing I'm talking about myself..a bandster. It's weird but you'll get thru it, trust! I got back to Lucerna on the 28th and was in my room for most of the day...resting drinking liquids, sleeping and didn't head out until the evening for a walk. Well I just wanted to get back at you and let you know all is well. By the way, I live in the city where your husband family lives! Crazy huh? Well, have a safe trip back home with your family and I will continue to look forward to your posts and updates. Good luck to you and everyone else on here!!!! =D>

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What you are feeling is completely normal. I didn't experience it much with this surgery because I was SO excited to have a tool to help me lose weight, and I think I was very lightly medicated! But, I had gall bladder surgery a few years ago, and after I got home, I cried for like a WEEK! It was horrible. I had to have my parents watch my kids, because I just felt I couldn't DEAL with it.

Anesthesia can REALLY do a number on your hormones. Not only anesthesia, but pain meds, can really mess you up too. I take antidepressants, and if I have to take any kind of pain medicine, I get depressed all over again! It just cancels out what my antidepressants are doing.

I could go into the whole medical explanation involving the seratonin release in the brain, blah, blah blah, but all you need to know is that this is NORMAL, and in a couple of weeks you'll be just fine! Except for being grumpy due to the liquid diet! LOL


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I'm so sorry! I forgot to send you well wishes for your surgery!!!! I hope all went well.

Welcome to BANDLAND!! ><'


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It's so good to hear from you!!! ><' I felt the same way with you - we were so much on the same wavelength that I actually wished that we could have stuck around together after our surgeries - but my room had already been promised to someone who had surgery a day early since I was leaving.

The blues are better, but It's been replaced by this really mean streak!! I'm so impatient, it's crazy! At this rate, both my son and my husband are going to give me the boot! :lol: Actually, the impatience has mostly been towards strangers -- God help the poor guy who waits more than a second and a half after the light changes !!

On this end, I'm feeling a lot of tightening. The gases are better, but the tightening worries me! I went off the clear liquids at the earliest possible day because I was getting so hungry that even food I normally dislike was looking so good. So since yesterday, I have been "experimenting". I don't like creamy soups, so I've had to improvise. One soup I tried is my mom's tried and true "post dentist visit" soup - I had Tom make it, and it felt so good going down! It includes all sorts of healthy veggies and a bit of beef for protein - all liquified so that I could drink through a straw if I wanted. For some reason, though, I keep having a feeling of heaviness that becomes pain in certain seating positions. I think it's the stomach that still needs to heal, because if I take one of the tablets (suprema?) that Dr. Ortiz gave us, it feels better. But I'm terrified I'm doing something wrong. I tried applesauce tonight (no sugar - hope it's allowed!!) and that felt fine going down, but again, lots of tightening tonight.

I think I might be drinking too much or too quickly, though? Do you feel that really right feeling right below your ribs??

Mmm, though, when you mentioned that hot dog, I could TASTE it!!

I'm curious -- what did Dr. Miranda ever tell you??? I wanted to ask after your surgery, but you were still in the groggy phase - although you looked SO GOOD already!!

The plane rides were pretty awful! Comical, actually, because Tom had to manage everything for a change, and we had so many problems - liquid tylenold spilling all over everywhere, a carry on left open with my unmentionables (any that you could think of :ph34r:!!) strewn all over the floor -- and all the while, I didn't care because I was so gassy and sore and Eric kept running into my stomach...ugh, glad that's over!!

Tomorrow, it's back to work - I can't believe it. Still not over jet lag, never mind ready for a 6 a.m. wake-up!

Stay in touch!


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Mikey, no way! You live in Santa Ana? I was there for 3 days until yesterday - since it was so hot I went to the mall with Macy's and Nordstrom's (right across from the Barnes and Noble?) to walk, and kept looking around at people eating, wondering who might be "banded" -- everyone was eating way too quickly, though.

Your weight loss so far is so inspirational - I can't wait to share journeys on down. I'm trying to come up with a name for my band -- it's been hard to think of one! I'm thinking I'm going to wait until my mood becomes less hostile before I come up with a good name, though.... :-?

Noone outside my family (and a doctor with whom I work) knows about my banding -- everyone thinks I had a hiatal hernia repair! I've been on so many diet journeys with people around me that this time, I just want to hold on to this for a while and sneak into weight loss.

Anyhow, I look forward to hearing about your progress!


