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I can't talk about Gastric bypass,, I can talk about Lap Banding. Almost a year ago I choose to be Lap Banded. It was the smartest thing I had ever done. If a person is concidering WLS,, Do your homework and you'll see that the Lap band is the smartest choice. Its minimally invasive,, it can be reversed,,, very, very low complication list, etc. Its a tool and it works. You'll eat less and loose weight. The Obesity Control Center in Tijuana is rated one of the worlds best. It's surgery team of Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez have strived to be the best in the world of Lap Banding. You got to remember,, the power of the Internet will educate and inform the world where you can get the best medical treatment and where not to go. The young lady on Oprah's show, named Cassie, was ahead of her time,,, she didn't wait for her health to deteriorate. She took charge of her problem and did something about it. If this option would have been available when I was a 300 pound high school student, my whole life would have been different. Instead,, I had to wait till I was 54 years old and finally do the smart thing about my weight. I fought my weight all my life. I just wish I would have done it 5 years ago when it became FDA approved. I'm have went from 295lbs to 210lbs in less than a year. I can't remember when I weighed in at 210,, maybe grade school??? I still have a little more to go,,, but I'm now looking at plastic surgery, aka,, a lower body lift. Oprahs show was showing the options obese people, young or old, have today. Dr. Oz should have done his homework,, he was showing his lack of knowledge when it came to the lap band. Those of us that have been lap banded saw his ignorance.. Cassie presented herself as a young lady that was educated in making a good decision.. Cassie ROCKS!

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WOW , Thank you ,


(Cassies Mom)

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:lol: Ive been thinking about lap band surgery for about 2 years now...and it just so happened that I got home early the other day and got a chance to turn on Oprah.... Seeing Cassie and her mom really made me realize that I need to do this. I have gone through my life for the past 10 years just wanting so badly to be thin. I am so exicted to actually LIVE and not let food rule my life.

Going through the insurance approval for the lap banding is such a stressful and time consuming task, I started to give up hope. Then seeing Oprah and Cassie talking about going to Mexico, I knew that was my only hope. My surgery date is set for Feb 27th, I CANT WAIT! I am 21 and i know I still have my whole life to live, and Im so looking forward to it.

My mom and I have been a bit skeptical about going to Mexico, and paying for the surgery in full on the credit card, but seeing all of these people going to Dr. Ortiz really puts me at ease. Ive been having nightmares that Im going to get to San Diego and no one will be there to pick me up!!

I really look forward to this journey, if anyone has any advice- Id love to hear it!

Thank you to Cassie and her mom for getting me going. If it werent for her, I would still be battleing the insurance company.

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:lol: Ive been thinking about lap band surgery for about 2 years now...and it just so happened that I got home early the other day and got a chance to turn on Oprah.... Seeing Cassie and her mom really made me realize that I need to do this. I have gone through my life for the past 10 years just wanting so badly to be thin. I am so exicted to actually LIVE and not let food rule my life.

Going through the insurance approval for the lap banding is such a stressful and time consuming task, I started to give up hope. Then seeing Oprah and Cassie talking about going to Mexico, I knew that was my only hope. My surgery date is set for Feb 27th, I CANT WAIT! I am 21 and i know I still have my whole life to live, and Im so looking forward to it.

My mom and I have been a bit skeptical about going to Mexico, and paying for the surgery in full on the credit card, but seeing all of these people going to Dr. Ortiz really puts me at ease. Ive been having nightmares that Im going to get to San Diego and no one will be there to pick me up!!

I really look forward to this journey, if anyone has any advice- Id love to hear it!

Thank you to Cassie and her mom for getting me going. If it werent for her, I would still be battleing the insurance company.

Everyone goes through this feeling of anxiety,, The OCC strives to be the best in the Lapband field. How many bad posts have you seen concerning the OCC? The OCC has a reputation too maintain,,, Relax,,, Your in good hands.
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:lol: Ive been thinking about lap band surgery for about 2 years now...and it just so happened that I got home early the other day and got a chance to turn on Oprah.... Seeing Cassie and her mom really made me realize that I need to do this. I have gone through my life for the past 10 years just wanting so badly to be thin. I am so exicted to actually LIVE and not let food rule my life.

Going through the insurance approval for the lap banding is such a stressful and time consuming task, I started to give up hope. Then seeing Oprah and Cassie talking about going to Mexico, I knew that was my only hope. My surgery date is set for Feb 27th, I CANT WAIT! I am 21 and i know I still have my whole life to live, and Im so looking forward to it.

My mom and I have been a bit skeptical about going to Mexico, and paying for the surgery in full on the credit card, but seeing all of these people going to Dr. Ortiz really puts me at ease. Ive been having nightmares that Im going to get to San Diego and no one will be there to pick me up!!

I really look forward to this journey, if anyone has any advice- Id love to hear it!

Thank you to Cassie and her mom for getting me going. If it werent for her, I would still be battleing the insurance company.

Hi Mackenzie,

Everyone whom I have spoken with, irregardless of who their surgeon was, said it's the best thing they have done for themselves. Dr Ortiz and Dr Martinez have worked hard for the reputation they currently have and have done numerous successful surgeries. I have chose Dr. Ortiz for lots of different reasons. Am I scared? Am I nervous? Yes, I would be lying if I said I am not - but I know I am in good hands.

I am getting band on Feb 27th, too. I am just counting down the days!

I look forward to meeting you as a band buddy!



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Hi Mackenzie,

Everyone whom I have spoken with, irregardless of who their surgeon was, said it's the best thing they have done for themselves. Dr Ortiz and Dr Martinez have worked hard for the reputation they currently have and have done numerous successful surgeries. I have chose Dr. Ortiz for lots of different reasons. Am I scared? Am I nervous? Yes, I would be lying if I said I am not - but I know I am in good hands.

I am getting band on Feb 27th, too. I am just counting down the days!

I look forward to meeting you as a band buddy!




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