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I am scared

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I am getting my lap band in May and by reading all these testimonials I am getting kinda scared. I am getting my surgery in Indianapolis so all the doctors u have are not the same as me but it would be great to get some advice. If u could choose would u get it again. I need advice for the diet after. Should I start sometime with my food intake now. The diet class can only be so helpful but I would love to hear from you. My BMI is 41 so I am extremely obese but am still very active. I am finishing my last semester of college right before my surgery. I really need help thanks so much


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I am getting my lap band in May and by reading all these testimonials I am getting kinda scared. I am getting my surgery in Indianapolis so all the doctors u have are not the same as me but it would be great to get some advice. If u could choose would u get it again. I need advice for the diet after. Should I start sometime with my food intake now. The diet class can only be so helpful but I would love to hear from you. My BMI is 41 so I am extremely obese but am still very active. I am finishing my last semester of college right before my surgery. I really need help thanks so much


Hi Shelli!

The answer to whether or not I would get my band again is a HUGE YES!!!

Sure, I have had my band for over a year and have not lost as much as some... But that is ok - I know that the weight is gone for good. As for now, follow whatever pre-op diet the doctor recommends... Do not get into the "one last big meal" mentality, as some do, that will not accomplish a thing. What I did to get use to smaller portions (which I hardly notice anymoreuntil someone says something like "Gee you hardly ate a thing, does it taste ok?") is I started using a smaller plate when I ate. Or, and I still do this, when I would go out to eat, I would order my meal, and immediately ask for a "to-go" box and put at least half of the meal in there and eat the rest. I have discovered the joy of leftovers for lunch the next day!

I have not been a perfect bandster. Sometimes I still eat sweets... But the band keeps me honest, I do not eat TOO much - it reminds me to stop when I forget and am naughty.

The band is a tool and works great when you do as your doctor and nutiritionist advise. The diet afterwards differs with every doctor. But once you are on solid food it is basically normal food (of course you want to make wise food choices, lower fat and sugar, enough protein, etc.). Another thing to remember is to EXERCISE...

Don't be scared, Shelli, you will do great! ><'

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