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A New or Bigger Issue in one's Relationship With Food?

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Hello everyone,

I am in Mexico now and scheduled to be banded 2/21/08. I have read numerous postes and keep getting the impression that I am going to have this huge issue with food like never before!!!! I have read posts of people not clear on what they can eat and what bothers them. I feel that the issue with food will seem to become this "big deal". Do you ever become band free of problems, if I my say???? Please give me some insight on this (smile) Thank u for any and all posts. :-?

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I was banded in Jan '05 and my band slipped and I had it removed Sept '07. I will have a new band put in on March 6th. I am replying to your post because I want to let you know that the biggest thing that I am excited about (besides re-loosing the 35 lbs or so I gained in 6 months) is how I will be able to enjoy food again. As soon as I had the band removed I was hungry all the time. I just starting stuffing my face, not enjoying what I was eating. When I was banded and could only eat a small amount, I ate slowly, only ate food I enjoyed (no low quality crap), and cherished every moment (well at least most of the time!)

From my experience, I pretty much ate whatever I wanted, in small portions, slowly. There were some things that my band didn't like, so I lived without them. Don't worry- you will figure the food out and maybe you will end up liking food even more than you were fat and hungry all the time.


Re-band scheduled for March 6th- Dr. Ortiz

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I was banded on Dec 7 and I have to say that I do enjoy food more as I am taking a lot more time to eat it now! I was so engrossed in stuffing my face before that I didn't really taste anything. I am pretty much forced to slow down and savor the flavors. I also cannot tolerate a lot of foods that are bad for me so I avoid them (breads, pasta, rice). If I do eat them it is in miniscule amounts and very slowly. I have always been a very fast eater and would eat and eat, but now I have to take my time or I end up miserable and PBing which can be a bit embarassing when out with friends. I usually end up taking most of my meals home with me in doggie bags, the kids love the leftovers. I have only had one fill last month of .8 cc, but so far that seems to do the trick. You have a rough road ahead of you though as you have not gotten to eat solids again. I went through a rough time (bandster-hell) until I got my fill. I was so hungry and eating around the band as it was empty. At that point my head was playing tricks on me and thinking that the band failed when it wasn't in working mode yet. Now I am pretty tight in the mornings and can only handle semi-liquids until after noon when I can resume eating normally. This is working well for me. I still struggle sometimes with old habits from the past, but now my body is telling me to STOP OR ELSE! I am losing weight slowly, but steady which is what I desire....I am trying not to get impatient, which is hard because some people lose a lot very quickly, but this is healthy for me.


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I was banded in Jan '05 and my band slipped and I had it removed Sept '07. I will have a new band put in on March 6th. I am replying to your post because I want to let you know that the biggest thing that I am excited about (besides re-loosing the 35 lbs or so I gained in 6 months) is how I will be able to enjoy food again. As soon as I had the band removed I was hungry all the time. I just starting stuffing my face, not enjoying what I was eating. When I was banded and could only eat a small amount, I ate slowly, only ate food I enjoyed (no low quality crap), and cherished every moment (well at least most of the time!)

From my experience, I pretty much ate whatever I wanted, in small portions, slowly. There were some things that my band didn't like, so I lived without them. Don't worry- you will figure the food out and maybe you will end up liking food even more than you were fat and hungry all the time.


Re-band scheduled for March 6th- Dr. Ortiz

Hey I just got my band on Feb.5 and my biggest fear is my band slipping....YOu said yours slipped, what caused it to slip and what were your symptoms.....This is my biggest fear with the band, and I don't know why??

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Hello! I was banded in January of 2007- and I just want to let u know that- as long as u need to lose weight- u will have these issues with food- u have to realize that the restriction and the worry comes from this little band that is saving your life!If u are physically capable of stuffing ur face with whatever u want- it will never work! So YES it will be hard for a couple of years- let me just say that I lost 76 lbs in my first year- AMAZING- and it was not so bad-its hard- but u have to know thatonce u reach an ideal weight for u- u will be able to be a little more free- but the key is to be able to think this way subconsciously- because we have an eating disorder- that is how we get here- no matter the cause - the culpret is us and food! But we will be able to cheat a more than a person with no band- because if we see the wieght coming back on - we can go get a fill!! lol! It will be okay- though... just when u are out eating socially and u dont want it to be obviouse- especially if u are afraid of PBing... be safe and go with Mushy food or soup- just control ur portion and dont make it a habit! I noticed that when I went out to dinner with friends or something I tended not to chew my food as well because u are busy talking and u dont want people to notice how long u need to chew! So be careful with that.... Good luck- and I wish u the best- it has been amazing to me- I am actually able to see the girl I was 5 years ago, somewhere in here, and I know that I will look like that again soon!

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Hey I just got my band on Feb.5 and my biggest fear is my band slipping....YOu said yours slipped, what caused it to slip and what were your symptoms.....This is my biggest fear with the band, and I don't know why??

I was overfilled from my first fill. I was PB'ing every day and just taking that for granted. I then started coughing when I was sleeping, so I got unfilled and stopped coughing. Then I get filled again. and started coughing again. The coughing was from food moving up my esophagus, which I didn't realize was an issue (you would have thought the doctor who I was getting my fills and unfills from would have been concerned, wouldn't you?). Anyway, I started coughing so much at night I couldn't sleep. I ended up at a different doctor, a surgeon, who had me do a barium swallow and told me that my esophagus had stretched to twice the normal size and that I would have to the band removed. I went back down to Dr. Ortiz's office and the endoscope verified and I had it removed.

So, what I learned was 1) PB'ing every day is bad 2) Coughing while sleeping is bad 3) Not having good follow-up care with an experienced professional is bad

Even though it was an ordeal, especially the months on end not sleeping, I know if I do right by my band, it will do right by me.


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