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Thank you so much for the perspective!! It helps to know that it's normal. Plus, I got my "monthlies" (sorry men) the day after, a full week early -- so that didn't help!

My son today just told me that he wished I hadn't been "banded" (he already has the lingo right at 6!) because the band turned me into a grump! He's right, I'm really a bit of a witch these days, although SO grateful to my amazing hubby and litl boy. But my little monster has also been accidentally hitting me in the stomach about 100 times a day which is NOT the most pleasurable of feelings!

The blues are better, though, replaced by MS. GRUMP - interspersed with incredible excitement and joy at the fact that this time I WILL throw my larger clothes away. I feel a bit schizophrenic. I've already started sorting through my closet, bringing out the smaller sizes (I have six sizes, so plenty to wear as I go down!!)

One worry is this tightness that I feel - it comes and goes, and no vomiting, but the type of voiding, if you know what I mean. I think I might be "drinking" too quickly? I don't like creamy soups, so I made my own out of veggies and some beef and completely liquified it - and had less than 1/2 a cup -- so I don't think that's it -- maybe it's normal. It's hard not to worry!! The good thing is that since going off clear liquids, it takes very little not to feel hungry at all. Riding in a car is incredibly uncomfortable, though. Not sure how I'll do on my 3-40 min drive to work tomorrow!

Anyhow, thanks so much for sharing my journey, and I can't wait to A) GET SOME OF THAT SERATONIN RELEASED and B) share our new lifestyles!


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Hey Danielle,

Suprising how we are so alike! LOL I have a 6 year old too, and I can completely sympathize with the elbows to the stomach. I also have a 4 year old, and I actually think she's a bit worse! :angry:

It HURTS. I felt very tight in the beginning too. A lot of what you are feeling is swelling from the surgery. That should ease up in a couple of weeks. Trying to slow down while drinking was HARD for me. I've always been a GUZZLER. LOL That too can cause tightness.

One thing that helped me, (thanks to a suggestion from my band sis Janice) was Very Vanilla Silk Soymilk. I was always afraid to try the stuff. Soymilk just sounded GROSS to me. But she assured me it was great, and I tried it and it WAS. I also like 8th Continent CHOCOLATE Soymilk! It's my favorite! Delicious! I have a recipe for taco soup that is very good if you are interested. Just let me know!

Hang in there, it get's better!

Oh yeah...my 6 year old thought I was going to come back from MX skinny! Imagine her surprise!!! :lol: LOL


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Hey my fellow band sisters Danielle and Stephanie, how are you doing? I wondered where you two had gone. How are you both feeling?

I am fine. Today is my first day back to work and everything seems good so far. I have to say, this liquid diet has been so hard. I added the protein shakes and soup and that helps. So far I am still feeling restriction and can only eat a little or drink a little at a time. I am very worried when that goes away and I havent had a fill yet. I have lost 14lbs and don't want to gain it back!

My stomach is healing nicely although it looks like I had a fight with a plate glass window, and the window won! My 4-year-old thinks I feel down some stairs and thats how I got my owies.

It has been very hard to not go in the pool either as it is 110 degrees here and has been for 4 days. UGH.

I was lucky and didn't have the gas, or at least haven't yet. It is kinda weird that I feel full but then I can hear my stomach growling. It is like I have two stomach's now and it is hard to know which one to listen to.

I hope you are both doing well!


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Hey my fellow band sisters Danielle and Stephanie, how are you doing? I wondered where you two had gone. How are you both feeling?

I am fine. Today is my first day back to work and everything seems good so far. I have to say, this liquid diet has been so hard. I added the protein shakes and soup and that helps. So far I am still feeling restriction and can only eat a little or drink a little at a time. I am very worried when that goes away and I havent had a fill yet. I have lost 14lbs and don't want to gain it back!

My stomach is healing nicely although it looks like I had a fight with a plate glass window, and the window won! My 4-year-old thinks I feel down some stairs and thats how I got my owies.

It has been very hard to not go in the pool either as it is 110 degrees here and has been for 4 days. UGH.

I was lucky and didn't have the gas, or at least haven't yet. It is kinda weird that I feel full but then I can hear my stomach growling. It is like I have two stomach's now and it is hard to know which one to listen to.

I hope you are both doing well!



