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Surgery next week

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Just a quick introduction. I've been lurking for a bit, reading the topics, and want to thank everyone for their supportive nature. I know the responses weren't addressed to me, but just reading them has been helpful.

My wife and I both are scheduled for surgery on Nov. 13th at OCC. Reading this forum has been very helpful in learning what to expect. At least now we have some idea of what to expect in the next few weeks.

We started planning for this back in June, and finally the day has nearly arrived. Wish us luck.

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Best wishes on your upcoming surgery! My husband and I are about a month ahead of you; we were banded October 10. We are originally from Gig Harbor, though now we bounce between Arizona and Washington. You have probably read that there are good fill technicians that visit Port Orchard and also a good support group there. My daughter lives in Purdy and has used the Port Orchard fill services and attended the support group meetings, and she gives a "thumbs up" on both.

It is really nice when both members of a couple do this together. I know my husband and I support each other with it, plus we can cook small, good, nutritious meals for ourselves without the other person feeling deprived.

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Best wishes on your upcoming surgery! My husband and I are about a month ahead of you; we were banded October 10. We are originally from Gig Harbor, though now we bounce between Arizona and Washington. You have probably read that there are good fill technicians that visit Port Orchard and also a good support group there. My daughter lives in Purdy and has used the Port Orchard fill services and attended the support group meetings, and she gives a "thumbs up" on both.

It is really nice when both members of a couple do this together. I know my husband and I support each other with it, plus we can cook small, good, nutritious meals for ourselves without the other person feeling deprived.

Thanks for the good wishes. We have already been in touch, via phone and e-mail, with the fill techs who come to P.O. Wish we'd known about the group earlier, but we just found out about them about 2 weeks ago, and their next meeting is while we're in TJ and San Diego (we're staying in So Cal for 6 days, making a mini-vacation out of the trip.)

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Just a quick introduction. I've been lurking for a bit, reading the topics, and want to thank everyone for their supportive nature. I know the responses weren't addressed to me, but just reading them has been helpful.

My wife and I both are scheduled for surgery on Nov. 13th at OCC. Reading this forum has been very helpful in learning what to expect. At least now we have some idea of what to expect in the next few weeks.

We started planning for this back in June, and finally the day has nearly arrived. Wish us luck.

Hi and welcome!! I am a nubie to this site too, I found it by accident, & I have learned so much from it. I was banded Nov 1, and so its really new for me. I wanted to wish you both lots of luck, I know its alittle nerve racking, but it'll be here in a blink of an eye. Acouple of things I hadn't thought of before surg, you may want to know, No lifting anything over 10 llb for 2 weeks. No BATH for 3 weeks, may shower after 72 hr. Have liq tylenol at home on hand, as well as gas x strips. They both help. Best of luck to you both!!!! Brenny ><'

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Actually, the bathing/showering part depends on whether you have external stitches or not. Dr Ortiz uses glue to hold the incisions together rather than stitches, and he does not give any instructions about not showering or bathing. His instructions are no lifting over 25 lb for six weeks I think, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone else can clarify.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Actually, the bathing/showering part depends on whether you have external stitches or not. Dr Ortiz uses glue to hold the incisions together rather than stitches, and he does not give any instructions about not showering or bathing. His instructions are no lifting over 25 lb for six weeks I think, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone else can clarify.

First off, thanks to everyone for the encouragement. Everything went great. We had our surgeries on Tuesday the 13th, and met my sister-in-law and her husband back at the hotel on Wednesday morning around 8:30 and were waiting for the shopping mall to open at 10 AM. Did lots of sight seeing and shopping before returning home.

All of our incisions were sealed with glue and we had no restrictions on bathing/showering. We were told to not do any heavy lifting or exercises for 6 weeks. No specific weights were given. I've broken their "rules" on the heavy lifting a few times, but have been very careful and haven't had any problems. This is not an endorsement of breaking the rules, just my little attempt at honesty (OK, that's it for today).

I've lost 15 pounds since surgery, my wife has lost 12. So far, since starting on this back in June (when Dr. Miranda told us to start dieting) I've lost 79 pounds, have been able to quit using my bi-pap (sleep apnea) machine, and quit taking Furosamide for edema in my left leg.

We're still waiting to get our surgery reports and receipts from Dr. Ortiz's office for tax purposes. I called when we got home and was told they'd mail them to us but we haven't seen them yet. Any idea how long it takes to get them?

We understand there's a support group in Port Orchard, WA (our home town) so we're looking forward to meeting some other bandsters in the next few weeks. our understanding is the clinic from Arlington also participates in these get-togethers and does fills there. Anyone on here that attends these?

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