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Slipped Band

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Sorry Cheryl, no stats, but my band slipped in January after 4 months (due to intense vomiting from stomach flu), Dr. Ortiz was able to put it right back on. He did tell me before he knew for sure if he could put it right back on, that the wait is like 2 months, and that as long as the integrity of the stomach isn't compromised, the band works just as well... it all depends on the stomach and, of course, on how well we take care of the band. Best of luck to you and keep us posted on how you're doing!


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I may be not the norm, but if I ever had to have my band replaced due to erosion or slippage I would convert to another weight loss surgery. The thought of having something happen and have them open me up again, just won't work for me. If a US doctor is suggesting replaced, then maybe he can get another surgery covered? Don't know if that is an option you are willing to think about, but it is what I am going to do if something happens. ((knocking on wood))

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Dr. Rodriguez

In Mexico? Have you tried going to him for his opinion?? I know that there are a lot of US doctors that are "saying" there are complications with the bands because they want to have patients rebanded under them. There really is no money in US fills. The money is in the surgery.

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