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I am having so much pain!!

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:unsure: Hello, I had my surg yestreday. I am having so much pain at he port site. It is almost unbearable to turn onto my left side. It burns and I feel it in my lower back. I called my md and he told me this is ok and to take my painmeds. I hurt just sitting here writing on the computer. It dosn't feel like gas pain. It actually burns like an iron burn. Has anyone else felt this?????? Please respond to me. I'm not usually a baby, & Im scared something is wrong. I am not nauseated. It don't hurt to walk or lay down, but turning and sitting up straight really hurt. Any body have a suggestion?????tx
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:unsure: Hello, I had my surg yestreday. I am having so much pain at he port site. It is almost unbearable to turn onto my left side. It burns and I feel it in my lower back. I called my md and he told me this is ok and to take my painmeds. I hurt just sitting here writing on the computer. It dosn't feel like gas pain. It actually burns like an iron burn. Has anyone else felt this?????? Please respond to me. I'm not usually a baby, & Im scared something is wrong. I am not nauseated. It don't hurt to walk or lay down, but turning and sitting up straight really hurt. Any body have a suggestion?????tx

Hello There,

Don't be scared.I also experienced the same as you. It was very painful for me to sleep on my left side.I didn't even try it the first week,it wasn't until the second to third week that i was even able to tolerate sleeping on my side. So don't worry,the pain will ease off with each passing day.You'll notice your body healing more and sleeping will become much more comfortable for you. I had a difficult time sitting for long periods of time so i walked and boy did i walk a lot! Good luck to you:-) Keep in touch and let us know how your doing-

With Best Wishes,


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Hello There,

Don't be scared.I also experienced the same as you. It was very painful for me to sleep on my left side.I didn't even try it the first week,it wasn't until the second to third week that i was even able to tolerate sleeping on my side. So don't worry,the pain will ease off with each passing day.You'll notice your body healing more and sleeping will become much more comfortable for you. I had a difficult time sitting for long periods of time so i walked and boy did i walk a lot! Good luck to you:-) Keep in touch and let us know how your doing-

With Best Wishes,



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:unsure: Hello, I had my surg yestreday. I am having so much pain at he port site. It is almost unbearable to turn onto my left side. It burns and I feel it in my lower back. I called my md and he told me this is ok and to take my painmeds. I hurt just sitting here writing on the computer. It dosn't feel like gas pain. It actually burns like an iron burn. Has anyone else felt this?????? Please respond to me. I'm not usually a baby, & Im scared something is wrong. I am not nauseated. It don't hurt to walk or lay down, but turning and sitting up straight really hurt. Any body have a suggestion?????tx

How is the pain Brenny? Has it let up some? I sure hope so. How are you doing otherwise?

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The "burn like an iron burn" is a perfect description of what I feel when I sneeze. Thankfully this pain goes away within a couple of minutes, but is still worrysome to feel that kind of pain. It has only been 3 times. I can't wait for those moments to stop! :rolleyes: I was banded on Nov.6th by Dr. Ortiz.

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