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Lost Lap-Band, Looking at having another put in

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Dr. Ortiz had put in my lap-band in over 4 years ago and I lost 100 pounds but had complications all the time I was loosing weight and was Pving all the time. I suspect this was due to being over filled a few times in the beginning which started a cronic case of pving. Additionally, when I had my band put in there were no fill centers where I lived therefore I did not make it back to his office in TJ for as many adjustments as I should of. Dr. Ortiz had to take my lap band a year ago. I am eating right, excercising regularly but my weight has crept back up and I have gained 40 pounds back. I am not considering having another lapband or some thing put back in. Has any one on these boards had a simliar experience and if so did you have Dr. Ortiz do the revision surgery and were you happy? Thanks Kelley Howard-Phx, AZ

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