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Please help. I was banded on 11-14-07. I have a few questions. First off I am getting this horrible pain in my throat with liquid and especially with pills. I have no idea how to take all of my prescriptions if they all get stuck. Secondly, I am STARVING. Nothing I eat makes me feel even the least bit full. I am on day 5 of liquids and I have tried applesauce and homemade protein shakes. I know I am not getting enough protein. Any suggestions?

thanks to all.


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Please help. I was banded on 11-14-07. I have a few questions. First off I am getting this horrible pain in my throat with liquid and especially with pills. I have no idea how to take all of my prescriptions if they all get stuck. Secondly, I am STARVING. Nothing I eat makes me feel even the least bit full. I am on day 5 of liquids and I have tried applesauce and homemade protein shakes. I know I am not getting enough protein. Any suggestions?

thanks to all.


If any of your pills can be cut in 1/2 to make them smaller then buy a pill splitter at the pharmacy and take 2 halfs. That is what worked for me on the larger pills. I kept my portions to 1/2 cup and drank(ate) as often as I was hungry. Things were pretty uncomfortable the first several days but got better for me around day 11. You're almost there and hopefully you will feel a little better as each day passes. :rolleyes:

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Please help. I was banded on 11-14-07. I have a few questions. First off I am getting this horrible pain in my throat with liquid and especially with pills. I have no idea how to take all of my prescriptions if they all get stuck. Secondly, I am STARVING. Nothing I eat makes me feel even the least bit full. I am on day 5 of liquids and I have tried applesauce and homemade protein shakes. I know I am not getting enough protein. Any suggestions?

thanks to all.


Also, small sips very slowly and I am taking chewable vitamins.Hope this helps.

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THANKS, I will give all suggestions a try. I see you are in Tacoma. I live in Kenmore/Bothell. I would love to keep in touch and perhaps meet up on day.

K :-h

Maybe we can get our 1st fill together. We'll see, my schedule at work is pretty hectic during the holidays so I will probably do it on one of my random days off or just tough it out till the holidays are over. I'll keep in touch. :rolleyes:

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Hi K and Kimberly,

Did you both have your surgeries with Dr. Ortiz? If so, then on the 6th ot 7th day, you are allowed protein shakes and creamy soups, but mainly full liquids type foods. You are supposed to crush your meds to prevent any problems with taking anything too rough for your new little stomach. I got a pill crusher and mixed it with some apple juice or some other kinds of juices. Sometimes you can taste the bitterness more with certain juices, but as long as you get them down, it's a good thing. ;) I stopped taking my stomach capsule pills all together as well as another anti-inflammatory med and have never needed them since. So happy about that. :) The protein shakes will definitely help you with the extra hunger and gives you alot of nutrients your body needs until you get to solid foods.

Hope this helps. Good luck on your banded weight loss journeys.



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Hi K and Kimberly,

Did you both have your surgeries with Dr. Ortiz? If so, then on the 6th ot 7th day, you are allowed protein shakes and creamy soups, but mainly full liquids type foods. You are supposed to crush your meds to prevent any problems with taking anything too rough for your new little stomach. I got a pill crusher and mixed it with some apple juice or some other kinds of juices. Sometimes you can taste the bitterness more with certain juices, but as long as you get them down, it's a good thing. ;) I stopped taking my stomach capsule pills all together as well as another anti-inflammatory med and have never needed them since. So happy about that. :) The protein shakes will definitely help you with the extra hunger and gives you alot of nutrients your body needs until you get to solid foods.

Hope this helps. Good luck on your banded weight loss journeys.



Mine was by Dr. Ortiz on Nov 5th and so far have had a great experience. Thanks and good luck on your continued success. =D>

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What instructions were you given for post-op food? We were told to do just clear liquids (no protein shakes, ice cream or cream soups) for the first week. We were also told to cut up pills and use liquid vitamins. I know not all doctors have the same advice, but it sounds like you are very swollen and so you're having problems getting anything down. I wouldn't worry about adequate protein intake for the first week; you can start getting your protein later when you are less swollen and restricted. If you continue to have problems, though, for heaven's sake call your doctor! Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

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What instructions were you given for post-op food? We were told to do just clear liquids (no protein shakes, ice cream or cream soups) for the first week. We were also told to cut up pills and use liquid vitamins. I know not all doctors have the same advice, but it sounds like you are very swollen and so you're having problems getting anything down. I wouldn't worry about adequate protein intake for the first week; you can start getting your protein later when you are less swollen and restricted. If you continue to have problems, though, for heaven's sake call your doctor! Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.


I'm not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination, so take this with a grain of salt. I think this is what could be going on with you. Some people get REALLY restricted just from having the band placed. I personally had some good restriction because of the band, and the swollen tissues. Now, if you are taking meds, and already have a bit of inflammation from the band being placed...the swollen tissue could cause your pills to get stuck. You mentioned the pain from them getting stuck as well. The pills getting stuck are most likely causing more inflammation which in turn creates MORE restriction. Make sense? If it is at ALL possible, crush your meds. If you take anything that cannot be crushed, ask your DR if you can get that med in a different form.

I would do at least 3 days of CLEAR liquids, with the CRUSHED meds, and see if things loosen up a bit. If your stoma is continuing to be irritated, and inflamed, you are going to continue having problems, so the 3 days SHOULD help calm things a bit. Hunger is VERY normal the first few weeks, it's just one of those things we have to endure for awhile. I was NEVER full during this period, and always starving. Try drinking some Silk Soy Milk Very Vanilla is really good, Eighth Continent Chocolate is my favorite. It's almost like a TREAT to me. It's a little thinner than milk, so it shouldn't be a problem. Try to have clear broths, popsicles, and other clear stuff, NO JELLO though. After a few days if things haven't improved, I'd definitely call the doc!

Good Luck,


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