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Another share... if your taking the bus, tram to border

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It is very easy and I enjoyed the experience. The last time I was on a bus was in Disney World. Anyway, what I wanted to share is at the border you don't just walk threw a gate as I remember from 30 years ago... you have to walk on a .... trying to figure out how to discribe it. It's like a parking garage drive threw. Meaning it tilts up and you walk maybe 300 yards, then it turns, then you walk down a corrador (sorry guys dyslexic here) then down and then a good distance to the taxis.

ok, reason I'm telling you all? Ware walking shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ware Dansko's cause I'm unable to ware shoes with backs. I've worn them for years and find them very comfortable, but that was a challenge. My appointment was in 10 minutes and I was moving!

I can only imagine what the taxi drivers thought of the crazy old fat lady running towards them (clomp clomp clomp) waving money and shouting Andalay andaly!!!

Ok, second part, on the way back I'm standing in line to cross over wondering about where to buy my ticket. Turned around smiled at the young women behind me and "do you speak english?" Answer was yes. She took me to the machine and actally bought my ticket for me explaining that it took her about 20 minutes the first time she used it.

Chances are good I will do the same thing again and I will also be waring my Tevas! (very good walking sandles)

I was banded October 8th, 9th?, no 8th. My beginning weight was 226. I now weigh 186. And I feel skinny, how weird is that? Most of my weight loss has been more from sheer determination and calorie counting then restriction. I also took maybe 4 diet pills 3 days apart to get me off of sugar. Who needs herion when there is sugar around.... sorry hope I have not offended anyone. My goal weight is 150. I was 140 or less my intire life until the onset of menapause at 45, which smacked me up side the head and I went to 240.

And to end on a light note, have you all noticed that someone lowered the toilet seat!!!!!????? ok, I'll stop.


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It is very easy and I enjoyed the experience. The last time I was on a bus was in Disney World. Anyway, what I wanted to share is at the border you don't just walk threw a gate as I remember from 30 years ago... you have to walk on a .... trying to figure out how to discribe it. It's like a parking garage drive threw. Meaning it tilts up and you walk maybe 300 yards, then it turns, then you walk down a corrador (sorry guys dyslexic here) then down and then a good distance to the taxis.

ok, reason I'm telling you all? Ware walking shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ware Dansko's cause I'm unable to ware shoes with backs. I've worn them for years and find them very comfortable, but that was a challenge. My appointment was in 10 minutes and I was moving!

I can only imagine what the taxi drivers thought of the crazy old fat lady running towards them (clomp clomp clomp) waving money and shouting Andalay andaly!!!

Ok, second part, on the way back I'm standing in line to cross over wondering about where to buy my ticket. Turned around smiled at the young women behind me and "do you speak english?" Answer was yes. She took me to the machine and actally bought my ticket for me explaining that it took her about 20 minutes the first time she used it.

Chances are good I will do the same thing again and I will also be waring my Tevas! (very good walking sandles)

I was banded October 8th, 9th?, no 8th. My beginning weight was 226. I now weigh 186. And I feel skinny, how weird is that? Most of my weight loss has been more from sheer determination and calorie counting then restriction. I also took maybe 4 diet pills 3 days apart to get me off of sugar. Who needs herion when there is sugar around.... sorry hope I have not offended anyone. My goal weight is 150. I was 140 or less my intire life until the onset of menapause at 45, which smacked me up side the head and I went to 240.

And to end on a light note, have you all noticed that someone lowered the toilet seat!!!!!????? ok, I'll stop.


Enjoyed your description, I am looking forward to the adventure........And the shopping! I don't have too many problems walking at all and am looking forward to the adventure out on my own! Thanks for the advice and I will definitely wear my sneakers! I Am just happy to get out of the house and away from the kids for 24 hours!

I think I am more worried about the needle for the fill than the travel required to get it done! OCC was great though and that made my decision to travel to Mexico again for the fill an option. I trust them and that is huge for me.


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Enjoyed your description, I am looking forward to the adventure........And the shopping! I don't have too many problems walking at all and am looking forward to the adventure out on my own! Thanks for the advice and I will definitely wear my sneakers! I Am just happy to get out of the house and away from the kids for 24 hours!

I think I am more worried about the needle for the fill than the travel required to get it done! OCC was great though and that made my decision to travel to Mexico again for the fill an option. I trust them and that is huge for me.


Good luck Donna! As far as shopping goes south of the border, I suggest having the clinic get you a taxi and taxi man who will stay with you while you shop. TJ is a border town and I think it is important to be careful and safe. I have seen posts that say they have walked from the clinic to the border and other people saying they go shopping, I wouldn't do it alone. NOT trying to scare you, do want you to be safe. That said, I also will add my husband and I are headed wayyyyyy south of the border to a wonderful town Bucerious which is on the coast near PV. I love mexico, I love the people, actually trying to get my husband to consider retirement down south. TJ is a border town and extra care needs to be taken. Military brat here, paid attention to what my dad said about being in other countries.


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