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Hello, this is my first post, sorry, second post, I have been watching the forum for a long time now. I have just faxed my information, I DID IT! AND, I REGISTERED ON HERE, WOW, TWO BIG STEPS!! My surgery is set for the 28th also of this month. Only thing I have left is to get my airline tickets, does anyone have any recommendations on where to get the best deal? Really look forward to meeting everyone! My husband is going along with me even though he is totally against it, but I guess he is supporting me, he is going.

Any suggestions on the pre op diet, I think I need to start it this Thursday, how much weight are you suppose to lose? I am 215 lbs, I was thinking Lori told me 10 lbs, I need to go back and check that. I have gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks just reading the forum and deeply knowing I was going to do this with or without my husbands support, I know, bad girl. Every time I eat, I have this sick thought that it may be the last time I eat whatever it may be.

Does anyone smoke that had the lapband, that is another thing I keep thinking about, quiting 2 weeks before the surgery, doing that, and dieting is going to be hard I think. Another thing I think is going to be hard is occasionally my husband and I will go and do something once a week, we may have a few drinks of alcohol, you know playing cards without a beer is going to be hard, how long before and after can you not drink light beer?

Just a few silly questions I know. I know this is a lifetime commitment, and I really have to want it to make it work, just looking for advice.

I am nervous, excited, and in fear I will not succeed at this, even though I want it really bad!

Thanks in advance for all information! Look forward to talking with everyone.

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Hello, this is my first post, sorry, second post, I have been watching the forum for a long time now. I have just faxed my information, I DID IT! AND, I REGISTERED ON HERE, WOW, TWO BIG STEPS!! My surgery is set for the 28th also of this month. Only thing I have left is to get my airline tickets, does anyone have any recommendations on where to get the best deal? Really look forward to meeting everyone! My husband is going along with me even though he is totally against it, but I guess he is supporting me, he is going.

Any suggestions on the pre op diet, I think I need to start it this Thursday, how much weight are you suppose to lose? I am 215 lbs, I was thinking Lori told me 10 lbs, I need to go back and check that. I have gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks just reading the forum and deeply knowing I was going to do this with or without my husbands support, I know, bad girl. Every time I eat, I have this sick thought that it may be the last time I eat whatever it may be.

Does anyone smoke that had the lapband, that is another thing I keep thinking about, quiting 2 weeks before the surgery, doing that, and dieting is going to be hard I think. Another thing I think is going to be hard is occasionally my husband and I will go and do something once a week, we may have a few drinks of alcohol, you know playing cards without a beer is going to be hard, how long before and after can you not drink light beer?

Just a few silly questions I know. I know this is a lifetime commitment, and I really have to want it to make it work, just looking for advice.

I am nervous, excited, and in fear I will not succeed at this, even though I want it really bad!

Thanks in advance for all information! Look forward to talking with everyone.

You didn't say what part of the country you live in. I'm a big fan of Southwest airlines and their airfare saver program called "DING". I doubt that you could save with their "DING" program on such short notice, it usually runs deals 6 weeks in advance. I'd try "ORBITZ" too. Good luck with your new journey with the band. Everyone gets nervous,, your in good hands at the OCC.
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Hello, this is my first post, sorry, second post, I have been watching the forum for a long time now. I have just faxed my information, I DID IT! AND, I REGISTERED ON HERE, WOW, TWO BIG STEPS!! My surgery is set for the 28th also of this month. Only thing I have left is to get my airline tickets, does anyone have any recommendations on where to get the best deal? Really look forward to meeting everyone! My husband is going along with me even though he is totally against it, but I guess he is supporting me, he is going.

Any suggestions on the pre op diet, I think I need to start it this Thursday, how much weight are you suppose to lose? I am 215 lbs, I was thinking Lori told me 10 lbs, I need to go back and check that. I have gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks just reading the forum and deeply knowing I was going to do this with or without my husbands support, I know, bad girl. Every time I eat, I have this sick thought that it may be the last time I eat whatever it may be.

