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im fourteen years old. my name is krystal. im verymuch overweight. i weigh about 267 pounds. i wanted to know what i would have to do [(follow)] inorder to get the LAP-BAND-SURGERY done on myself. what are the risks. i have type two diabetes as well. i have tried excersing but that doesnt work. please reply.

xoxoxoxox myself =)

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It's great that you are thinking about this. You need to talk to your parents and find out if insurance will cover it and if not, find out if they are willing or able to make the investment in the surgery. There are a lot of places to get information as I'm sure you've found since you found this forum. Start by talking to your parents and good luck.

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im fourteen years old. my name is krystal. im verymuch overweight. i weigh about 267 pounds. i wanted to know what i would have to do [(follow)] inorder to get the LAP-BAND-SURGERY done on myself. what are the risks. i have type two diabetes as well. i have tried excersing but that doesnt work. please reply.

xoxoxoxox myself =)

You definately need to talk to your parents. I would have loved to had this done when I was 15. I wa 32 when I had it and I feel better today than I have in 20 years. When I had surgery 7/10/07 I had a 15 year old girl their having it done at the same time as me. I had Dr. Ortiz as a doctor. Mexico was the best thing I have ever done it was clean and very professional. You do have to be commited to the diet and plan this for life. I hope your parents have open minds and think obout this. I would get Dr. Ortiz's book it has tons of information so they can learn about the surgery more. Good Luck!!! Any question e-mail me. Life is hard enough as a teenage but weight can make it even harder. I still deal with my past...


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You definately need to talk to your parents. I would have loved to had this done when I was 15. I wa 32 when I had it and I feel better today than I have in 20 years. When I had surgery 7/10/07 I had a 15 year old girl their having it done at the same time as me. I had Dr. Ortiz as a doctor. Mexico was the best thing I have ever done it was clean and very professional. You do have to be commited to the diet and plan this for life. I hope your parents have open minds and think obout this. I would get Dr. Ortiz's book it has tons of information so they can learn about the surgery more. Good Luck!!! Any question e-mail me. Life is hard enough as a teenage but weight can make it even harder. I still deal with my past...



The thing you have to realize--the thing everyone needs to realize-- is that the band won't do it all by itself. It's at least 50% you, maybe more, that determines whether you are successful or not. I have friends and family who were banded and they didn't lose weight at all. You have to commit to a life where you are very aware of every bite you eat.

This doesn't mean I think you are too young; there are plenty of people a lot older than you who couldn't understand what they needed to do or just couldn't do it. The band gives you that extra push to eat well and eat less, but you can work around it and abuse it if you don't commit to doing it right.

That said, I would have loved to have this opportunity to change my life when I was your age. Hope you have family and doctors who can talk to you about this and help you decide what is best for you. Good luck!

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