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Fill Centers

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I did want to mention that I just got off the phone with USA fill center and was quite surprised at the information given. I didn't know the cost of a fill as well as consults. No one really mentioned this. Lori did tell me that I would need to get in touch with a fill center of course but I didn't know that this would cost me initially $349 for the first consult with a fill then $240 for each fill thereafter/under fluro as well as any additional consult would cost $85!!!!!! I am having to pull from my retirement fund to finance the procedure and didn't estimate this extra cost. I really was expecting the cost of a fill to be much less. Has anyone else ran into this? I cann't afford to fly back to Mexico as it is an 8 hour flight from Florida and would mean taking off two days from work not to mention another $400 ticket. Any suggestions out there??? :-? :unsure:

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Fills can be expensive and if someone cant do them because of money/time/geography/laziness then they need to rethink whether or not to get banded as the fills are what makes the band work. Get in touch with a bariatric surgeon in your area for fill referrals. There is money to be saved by shopping around, just make sure you go somewhere reputable as I've heard a few horror stories from people about fill docs who don't fully understand what they are doing or are just outright scam artists. You can save a few bucks by getting a fill done without flouroscopy, however those fills tend to be riskier as you may not get enough or too much of a fill and then run into problems. The last fill I got with flouroscopy cost me around $380.

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Fills can be expensive and if someone cant do them because of money/time/geography/laziness then they need to rethink whether or not to get banded as the fills are what makes the band work. Get in touch with a bariatric surgeon in your area for fill referrals. There is money to be saved by shopping around, just make sure you go somewhere reputable as I've heard a few horror stories from people about fill docs who don't fully understand what they are doing or are just outright scam artists. You can save a few bucks by getting a fill done without flouroscopy, however those fills tend to be riskier as you may not get enough or too much of a fill and then run into problems. The last fill I got with flouroscopy cost me around $380.

Thanks for that advise. I certainly will work it in my budget as I know whats at the end of the rainbow.... I just think that this part of the journey needs to be out there in the open a little more. Maybe it's just me and I didn't do enough research on that end of the process. I certainly did alot of research on the procedure itself. I know that some docs don't want to touch a patient that they didn't do the procedure on not to mention on one that was done out of the states. I found that out too. I will bite the bullet and work it in. Thanks alot!

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One thing I forgot to mention: My weekly food budget went from around $130 pre-surgery to about $60 post surgery. Eating less food = buying less groceries = more $$$



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