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I found out that my insurance will not cover the surgery!! :( And I don't have the extra money to just pay for it. :((

What else can I do? Does anyone know if there is anything else I can do? This really upsets me so bad! I'm sick of being fat!! :(

Sorry to hear that! Don't be upset. The same happened to me...even when I was researching other options. But, when I found Dr. Ortiz & they quoted me I was ecstatic! It's alot when you have to pay it all upfront, but I made it work. You can also try to get funded through some of the finance companies, but as far as I know, they charge an extra couple grand plus the APR. Some people can't afford that kind of extra payment (like another car payment), but it is well worth it. I decided my health is worth more than the money. So, give it some thought...or even wait a little while until you have it. It will be the best investment you ever made.

A plus to being banded is that obviously your eating habits naturally have to change. I used to eat once, maybe twice a day, but I'd spend like $7-$9 per meal at McDonalds (I've been on the Adkins diet since Nov) for some chicken breasts & double cheeseburgers. Now, I spend maybe $2 on a can of broth per day because that's about all I can consume now.So, the way I look at it...I'm making back the money I spent by not spending it at fast food places anymore. $5 - $10 saved per day is up to $300/mo I can use on paying back the $ I owe for the surgery. It's not going to last when I am able to eat solid foods again, but I still won't be spending that much because I won't be eating out as often.

Just a few things to consider.

Good luck!

Malama pono,


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I found out that my insurance will not cover the surgery!! :( And I don't have the extra money to just pay for it. :((

What else can I do? Does anyone know if there is anything else I can do? This really upsets me so bad! I'm sick of being fat!! :(

Have your requested it and it's been denied? Do you have any of the co-morbidities? You may have to see your Primary care Dr to get these documented. If you do, you should be able to submit an appeal along with your medical records, find out what hurdles you may have to go through to get them to pay, just cuz your insurance book says it's not a covered benefit, you can submit an appeal to the medical director of your insurance.. it's worth a shot! Good Luck

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I found out that my insurance will not cover the surgery!! :( And I don't have the extra money to just pay for it. :((

What else can I do? Does anyone know if there is anything else I can do? This really upsets me so bad! I'm sick of being fat!! :(

I'm going to tell you this on a whim.. but have you considered looking into participating in a "study"? Look around.. there is a drug company called allergan that is conducting a study on people with a BMI of 30-40 to see if the lap band will be as effective as in persons with a BMI 40+. Do some research, I know they're out there because my husband and I are part of one! Good luck to you!

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I'm going to tell you this on a whim.. but have you considered looking into participating in a "study"? Look around.. there is a drug company called allergan that is conducting a study on people with a BMI of 30-40 to see if the lap band will be as effective as in persons with a BMI 40+. Do some research, I know they're out there because my husband and I are part of one! Good luck to you!

A quick note: Allergan is the parent company of Inamed. Inamed is one the companies that manufactures lap bands. Last time I heard, Dr. Ortiz uses Inamed lap bands.

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Hi there,

I know exactly how you feel. I went with having the surgery financed by Citerra Financial which is one of the companies Dr. Ortiz works with. I had them finance $10,000 which covered all my travel expenses and the surgery. The payments are about 280.00 per month and it was definitely worth it. Maybe you could look into that....

Hope this helps.


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