Does anyone smoke that had the lapband, that is another thing I keep thinking about, quiting 2 weeks before the surgery, doing that, and dieting is going to be hard I think. Another thing I think is going to be hard is occasionally my husband and I will go and do something once a week, we may have a few drinks of alcohol, you know playing cards without a beer is going to be hard, how long before and after can you not drink light beer?

Just a few silly questions I know. I know this is a lifetime commitment, and I really have to want it to make it work, just looking for advice.

I am nervous, excited, and in fear I will not succeed at this, even though I want it really bad!

Thanks in advance for all information! Look forward to talking with everyone.


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Hello, this is my first post, sorry, second post, I have been watching the forum for a long time now. I have just faxed my information, I DID IT! AND, I REGISTERED ON HERE, WOW, TWO BIG STEPS!! My surgery is set for the 28th also of this month. Only thing I have left is to get my airline tickets, does anyone have any recommendations on where to get the best deal? Really look forward to meeting everyone! My husband is going along with me even though he is totally against it, but I guess he is supporting me, he is going.

Any suggestions on the pre op diet, I think I need to start it this Thursday, how much weight are you suppose to lose? I am 215 lbs, I was thinking Lori told me 10 lbs, I need to go back and check that. I have gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks just reading the forum and deeply knowing I was going to do this with or without my husbands support, I know, bad girl. Every time I eat, I have this sick thought that it may be the last time I eat whatever it may be.

Does anyone smoke that had the lapband, that is another thing I keep thinking about, quiting 2 weeks before the surgery, doing that, and dieting is going to be hard I think. Another thing I think is going to be hard is occasionally my husband and I will go and do something once a week, we may have a few drinks of alcohol, you know playing cards without a beer is going to be hard, how long before and after can you not drink light beer?

Just a few silly questions I know. I know this is a lifetime commitment, and I really have to want it to make it work, just looking for advice.

I am nervous, excited, and in fear I will not succeed at this, even though I want it really bad!

Thanks in advance for all information! Look forward to talking with everyone.


We have the same date for surgery. Let's keep in touch for support. I'll be leaving on the 27th of Feb. so we'll see each other for sure. I'll seek you out at the hotel or the center if you don't find me first. Don't know about the light beer drinking... but from what I've read, when your into solid foods... you probably could drink beer. I'm sure someone will know for sure here or ask Dr. Ortiz for sure.

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Hello Wagal, look forward to seeing you, my name is Lisa. So are you really nervous about all of this? I am nervous but so ready to get it over with and start losing all this weight. We have a vacation in August, we go canoeing, horseback riding, and swimming. I am wanting to be able to buy a really cute suite for that and look good in it, and a cute little riding outfit. I have a ways to go, I weigh 210 now, hoping to be down to 140 by then, I know that is kind of unrealistic, but it will give me something to work towards. How is the pre op diet going for you? I am making it barely, the quit smoking, quit eating, and no alcohol is a lot for my body to take on, actually, it is very stressful, I just keep thinking of the light at the end of the tunnel. On the weekends we usually pick a night to go out with friends, this last weekend I told my husband that we better stay home, the thought of being around others, eating, drinking, and smoking didn't sound like it would be good for my willpower, being that I am feeling a little weak. I have been doing fat free pudding, or slimfast, or 140 calorie eclair bar for breakfast, then for lunch I either do a plain lettuce salad w/ 3 spritz of fat free dressing on it, or slim fast, or can of chicken noodle, or I won't eat if I plan on eating with the family. Then for supper, if I eat whatever I make for the family, I do 50 crunches on the ab lounger and either run up and down the stairs 6-8 times or take a 20 minute walk. But if I don't eat with them, I eat a lean cuisine, I bought a variety of them. I have been terrible on my liquid intake, I bought some 0 calorie fatfree lemonade, I love it, but am only managing to get 2-3 glasses of it down, I do get one bottle of water down. But I know I need to at least get 65-70 ounzes down me. I started at 215 last Thursday, I am 211 now, it seems like it should be coming off quicker, I don't eat anything compared to what I was eating! Let me know how you are doing with the pre op please, any suggestions or advice would be great.

