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scar creams

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If you are concerned about scars, rubbing a little Vitamin E oil helps a lot. I fell in Greece 2 years ago and scraped my knee up horribly. I should have gotten stitches, but they're hospitals close at 2pm and you can only get stitches within the first 24 hours. it scarred up pretty badly, but after applying the Vitamin E oil on it consistently, it's now smooth and faint looking. You can get it at Walgreens or CVS.

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Hi Nicole,

I have had awesome results from using vitamin E - get the capsules, poke a hole in it and rub the oil on - don't buy the vit e cream....I had nasty scar from appendectomy and the vit E did an amazing job of healing and reducing it! After seeing my friends tiny dots since her banding last sept, I am not too concerned.

Good Luck!

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