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advice on need for 3rd fill

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I was banded in January of 2007 and have lost a significant amount of weight (76 lbs) but I am at a stand still and have been for about 2 months.. I find my band is really tight in certain parts of the day- and I wont be able to eat unless I eat - get this... about 6-8 flaming hot cheetos! its weird because I will ty to eat beans or mashed potatoes and I will PB- but if I start my lunch with those on my way home from work on my lunch- then by the time I get home I can eat lunch! but other times I can eat things like spaghetti- so I guess my question is... Should I get a fill and just go back to Tomato soup? ( LOL ) the main thing is that I want to lose more weight in 3 months- and I am just not losing it- but sometimes I cant even drink milk... Unfortunately the lady I have to go to up here to get my fill doesnt use the Flouro.. so I wont know for sure how well things are passing through... Any advice is good advice- especially in our Forum!!

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