Glad to hear that you're doing so well, healing quick, and losing weight. The liquid diet is definitely a bummer. I hope to never see or eat another popsicle, slushie, or plain ole cup of chicken broth. After the surgery everything went by so quickly there really wasnt much time to socialize. Wish there had been more time pre-surgery to bond with others, but now I share a common bond with you and the other bandsters. I'm so glad you havent suffered gas pains because I've had some doozies. I try to walk an hour a day and still suffer with gas pains behind my chest and occasionally my shoulder. Pretty darn uncomfortable....but all worth it in the end when I'm skinny! <_< . Would love if we could keep posting and motivating each other to reach our goal weights..


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Hi all -- thanks so much for the great wishes. It's day 4 post surgery here, and for some reason, I feel really blue!! All is going very well, healing-wise - gas is there, but I've realized that I've probably often mistaken gas pains for hunger in the past :blink:

I hope all my fellow banding friends did well! Stephanie, Cathy (sp?) Charlene -- and all Those of you who were on the same day, let me know how you're doing! I went in first before I met all of you then left so quickly that I never had a chance to make sure all went well with you. I'm thinking about you and hoping all is well.

On my end, like I said, I'm feeling blue. I'm wired and just restless, at a loss for what to do with myself. Not sure why. Anyone else feel this way? I'm sure that part of it is missing the activity of eating. I also realize that food had a relaxing effect on me - when stressed, bored, etc, food would always be a great companion. I despise the after-effect, but the during sure helped. So without the during, I'm at a bit of a loss. Plus so much is about food around us!

Still in CA, now in Santa Ana visiting with husband's family (who think I had a hiatal hernia operation!), going home tomorrow which I think will help. Nothing like being around the familiar and busy.

Best, Danielle

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Hi Danielle! I hope you are feeling better now. I know, on about day 4 post op was my worse day. Up until then I felt great. I guess I was sort of mourning the loss of my old life, and my new one hasn't really started yet. But it is better now. It was so good to meet you and the others at OCC. What an experience! I just can't get over how impressed I am with the care we got at the center.

Are you still struggling with the post op diet some? I am. Just miss eating now. I can't wait to start solid foods, but I am pretty happy with my weight loss so far. I am down about 15 pounds since starting the pre op diet.

Anyway, hello to all that I met in Tijauna, hope you are all doing well and hope to hear from you.


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Just a bit of advice....

Forget about gaining the weight back and all that baggage that comes with those thoughts. Yo-yo is over, but in the short term relax, worry about healing and not gaining the weight back... Get the calories you need to heal... all the other stuff will come in time....

Welcome to a lifestyle that isn't about hurrying up and losing weight before the willpower goes out the window... enjoy the journey and learn to live life all over again....Plan your first marathon or triathlon....


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Just a bit of advice....

Forget about gaining the weight back and all that baggage that comes with those thoughts. Yo-yo is over, but in the short term relax, worry about healing and not gaining the weight back... Get the calories you need to heal... all the other stuff will come in time....

Welcome to a lifestyle that isn't about hurrying up and losing weight before the willpower goes out the window... enjoy the journey and learn to live life all over again....Plan your first marathon or triathlon....


Thanks Tom, I know you are right. It's just so nice to finally lose a few pounds. I know I have a lot to get used to with this new lifestyle.


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Hi Danielle! I hope you are feeling better now. I know, on about day 4 post op was my worse day. Up until then I felt great. I guess I was sort of mourning the loss of my old life, and my new one hasn't really started yet. But it is better now. It was so good to meet you and the others at OCC. What an experience! I just can't get over how impressed I am with the care we got at the center.

Are you still struggling with the post op diet some? I am. Just miss eating now. I can't wait to start solid foods, but I am pretty happy with my weight loss so far. I am down about 15 pounds since starting the pre op diet.

Anyway, hello to all that I met in Tijauna, hope you are all doing well and hope to hear from you.


Oh boy, am I struggling, Charlene! Hunger is intense - more so than I've ever felt!! :huh: In fact, yesterday I succumbed and had nutella (a chocolate hazelnut spread) -- NOT a good move!! Naturally, it felt wonderful going down (it's like a thick pudding) but man, today, hunger was that much worse! I don't know if I can put up with 2 more weeks of such intense hunger - I'm kinda wondering if it's actually gas mixed with hunger and I'm just feeling queezy/hungry. UGH

I think I"ll start an August 29 thread -- there are quite a few of us and I"m sure I've written something to someone that I've missed!


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Did you do that TOO??????

LOL, I was talking about a friend of mine that went there shortly after we got back home. But, now that you mention it, you did look like you were flying pretty high, when you came by my room! :-? LOL


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