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Need a fill already and i'm concerned

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Hi Everyone,

Well i had my first fill about three weeks ago with Dr.Vitello and at first i felt the restriction and was eating smaller amounts of food,now i'm noticing that my hunger pains are coming on so strong and i'm able to eat more! Ahhhhhhh..........i'm not being patient enough because every day i'm looking at the scale and i get so upset if i haven't lost a pound or two.I guess it's all my friends and my co-workers that have put so much preasure on me.I think they expect me to lose all the weight over nite. I have lost 15 pounds since surgery(sept 17th) so i'm proud of that this far. My main question is.....do i need a fill so soon? I mean i just had a fill and i went to a wedding on saturday and I gave in and ate a piece of cake,oh gosh i could kick myself in the rear:-( I was able to eat almost all my food on my plate but i didn't.Instead i had a lot of salad and green olives. Well that was my sign that I needed a fill because i was still hungry!

Has this happened to anyone else? I need advice-

Have a nice day everyone-


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Girl, don't kick yourself because you had a piece of cake at a wedding! That was the sociable thing to do. We didn't get into our predicament because we had one piece of cake at a wedding; we got here because we had two or three pieces, after a fried chicken dinner, with a few snacks before and after. We deserve treats from time to time, but with the band we have some help to stop ourselves from going overboard. The most successful diet I ever went on included my husband and me going to Baskin-Robbins once a week for a single scoop cone. No kicking required!

And while I haven't had any fills yet, I have watched my daughter go through this. Sometimes you just don't get enough in your fill, so you may need an additional fill before you get enough restriction. Some fill doctors are very conservative about what they put in, and they don't fill enough. It isn't an exact science.

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Hi Everyone,

Well i had my first fill about three weeks ago with Dr.Vitello and at first i felt the restriction and was eating smaller amounts of food,now i'm noticing that my hunger pains are coming on so strong and i'm able to eat more! Ahhhhhhh..........i'm not being patient enough because every day i'm looking at the scale and i get so upset if i haven't lost a pound or two.I guess it's all my friends and my co-workers that have put so much preasure on me.I think they expect me to lose all the weight over nite. I have lost 15 pounds since surgery(sept 17th) so i'm proud of that this far. My main question is.....do i need a fill so soon? I mean i just had a fill and i went to a wedding on saturday and I gave in and ate a piece of cake,oh gosh i could kick myself in the rear:-( I was able to eat almost all my food on my plate but i didn't.Instead i had a lot of salad and green olives. Well that was my sign that I needed a fill because i was still hungry!

Has this happened to anyone else? I need advice-

Have a nice day everyone-


I am due for a fill in two days and then I will go back in 2 weeks. I too thought it seemed too soon but they explained that sometimes the first fill does not stay as tight. I will soon find out.

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A single piece of cake at a wedding is nothing. I had a cookie this morning and I'm not concerned about it. There's a girl in my support group that has lost a whopping 250 pounds and one of her rules is that on Sundays she gets to eat whatever she wants. If she wants a whole pack of Oreos, she eats the Oreos and doesn't fret. The idea behind our attitudes is that if we feel like we're depriving ourselves, then we're going to rebel. Snowbird is right, the band at proper restriction will keep us from eating the entire cake, yet not take us out of the party.

Moderation is the key to everything.

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A single piece of cake at a wedding is nothing. I had a cookie this morning and I'm not concerned about it. There's a girl in my support group that has lost a whopping 250 pounds and one of her rules is that on Sundays she gets to eat whatever she wants. If she wants a whole pack of Oreos, she eats the Oreos and doesn't fret. The idea behind our attitudes is that if we feel like we're depriving ourselves, then we're going to rebel. Snowbird is right, the band at proper restriction will keep us from eating the entire cake, yet not take us out of the party.

Moderation is the key to everything.


Thank you all for your support! You don't know how much it means to me at this time.I'm so hard on myself.I'm my worse critic.Really! I've now made Friday's my ''treat'' day to where i'm not going to feel guilty for what I have to eat. I think that's my problem.i'm trying to be so strict with my ''healthy'' eating that I'm feeling deprived on things i so badly want,just a little taste of something sweet. I took it upon myself to buy a bag of sugar free hershey's bars and just one does the trick.

I know i need another fill,i don't feel the restriction like i did in the beginning.To be honest with all of you i don't think it lasted long. This friday will be the 4th friday since my last fill and i can't believe i need one so quick but i've read posts from other's saying they too needed another fill soon after their first adjustment.

I'm still working out everyday(5 days) 30 min of cardio and I haven't gained anything but i'm still sitting at 229- so no more weight loss which gives me the red flag as well that it's time for a fill. I'm getting this now. OH!!!!! I wanted to tell all of you that i had a really huge scare last week. I had a slice of kraukas ham and let me just say it will be my last! It got stuck and i started choking something awful, my daughter rushed down stairs to help but i ran to the sink cause i knew what was about to happen.I kept thinking about my band slipping. I know it takes a lot more then that to have your band slip. So now i have to add ham and no bread to my diet.I was able to keep down sushi rather well though. Has anyone else had the same problems?

Take Care:-)

Valerie M

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