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I am beside myself!! I just got approved for my lap band Yay!

I went for my initial consultation in December, My insurance initially required that I join a fitness club, have a medically supervised diet and meet with a nutritionist for 6 months before they would even consider approving the procedure. So I took out a $2000 loan because my insurance doesn't cover that and started on my 6 month journey! Only to find out three weeks in that my insurance no longer requires that!!! So... I'm out $2000 BUT I didn't have to wait so I was happy anyway!

My next hurdle was getting my letter of Medical Necessity.. My Primary Dr's office didn't have a clue about how this needed to be done, so I wrote my own letter of Medical Necessity, looked up diagnosis codes for each of my co-morbidities and took it to her so all my Dr had to do was put it on her letterhead and sign it! Yay! That was the best thing I could have done, it saved so much time and my Dr wanted to hire me to work for her! haha. I only had to wait 10 days to hear and now I'm scheduled for my Preop visit on February 4th and hopefully surgery soon after!! Woo Hoo!

Thank you GOD!

And thanks for reading fellow bandsters! ><'

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I'm paying myself, and will be banded on Feb 15th! I'm so excited - just counting down the days!



I paid for mine as well. It's been only a week since my surgery...but I remember when I called Carolyn on 1/7...I could not wait either!

You are going to have a good time. And the people you meet when you are there...like other bandsters waiting to be banded...are awesome!

Good luck & enjoy yourselves!

Malama pono,


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