Anyone else going the 28th?

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Hello, this is my first post, sorry, second post, I have been watching the forum for a long time now. I have just faxed my information, I DID IT! AND, I REGISTERED ON HERE, WOW, TWO BIG STEPS!! My surgery is set for the 28th also of this month. Only thing I have left is to get my airline tickets, does anyone have any recommendations on where to get the best deal? Really look forward to meeting everyone! My husband is going along with me even though he is totally against it, but I guess he is supporting me, he is going.

Any suggestions on the pre op diet, I think I need to start it this Thursday, how much weight are you suppose to lose? I am 215 lbs, I was thinking Lori told me 10 lbs, I need to go back and check that. I have gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks just reading the forum and deeply knowing I was going to do this with or without my husbands support, I know, bad girl. Every time I eat, I have this sick thought that it may be the last time I eat whatever it may be.

Does anyone smoke that had the lapband, that is another thing I keep thinking about, quiting 2 weeks before the surgery, doing that, and dieting is going to be hard I think. Another thing I think is going to be hard is occasionally my husband and I will go and do something once a week, we may have a few drinks of alcohol, you know playing cards without a beer is going to be hard, how long before and after can you not drink light beer?

Just a few silly questions I know. I know this is a lifetime commitment, and I really have to want it to make it work, just looking for advice.

I am nervous, excited, and in fear I will not succeed at this, even though I want it really bad!

Thanks in advance for all information! Look forward to talking with everyone.

I use http://www.momondo.com/ website....I have found it to beat all the other sites...once I find the best airline/fare etc, then I call the airline direct to see if they have a better price...they have always been the same or beat the internet price. I like booking directly with airlines, just in case there is a problem at airport...if a third party is involved it can be a problem...I went through this one using expedia rather than directly booking with Delta. Where are you flying in from? Good Luck

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Hello, this is my first post, sorry, second post, I have been watching the forum for a long time now. I have just faxed my information, I DID IT! AND, I REGISTERED ON HERE, WOW, TWO BIG STEPS!! My surgery is set for the 28th also of this month. Only thing I have left is to get my airline tickets, does anyone have any recommendations on where to get the best deal? Really look forward to meeting everyone! My husband is going along with me even though he is totally against it, but I guess he is supporting me, he is going.

Any suggestions on the pre op diet, I think I need to start it this Thursday, how much weight are you suppose to lose? I am 215 lbs, I was thinking Lori told me 10 lbs, I need to go back and check that. I have gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks just reading the forum and deeply knowing I was going to do this with or without my husbands support, I know, bad girl. Every time I eat, I have this sick thought that it may be the last time I eat whatever it may be.

Does anyone smoke that had the lapband, that is another thing I keep thinking about, quiting 2 weeks before the surgery, doing that, and dieting is going to be hard I think. Another thing I think is going to be hard is occasionally my husband and I will go and do something once a week, we may have a few drinks of alcohol, you know playing cards without a beer is going to be hard, how long before and after can you not drink light beer?

Just a few silly questions I know. I know this is a lifetime commitment, and I really have to want it to make it work, just looking for advice.

I am nervous, excited, and in fear I will not succeed at this, even though I want it really bad!

Thanks in advance for all information! Look forward to talking with everyone.

hi there, i too just faxed and paid my deposit! i am scared to death and i am going at it alone as we have 2 small children and my husband needs to stay home with them! we live in california, so the trip isn't far but i am so scared. i am supposed to leave on sunday for surgery on monday the 25th, but i think lori is moving me to the 27th since the financing company can not get the check to them on time! i just wanted to say that someone out there shares your fear!! :o) and excitement! i hope to get down there next week...i won't know until tomorrow when lori is back in the office. best, best of luck to you!

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