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Haven't been on in awhile...soooo

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Hello all fellow and future bandsters!

I haven't been on in a really long time. Been reading some of the posts and alot of them bring back memories of before I was banded and was still in the researching and nervousness mode. ;) It is so exciting to me when I see people posting about their upcoming surgeries and what I felt during that time. It was so exciting and such a great experience!

Well, I meant to post alot sooner, but didn't and probably should have to warn others about one of the causes of PB'ing that I didn't even realize. I have only had one fill and meant to have another before the holidays, but financially wasn't able to. I was at a plateau, but it didn't bother me too much. Yes, I ate more than I should, plus since Halloween, became weakened towards junk food. I did get control over that mostly though. Didn't gain....until I had knee surgery on 12/13/07. Couldn't do much of anything, so whatever I ate didn't get exercised out. Only gained a total of 6 lbs though, so that is good I guess.

So now on the PB episode. I swore to myself that I would never or have or ever wanted to PB EVER! Didn't think I would until one day I decided to lay partly sitting up in my bed to elevate and ice my knee and watch tv. Didn't have much of an appetite and didn't eat much that day either. But while laying there I got really hungry and asked my brother to make me a pb&j sandwich. Yes, I have always been able to eat bread. I know, not a good thing, but usually it is whole wheat and toasted. Well, we all know what happens when we are very hungry and eat fast and don't chew very well. I thought I was chewing enough, but eating and swallowing too fast or I had alot of restriction semi-sitting up. My mouth started to water and I didn't think much about it, but then things were starting to move really slow and feeling like they(bites) were getting stuck. The watering in my mouth was intensifying and then I knew what was happening. I was PBing bad. So, I threw the sandwich aside and sat up as fast as I could. I went into the kitchen and walked around and flapped my arms and did whatever weird things I could, in between spitting into the garbage, to make it stop. I never threw up, so I was so relieved about that. whew!

That was a big time scare for me. I never want that to happen ever again. I am almost afraid of getting another fill, but I know it's a must if I want to continue to lose weight. I have a long way to go yet. :)

Happy New Year everyone!



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Hello all fellow and future bandsters!

I haven't been on in a really long time. Been reading some of the posts and alot of them bring back memories of before I was banded and was still in the researching and nervousness mode. ;) It is so exciting to me when I see people posting about their upcoming surgeries and what I felt during that time. It was so exciting and such a great experience!

Well, I meant to post alot sooner, but didn't and probably should have to warn others about one of the causes of PB'ing that I didn't even realize. I have only had one fill and meant to have another before the holidays, but financially wasn't able to. I was at a plateau, but it didn't bother me too much. Yes, I ate more than I should, plus since Halloween, became weakened towards junk food. I did get control over that mostly though. Didn't gain....until I had knee surgery on 12/13/07. Couldn't do much of anything, so whatever I ate didn't get exercised out. Only gained a total of 6 lbs though, so that is good I guess.

So now on the PB episode. I swore to myself that I would never or have or ever wanted to PB EVER! Didn't think I would until one day I decided to lay partly sitting up in my bed to elevate and ice my knee and watch tv. Didn't have much of an appetite and didn't eat much that day either. But while laying there I got really hungry and asked my brother to make me a pb&j sandwich. Yes, I have always been able to eat bread. I know, not a good thing, but usually it is whole wheat and toasted. Well, we all know what happens when we are very hungry and eat fast and don't chew very well. I thought I was chewing enough, but eating and swallowing too fast or I had alot of restriction semi-sitting up. My mouth started to water and I didn't think much about it, but then things were starting to move really slow and feeling like they(bites) were getting stuck. The watering in my mouth was intensifying and then I knew what was happening. I was PBing bad. So, I threw the sandwich aside and sat up as fast as I could. I went into the kitchen and walked around and flapped my arms and did whatever weird things I could, in between spitting into the garbage, to make it stop. I never threw up, so I was so relieved about that. whew!

That was a big time scare for me. I never want that to happen ever again. I am almost afraid of getting another fill, but I know it's a must if I want to continue to lose weight. I have a long way to go yet. :)

Happy New Year everyone!




I know the feeling! I can't tolerate bread at all and am still learning the do's and don't's. Everytime I try to eat any type of bread, pasta, or rice I start to PB...hate that feeling. I am having some problems trying to eat too fast and not chewing properly from so many years of bad habits and end up in trouble (PB ing). I am still new at the game, was banded on Dec 7th and go for my first fill on Jan 17th. Can eat anything else with no probs. Any suggestions out there for slowing down...bought baby spoons, small plate, cutting up pieces micro sized, but still forget and slam things down sometimes!


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I know the feeling! I can't tolerate bread at all and am still learning the do's and don't's. Everytime I try to eat any type of bread, pasta, or rice I start to PB...hate that feeling. I am having some problems trying to eat too fast and not chewing properly from so many years of bad habits and end up in trouble (PB ing). I am still new at the game, was banded on Dec 7th and go for my first fill on Jan 17th. Can eat anything else with no probs. Any suggestions out there for slowing down...bought baby spoons, small plate, cutting up pieces micro sized, but still forget and slam things down sometimes!


Hi Donna,

Congrats on your recent banding! The only thing I can suggest is remember what it feels like to PB and tell yourself you absolutely hate and don't want that feeling ever anymore. Don't wait until you are so hungry that you will eat too fast and swallow food too fast. That has happened to me, but I always have tried to take my time(except that one time with a sandwich no less), to eat small bites and chew and chew to mush or goo. I am usually really good at it, but I think that one time it was because I was semi lying down and that was a really big no-no. Like I said I have no problems eating bread, etc., but I have only had the one fill and soon will have another...then the eating challenge is on again! LOL If I have rice, which is rare anymore, I usually try to make it watery or mushy, but if it isn't, I chew and chew and take small bites. I can usually eat a good size plate of food now, but even though I don't think I am full, I leave a portion of my plate and push it away. Don't want to overdo and usually my hunger gets satisfied once the food I ate gets to my pouch(little stomach), and I feel good enough.

A bad habit I have gotten into which needs to STOP NOW, is eating cookies and little bad snacks, but I am getting control over them since the holidays are over. ;)

Take care and good luck on your weight loss journey.



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ever since I was a kid I loved to snack while lying in bed reading. Well, that's over and done with. I cannot eat lying down without ending up bending over the toilet. I wish I were as unacquainted with pbing as you are! I am still learning what does it, but generally it's eating too fast, eating the wrong stuff (untoasted bread) and eating lying down. Sounds like you combined all three causes at once!

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