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Anyone here have PCOS and been banded?

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Hi there!

I'm just wonderng if anyone here that has been banded has/had PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)? Or do you know anyone?

If so, I'm wondering what affect the lap-banding and subsequent weight loss had on your PCOS. Did it help it? Make it worse? Have no affect? Fix some PCOS symptoms and not others?

I'm a PCOS sufferer. Also strongly suspect insulin resistance, but have not been formally diagnosed with that......yet. My PCOS comes complete with every single symptom on the list, plus obstructive sleep apnea, blood pressure that is creeping up a little bit higher every time, and diabetes, cancer, and hypertension runs on boths side of boths sides of my family.

(man, when my family does something, they do it all the way!)

I'm curious to see what results other ladies have had after being banded.

Thanks in advance!


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Hi Im new just joined today . My name is Mindy , I have had PCOS since as long as i can remember .

I am also insulin resistant .

I had my surgery in July and I am down 64 pds. I was very scared at first , my thought was " PCOS has kept me from loosing the weight up until now what makes me think this surgery will work " But it has and very well . I also have sleep apnea , which i suspect is nearly gone by now though .

I was 140 pds 9 yrs ago and asked my doc if my PCOS symtoms would get better after weight loss. Her response to me was " I dunno were PCOS Symptoms WORSE Or BETTER when you were thin" My response was " Better" She said " Then they will get better i suspect " Which i think she's right. After i thought about it. The heavier i got the worse my symptoms got ! So the surgery does help in my opinoin .



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Hi Im new just joined today . My name is Mindy , I have had PCOS since as long as i can remember .

I am also insulin resistant .

I had my surgery in July and I am down 64 pds. I was very scared at first , my thought was " PCOS has kept me from loosing the weight up until now what makes me think this surgery will work " But it has and very well . I also have sleep apnea , which i suspect is nearly gone by now though .

I was 140 pds 9 yrs ago and asked my doc if my PCOS symtoms would get better after weight loss. Her response to me was " I dunno were PCOS Symptoms WORSE Or BETTER when you were thin" My response was " Better" She said " Then they will get better i suspect " Which i think she's right. After i thought about it. The heavier i got the worse my symptoms got ! So the surgery does help in my opinoin .



thanks for your reply Mindy. I suspect that the band can only help the symptoms as the weight comes off. At least, I HOPE so! lol I'm supposed to get my referral tomorrow, as the doctor has been out the past few days. I can't wait to schedule my consultation, and REALLY can't wait to get my band.



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Well yes it does help the symptoms but PCOS is symptomatic, meaning if you have the symptoms you have PCOS . There fore once the symtpoms go away you are not longer "Active" PCOS or have PCOS . When i was 140 pds the only issues i had were not having a period and Dark facial hair on my upper lip , and all i had to do for that was bleach it .

Since the week after i had surgery i have had a period every month since then . Although because i have chronic migraines that get worse around my TOM I would do with out the periods ! So my doc told me that I should expect to "go back " minimal if any facial hair. As i got heavier my facial hair got MUCH MUCH Worse , each child i had ( I have 2 ) my facial hair and wight got worse ! .

My BIGGEST issue was my weight, carrying it around my waist not being able to loose it.

So as the weight comes off the symptoms dissipate and you may not longer have PCOS .

One of the "Issues" in the seminiar i went to for my lap band that was addressed that the band helps was PCOS If i remember right It may have been a co morbidity

if it was not a co morbidity it was a complication of obesity .



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Well yes it does help the symptoms but PCOS is symptomatic, meaning if you have the symptoms you have PCOS . There fore once the symtpoms go away you are not longer "Active" PCOS or have PCOS . When i was 140 pds the only issues i had were not having a period and Dark facial hair on my upper lip , and all i had to do for that was bleach it .

Since the week after i had surgery i have had a period every month since then . Although because i have chronic migraines that get worse around my TOM I would do with out the periods ! So my doc told me that I should expect to "go back " minimal if any facial hair. As i got heavier my facial hair got MUCH MUCH Worse , each child i had ( I have 2 ) my facial hair and wight got worse ! .

My BIGGEST issue was my weight, carrying it around my waist not being able to loose it.

So as the weight comes off the symptoms dissipate and you may not longer have PCOS .

One of the "Issues" in the seminiar i went to for my lap band that was addressed that the band helps was PCOS If i remember right It may have been a co morbidity

if it was not a co morbidity it was a complication of obesity .



I think the general concensis is that pcos is a complication of obesity. But it causes problems that can kill you, so I hope that they change the category it falls into.

I'm really looking forward to losing weight and watching my symptoms go away. Even if they never leave entirely, I'll be happy with a reduction in them. I'm not expecting miracles. As far as the weight, I would be happy to be in a healthy state, and not really concerned about being "skinny". I don't have the frame to be skinny without looking emaciated and I like some curves, but I personally think curvy and overweight are two very different things. Right now I'm the classic apple shape (huge throughout the shoulders, chest and abdomen, with smaller hips and legs.) Very unhealthy, and to be honest, unattractive. I feel like a stack of tires on legs! lol

I had a period in December, the first one I've had since Apr/May of 2007. Whenever I get them I'm always relieved. I have a fear of the buildup of endometrial tissue causing uterine cancer or something! I don't get any pms,I guess I'm lucky, except for some cramping, but I think that is because my body has to work so hard to get rid of the lining for being there so long.(??)

Just being in the "normal" range on weight and female bodily function is my main goal. the rest is icing on the cake!


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