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Banding in US or Mexico

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May I say something with as much respect as I can give.

I had my banding done in US. Why? Because a friend had it done and it never occured to me that I could go to Mexico. I did not know about Mexico.....but can we be considerate of people that have had in done in the US. A few have said they got better care than they would of received in the US. My experience has been wonderful. I have had a caring, compassionate team of people. My doctor hires only people that have been banded so you have plenty of resources. I am not trying to talk people in the US surgery as I think it is great to go to Mexico or here. I just do not want to put down the US doctors as I had a great experience.

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I've heard some real horror stories with US doctors doing Lap-Band. Does that mean all US Lap-Band doctors are bad? Certainly not, nor would I ever begin to make such a statement. However, being involved with the US health care system in general my entire life, I like to think I have a pretty good idea what the norm is and what one can expect when they seek care. Dr Ortiz, his staff, and the OCC facility blew that norm out of the water. If I had tried to find a private facility in the US that could match them, I would be paying a much higher price.

So please understand that when patients come to this forum with rave reviews it is not to put your particular doctor down, but to raise Dr Ortiz up.

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I've heard some real horror stories with US doctors doing Lap-Band. Does that mean all US Lap-Band doctors are bad? Certainly not, nor would I ever begin to make such a statement. However, being involved with the US health care system in general my entire life, I like to think I have a pretty good idea what the norm is and what one can expect when they seek care. Dr Ortiz, his staff, and the OCC facility blew that norm out of the water. If I had tried to find a private facility in the US that could match them, I would be paying a much higher price.

So please understand that when patients come to this forum with rave reviews it is not to put your particular doctor down, but to raise Dr Ortiz up.

But they have put the US down with many of their comments. Some have stated they would never get the same care in the US and no one can really make that kind of statement unless they had gone to every US lap band doctor and this is impossible. So I am saying praise Dr. Ortiz all you want but do not say he is better and you will not find the same experience here in the US. Personally I would not want to have to look for a place for a fill, nor have to pay for a fill. With this US doctor I get free fills for 18 months and support groups each month. No air flights so how much are you saving when you add all that in?

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Why is this an issue with you? Those of us who praise Dr Ortiz are doing so because the general reaction most people have to surgery in Mexico is horror and distaste, like the US has the only surgeons who know enough to keep an OR clean. We are trying to overcome a prejudice held by many US citizens who have a "you get what you pay for" mentality and think you can't get anything but second-rate medical care south of the border for the reduced cost. And while I have had a couple of good US doctors, the usual practice is for a doctor to schedule three or four patients at once so you get only 1/4 of his attention at any given time.

You were lucky in your choice of doctors, but I have NEVER had a doctor other than Dr. Ortiz give me his cell phone number and tell me to call any time I had a question or concern. You are acting like we specifically attacked you and your doctor, which is silly because we don't even know him. We are saying that you can get the surgery done for much less than in the US and possibly get better care with more expertise by traveling to Tijuana. This is a major consideration because insurance often does not cover the surgery and many patients have to self-pay. They simply cannot afford to shell out $20,000 for lap band surgery, and that is the price I was quoted at several different US clinics. But there are other considerations, such as close proximity to your surgeon post-operatively and in some cases (but not all), free fills nearby. And there are very good surgeons in the US; after all, Dr Ortiz probably trained a lot of them!

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Everyone that makes the decision about where to be banded makes the decision based on their own experiences. I'm sure you will find the majority of US bandsters who are posting on a website attached to the Obesity Control Center probably dont have a great experience with the US system (at least with the lapband) or they probably would have had their surgery closer to home. In any case, please dont take it as an attack of your or all US doctors because thats not what it is about. They have their reasons and there is nothing wrong with sharing those beliefs with others just as my reasons for travelling from Canada have nothing to do with someone elses banding experience with a Canadian doctor. It's just what it is....MY EXPERIENCE.

It's great that you have a doctor you have faith in and are happy with. That's important. There are good and bad doctors everywhere (US and in Mexico). There's probably a good chance none of us have met your doctor and hold no opinion of him one way or the other. However, we do have great experience with Dr Ortiz and are more than willing to share that with others including our rationale for chosing him. Again those reasons are not an attack on any US doctor much less yours specifically.

Take care,


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Everyone that makes the decision about where to be banded makes the decision based on their own experiences. I'm sure you will find the majority of US bandsters who are posting on a website attached to the Obesity Control Center probably dont have a great experience with the US system (at least with the lapband) or they probably would have had their surgery closer to home. In any case, please dont take it as an attack of your or all US doctors because thats not what it is about. They have their reasons and there is nothing wrong with sharing those beliefs with others just as my reasons for travelling from Canada have nothing to do with someone elses banding experience with a Canadian doctor. It's just what it is....MY EXPERIENCE.

It's great that you have a doctor you have faith in and are happy with. That's important. There are good and bad doctors everywhere (US and in Mexico). There's probably a good chance none of us have met your doctor and hold no opinion of him one way or the other. However, we do have great experience with Dr Ortiz and are more than willing to share that with others including our rationale for chosing him. Again those reasons are not an attack on any US doctor much less yours specifically.

Take care,


Karen and Snowbird and everone else.

I am sorry I said anything. I kept reading bad comments about us doctors. I am really sorry I took it personal. I won't say anything else. It has been such a miracle for me. I do not want to lose being able to talk to all. I have noticed I seem more emotional since the surgery. Here I am so much happier, yet crying at the slightest thing. Sorry again.

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